
  • 网络inventory model;inventory mode
  1. 模糊理论,存货模式,预期价格上涨,不良率。

    Fuzzy sets theory , inventory model , expected price increase , imperfect rate .

  2. 存货模式下最佳现金持有量计算方法的探讨

    On the Calculating Method of the Best Crash Holding Amount Under Inventory Model

  3. 其中有非常好的内容说明预测、存货模式及其他的主题。

    It has good chapters on Forecasting , Inventory Models , and many other topics .

  4. 自19世纪初EOQ模型问世以来,有关存货管理模式经历了1个世纪的发展演变,相继出现了MRP、VMI等新型存货管理模式。

    Ever since EOQ came into being in the early 19th , inventory management has experienced a century of development and evolvement , which develops new management patterns such as MRP and VMI .

  5. 企业存货管理模式比较研究

    A Comparative Study on Inventory Management Models in Enterprises

  6. 运用矩阵分析法研究成都三国公司的供应链存货管理模式

    Use the Matrix Analyzes Method to Research the Supply Chain Stock Management Model for Chengdu MIKUNI

  7. 第三章主要是对供应链金融信用风险的识别进行分析,分别从三个不同的供应链融资模式进行了讲解,即:应收账款模式、存货质押模式、预付账款模式。

    The analysis of how to recognize the financial credit crisis of supply-chain are the core element of chapter three , in this chapter , the explanation of supply-chain financing mode are outlined in three points respectively : receivable mode , inventories pledged mode , prepaid receivables mode .

  8. 苏宁现行的存货管理模式是一种价值链信息化的存货管理模式,也就是存货信息处理数字化,企业的整个存货信息处理系统中包括运输管理,财务管理,设备管理,订单管理及配送管理。

    The recent inventory management model of Suning is an information technology value chain , inventory management , inventory information processing is digital , the entire enterprise information processing systems , including inventory and transportation management , financial management , equipment management , order management and distribution management .

  9. 广钢维修集中管理的探索煤炭企业材料存货集中管理模式下治理问题初探

    Preliminary analysis on govern structure under mode of concentrated inventory management of coal enterprise

  10. 目前,印度的电子商务正在从以存货为基础的模式(电商只售卖储存在他们库房中的产品),转变为市场模式(利用平台将卖家和买家联系起来)。

    At present India is transitioning from what is called an inventory-based model of e-commerce , where e-tailers sell a single product or brand stocked in their warehouse , to a marketplace model where a platform brings buyers and sellers together .

  11. 梅盛才在其著文中对存货管理的四种模式作了介绍及比较,他认为存货管理模式有四种:EOQ模式、MRP模式、JIT模式、VMI模式。

    Mei Sheng cai describes inventory management and comparison of four models was introduced , he thinks there are four types of inventory management models : EOQ model , MRP model , JIT mode , VMI mode .

  12. 只有那些能够解决上述两个基本决策问题的存货管理方法,才可称之为存货管理模式。

    That is , reorder / reproduce point decision . Only those inventory management methods which can answer the two questions can be called inventory management models .

  13. 针对这些问题,通过比较分析各种存货管理方法,对北京桩机的现有存货管理模式提出了改进策略。

    To solve these problems , by comparing the analysis of inventory management method , the Beijing pile driver made available to improve inventory management strategy .

  14. 存货系统研究中,有关产品固定寿命或使用期限之损耗性产品存货模式渐受关注;

    An Integrated inventory model for products experiencing continuous decrease in unit cost is studied in this research .

  15. 另一方面建立存货管理矩阵,利用此矩阵研究供应链伙伴关系和存货性质组合下四个存货管理模式的对应关系及存货管理矩阵的实际运用情形。

    In another side , try to build up the inventory management matrix to probe the corresponding relationship and strategy of four inventory management models under inventory characteristics and supply chain network portfolio .