
cún kuǎn lì lǜ
  • deposit interest rate
  1. 活期存款利率保持不变,仍为0.81%。

    The demand deposit interest rate remains unchanged at 0.81 percent .

  2. 提前支取行为对存款利率定价的影响

    The Effects of Premature Withdrawal on Deposit Interest Rate Pricing

  3. 调高国内存款利率可能会进一步阻碍QDII的发展。

    Higher local deposit rates are likely to stymie the development of QDII further .

  4. Klein的两分离定理和解除存款利率上限的再考察

    Klein 's Rule of " Two Separable Decision " and the Re-study of canceling the Ceiling on Deposit Rates

  5. 在开始调升主要短期基准利率之前,ecb首先会提高存款利率各银行可以根据这一利率将过剩的现金存起来。

    And before the ECB starts raising its main short-term interest rate , it will first raise the deposit rate at which banks can deposit surplus cash .

  6. 阿里巴巴(Alibaba)拟推出港版余额宝。作为阿里巴巴旗下颇受欢迎的中国货币市场基金,余额宝的收益率要高于传统账户的人民币存款利率。

    Alibaba is looking to start a Hong Kong version of its enormously popular Chinese money market fund , which pays higher rates on renminbi deposits than are available on conventional accounts .

  7. 巴克莱(Barclays)预计,提高设定存款利率的自由度,只会使净息差今年平均降低9个基点,但在2013年,净息差将进一步降低40个基点。

    Barclays reckons the greater freedom in setting deposit rates will lower net interest margins by an average of just 9 basis points this year , although by a further 40bp in 2013 .

  8. 运用logit方程转化贷款违约率作为评估银行系统信用风险的指标,通过回归发现利率指标(一年期的贷款利率和存款利率)以及通货膨胀率(PPI)对银行体系贷款信用风险的影响较强。

    Then we use logit equation to transfer Loan default rates as the assessment of credit risk indicators . The regression shows the interest rate index ( one-year lending rate and deposit interest rates ) and inflation rate ( PPI ) have a stronger influence on credit risk of banks .

  9. 咨奔表示,中国大约4%的存款利率,加上人民币每年6%的预期升值幅度,意味着基金管理公司设计的QDII产品必须达到每年至少10%的收益率。

    An interest rate of around 4 per cent on Chinese bank deposits combined with currency appreciation estimated at 6 per cent a year means fund managers will have to design a QDII product that achieves an annual return of at least 10 per cent , says Z-Ben .

  10. 存款利率上限保证它们可以获得丰厚利润。

    A cap on deposit rates guarantees them hefty profits .

  11. 而且存在存款利率降低而储蓄存款仍高速增长的悖论,无法有效发挥货币政策的作用。

    And the monetary policy cannot play its role efficiently .

  12. 杰克,银行正在降低存款利率呢。

    A : Jack , the bank is lowering deposit interest rates .

  13. 存款利率的变化有点复杂。

    Changes in deposit rates were a little more complex .

  14. 随着银行存款利率下调,我们大多数人会增加支出。

    As bank deposit rates decline , most of us spend more .

  15. 存款利率有下降趋势。

    The interest rate on savings is tending downwards .

  16. 负存款利率等其它选择也值得考虑。

    Other possibilities , such as negative deposit rates , are also worth considering .

  17. 政府还对银行存款利率施加限制。

    The government also caps bank deposit rates .

  18. 此外,对存款利率设限也未必会给银行带来暴利。

    Limiting rates paid to depositors also does not necessarily bestow windfall profits to banks .

  19. 中国没有多少国内债券可供投资,而银行存款利率几乎跟不上通胀步伐。

    There are not many domestic bonds and bank deposits barely keep pace with inflation .

  20. 存款利率不变,这给银行利润空间造成了一些压力。

    Deposit rates , however , won 't change , putting some pressure on banks'margins .

  21. 人民币存款利率市场化改革的制度性的障碍分析

    Analysis on Institutional Barriers in the Market-oriented Reformation of RMB Deposit and Loan Interest Rates

  22. 据我所知,银行要调整存款利率。

    As far as I know , the bank is going to adjust the rates .

  23. 英镑存款利率(无风险利率的指标)为5%。

    Sterling deposit rates , a measure of risk free rates , were 5 per cent .

  24. 因此,储蓄存款利率上升不应该是一个下降的原因。

    Therefore , the savings deposit interest rate increase should not be a drop of reason .

  25. 总而言之,较低的存款利率会鼓励人们从银行提取存款,增加开支。

    On balance , low deposit rates encourage people to withdraw money from banks and spend more .

  26. 我们能告诉你怎样获得较高的存款利率。

    We can show you how you can earn a higher rate of interest on your savings .

  27. 但它同时也赋予银行更大的自由度来将实际存款利率设定在基准利率之上。

    But it has also granted banks increased freedom to set actual deposit rates above the benchmark .

  28. 违反规定提高或者降低存款利率、贷款利率的。

    Violating any of the regulations , elevating or lowering savings interest rates and credit interest rates .

  29. 金融机构一年期存款利率同样下调25个基点,至2%。

    The one-year deposit rate will similarly be lowered b 25 basis , to 2 per cent .

  30. 去年央行为鼓励储蓄、提高借贷成本,曾经六次调高存款利率。

    The bank last year raised interest rates six times to encourage savings and make lending more expensive .