
  1. 高次模通带分布均匀合理,带间无重叠,不存在陷阱模。

    There is no overlap between the bands , therefore no trapped modes .

  2. 研究结果表明,地下火成岩等特殊地质体和岩石的非均质性可形成比较强的地震反射,使天然气藏的地震检测存在陷阱;

    The main causes are the lateral resolution of seismic data and the strong reflection resulted from some special geologic bodies such as subsurface igneous rock , heterogeneous formation .

  3. 到国外工作存在许多陷阱。

    The pitfalls of working abroad are numerous

  4. 即使是对AI在投资界的应用前景抱谨慎乐观态度的量化分析师,也警告这个领域存在许多陷阱。

    Even quants that are cautiously optimistic on the future of AI in investing warn of many pitfalls .

  5. 经实验证实,在器件电流崩塌效应中,存在表面陷阱电荷输运,并确定了相关时间常数。

    The relative time constants are determined by the experiment .

  6. 危险在于,中国和土耳其都存在价值陷阱。

    The danger is that both are value traps .

  7. 本文结合国内外的解释实例,指出了当前河道解释中存在的陷阱。

    The interpretation pitfalls are pointed out by analysing some interpretation examples of channel sands at home and abroad .

  8. 计算机系统上的音频本质上存在许多陷阱。

    The nature of spoken audio on computer systems is such that there are many traps to catch the unwary .

  9. 但是,在地震检测技术的应用中也存在着陷阱,致使一部分探井落空。

    However , there are many pitfalls in application of the seismic detection technique , which makes a part of exploration wells failed .

  10. 在测量绝缘膜漏电流的过程中,发现漏电流随着扫描次数的增加而降低,表明绝缘膜内存在电子陷阱。

    In the process of leakage current measurement , leakage current decrease as the scan times increase , show there are electron traps .

  11. 考察了不同掺杂浓度以及不同薄膜厚度器件的电致发光性能,结果表明存在杂质陷阱效应。

    Electroluminescent characteristics are studied at different doped concentrations and different film thicknesses . The results indicate the presence of doping trap effect .

  12. 如果西方企业希望在中国销售其产品,它们需要意识到可能存在的陷阱,并在付诸行动前寻求意见。

    If western companies wish to take their products to market in China they need to be aware of the potential pitfalls and seek advice before doing so .

  13. 企业竞争优势需经过适当模式培植后才可能发展成为核心竞争力,而环境的多变与竞争的社会系统性使任何培植模式都可能存在价值陷阱。

    The competitive advantages just may develop into core competencies after the implantation of appropriate mode , but the change of the environment may cause the value trap with the social system .

  14. 文章通过案例对房屋买卖过程中存在的陷阱进行分析,并提醒购房者在购房时应注意的事项。

    Based on the analysis of the traps in house sales and purchases , the paper puts forward the items that are needed to be paid attention to , as house purchasers buy houses .

  15. 基于语言符号学理论,从语言符号的所指意义、语用意义及语言形式意义等三方面描述了中英文化交流中所存在的陷阱,强调了中英文化交流中加强语言文化修养的重要性。

    Based on linguistic semiotics , this paper describes the pitfalls in Chinese-English cultural communication from the following three aspects : reference meaning , pragmatic meaning and linguistic form meaning emphasizing the importance of cultivating linguistic and cultural knowledge in cross-cultural communication .

  16. 沿用战略管理资源学派的观点:给出了竞争优势的定义,并引用了核心能力这一概念,指出了核心能力识别、核心能力培育两方面存在的陷阱。

    This paper gives the definition of competitive advantage following the resource-based view , and quotes the concept of core competence . Points out the traps in core competence discrimination and core competence cultivation , which have the direction significance for the enterprises .

  17. 分析了n沟6H-SiCMOSFET的杂质不完全离化和SiO2-SiC界面存在大量界面陷阱等问题,研究了影响6H-SiCMOSFET器件阈值电压温度特性的诸因素。

    The incomplete ionization of impurities and the presence of traps at SiO_2-SiC interface for n-channel 6H-SiC MOSFET 's are analyzed in the paper .

  18. 考核存在十大陷阱

    Ten Traps Existing in Check - up System

  19. 但这中间存在一个陷阱:对今天的美国而言,关键问题不在于经济和金融波动,而在于不断加剧的政治动荡。

    But therein lies the rub : what matters in the us today is not economic and financial volatility , but rising political volatility too .

  20. 与此同时,也出现了一些急待解决的问题,诸如职务消费行为不规范、存在短信消费陷阱、农村消费发育不完善等。

    Meanwhile , some problems which need urgent solutions such as abnormal professional consumption behavior , message consumption trap and ill-developed rural consumption have appeared .

  21. 中国股市目前还存在价值投资陷阱,投资者信心丧失、投资者损失惨重等若干重大问题。

    Serious problems still exist in the Chinese stock market such as value investment pitfalls , loss of investors ' confidence , and heavy financial loss of investors .

  22. 砍价则是这购物过程中与卖方沟通的重要一环。介绍了网上购物的流程以及网络购物过程中存在的诸多陷阱,并提出了一些解决问题的建议。

    This paper introduces the process of the cyber-purchasing and the various traps in the course of the cyber-purchasing , and puts forward some suggestion for solving these problems .

  23. 但是这个不容易做到,因为我们已经有所了解在实现过程中有太多太多潜在的(和实际存在的)陷阱。

    It 's not a simple thing to accomplish , as there are a tremendous number of potential ( and actual ) gotchas we know we 'll run into along the way .

  24. 对有机薄膜晶体管(OTFT),考虑到带隙中存在指数分布的陷阱态密度,提出了基于表面势的电流解析模型。

    Surface potential based drain current model for organic thin-film transistor ( OTFT ) is presented considering the exponential distribution within the bandgap .

  25. 通过该技术,超薄栅氧化层中明显的双峰现象被发现,这意味着在栅氧化层退化过程中存在着两种陷阱。

    It suggests that two kinds of traps exist in the degradation of gate oxide .

  26. 但是,在这一过程中可能存在着两个陷阱&柠檬市场和家族式管理,其对策分别是有效制造和传播正的市场信息与推行科学管理。

    But there are still two traps of lemon market and familial management in the process , and its countermeasures are to make and propagate positive market information effectively and to facilitate scientific management .

  27. 非相关并购对企业价值几乎不产生影响,而相关性并购可能增加企业价值,也可能导致价值毁损,因此该模型可以解释跨国并购实务界存在的协同效应陷阱现象。

    Non-relevant M A can hardly influence the enterprise value , but related M A may increase or damage enterprise value . So this model can explain the " Synergy Trap " to some extent .

  28. 此份题为《印度2039一代人的富裕社会》的报告警告称,寡头的诞生,是发展中国家普遍存在的一种陷阱,将令这些国家无法实现其发展潜能。

    The report , titled " India 2039 an affluent society in one generation " , warned the creation of oligarchies was a common trap in developing countries that often prevented them from realising their potential .

  29. 在人力资本对区域经济增长的作用日益显著的背景下,本文实证分析了我国农村人力资本与农村产出增长的关系,以验证在我国是否存在农村人力资本陷阱。

    When the influence of the human capital to regional economy development becomes more and more remarkable , this article empirically analyses the relation between the human capital and the rural output in our country in order to test the trap of rural human capital existed or not .

  30. 事实证明,如果你爱野外冒险,你就要接受会有危险存在。同样,婚姻也不像看上去那么简单,它也存在一些陷阱和类似“winningugly”那样的场景。

    But , as it turns out , if you really want to live a wild and devil may care sort of existence , getting married has more than its share of potential pitfalls and " winning ugly " scenarios .