
zǐ ɡōnɡ jī cénɡ
  • myometrium;mesometrium
  1. 从分布区域看,胚胎着床(4.5d)前,NK细胞多位于子宫肌层,胚胎着床后仅存在于着床点以外的子宫内膜和肌层。

    In reference to distribution , the NK cells are usually found in the myometrium prior to implantation ( day 4 5 ) .

  2. 胎膜、胎盘、蜕膜及子宫肌层中ET-1分别为外周血的38、26、19、11倍。

    The ET-1 concentrations of fetal membrane , placenta , decidua and myometrium were 38 , 26 , 19 and 11 times of MV ( ET 1 ) .

  3. 目的检测正常足月妊娠胎盘、蜕膜和子宫肌层中是否富含在启动凝血、止血过程中起关键作用的组织因子(TissueFactor,TF),初步探讨TF与产科凝血间的关系。

    Objective To explore the relationship between obstetrical coagulation and tissue factor ( TF ), the key component of the initiation of coagulation .

  4. 目的探讨bcl2、雌激素受体(ER)和孕酮受体(PR)在子宫肌层、卵巢、输卵管壁的异位内膜与子宫正位内膜的表达及其意义。

    Objective To explore the expressions of bcl 2 , ER and PR in ectopic endometrium of myometrium , ovary , uterine tube and eutopic endometrium .

  5. 目的比较人类子宫肌层与子宫肌瘤局部催乳素(PRL)水平的差异,探讨PRL对子宫肌瘤发生的作用。

    Objective To compare the difference of PRL expression in leiomyoma and myometrial , explore the effect of PRL on the development of leiomyoma .

  6. 人体子宫肌层和平滑肌瘤组织中胰岛素受体酪氨酸激酶活性与底物1(IRS-1)的表达

    Insulin receptor tyrosine kinase activity and substrate 1 ( IRS-1 ) expression in human myometrium and leiomyoma

  7. PR在子宫肌层的内膜异位阳性表达率为86.6%,卵巢内膜异位为20.0%,5例输卵管内膜异位均表达阳性。

    The positive rate of PR expression in ectopic endometrium of myometrium and ovary was 86.6 % and 20.0 % , respectively ; while there was positive expression in all of the cases of uterine tube .

  8. 正常子宫肌层中bax的表达强于子宫肌瘤和子宫肉瘤(P0.01),但bax在肌瘤和肉瘤之间的表达无显著性差异(P0.05)。

    Bax expression in normal myometrium was higher than that in leiomyomas and in uterine leiomyosarcoma ( P 0.01 ) . There was no obvious difference in bax expression between leiomyomas and leiomyosarcoma ( P 0.05 ) .

  9. 方法经手术或病理证实的宫腔病变22例,采用意大利Bracco公司生产的第二代声学造影剂Sonovue,造影时重点观察记录病灶和子宫肌层的显影顺序、充盈方式及增强程度。

    Methods Thirty patients with intrauterine disease were investigated using Sonovue ( Bracco SPA , Milan , Italy ) . The sequence of contrast agent appearing in the lesion and myometrium were focused .

  10. 结果bcl2在子宫肌层内和输卵管内的异位内膜阳性表达率为100%,卵巢异位内膜阳性表达率为86.6%,子宫正位内膜阳性表达率为52%。

    Results The positive rate of bcl 2 expression in ectopic endometriosis of myometrium , uterine tube and ovary was 100 % , 100 % and 86.6 % , respectively ; while the positive rate of bcl 2 expression was 52 % .

  11. 人胎儿子宫肌层的平滑肌细胞超微结构研究

    Ultrastructural study of the smooth muscle cells in human fetal myometrium

  12. 剖宫产子宫肌层单层缝合1811例临床研究

    Clinical study of 1811 cases of suture of myometrium during cesarean section

  13. 产时子宫肌层厚度变化的动态观察

    The Dynamic Observation in Myometrial Thickness during Laboring

  14. 无1例子宫肌层血肿形成;

    No case presented myometrial hematoma .

  15. 子宫肌层浸润深度<1/2者可获得较高的生存率(P<0.05)。

    The invasion depth to uterine muscle < 1 / 2 was object to survive more longer .

  16. 这种方法也能提供子宫肌层的重要信息。

    This procedure also provides important information about the muscle wall of the uterus ( myometrium ) .

  17. 大鼠妊娠期及分娩前后子宫肌层内胶原纤维网的超微结构研究

    Ultrastructural study on the collagenous fiber network in the myometrium of rat uterus during pregnancy and pre-and post-parturition

  18. 超声测量子宫肌层厚度预测未足月胎膜早破和羊水过少妇女的潜伏期

    Sonographic myometrial thickness predicts the latency interval of women with preterm premature rupture of the membranes and oligohydramnios

  19. 若胎盘部分植入,可行菱形切除部分子宫肌层组织;

    If the placenta part of the implant , viable part of the diamond-shaped excision of myometrial tissue ;

  20. 目的:研究剖宫产子宫肌层单层连续缝合的效果及安全性。

    Objective : To study the effect and security of cesarean section by means of monolayer myometrium continuous suture .

  21. 子宫肌层由平滑肌束和弹性纤维组成,在分娩时会出现有规律的电活动。子宫肌电信号能够反映肌肉纤维兴奋的原始过程,提供了有关子宫肌肉活动的辅助信息。

    Derived from the electrical activity generated at the muscle fiber lever , uterine EMG provides complementary information on the muscle .

  22. 卵巢、子宫肌层组织及静脉血中氧自由基代谢与子宫内膜异位症、子宫腺肌病发病的关系

    Correlation of the metabolism of oxygen free radical in ovary , uterine muscle and vein blood with the pathogenesis of endometriosis or endometrioma

  23. 由于在雌激素作用下,核体大量出现及黄体酮促使糖元颗粒聚集成团,本研究结果提示胎儿子宫肌层平滑肌细胞的成熟可能与雌激素及黄体酮的作用有关。

    Since under the estrogenic stimulation , the nuclear bodies increase in number and progesterone causes glycogen particle to aggregate , our findings indicate that the smooth muscle cell maturation of fetal myometrium might be affected by estrogen and progesterone .

  24. 方法将100例剖宫产产妇随机分两组,即子宫肌层单层缝合组和传统双层缝合组,观察两组子宫切口缝合时间、剖宫产手术时间、术时出血量及术后恢复情况。

    Methods 100 a cesarean section cases were randomly divided into single-layer myometrial suture ( group 1 ) and two-layer myometrial suture ( group 2 ) . Observations were made on the myometrial suture time , operation time , blood loss and morbidity .

  25. 本文使用常规H&E染色和组织化学方法(PAS反应和甲绿-哌洛宁法)初步观察了雌激素对幼年大鼠子宫壁肌层的细胞形态变化。

    Routine H-E stain and histochemistry methods ( pAS reaction and methylgreen-pyronin method ) were employed to observe the morphologic changes of myometrium cells in young rats under estrogen treatment .

  26. 剖宫产术中缝合子宫浆肌层治疗产后出血16例临床观察

    Clinical observation of uterine serosa and myometrium suturing in intractable post-partum hemorrhage during cesarean section

  27. 子宫体肌层囊性病变的超声诊断与病理对照分析

    Comparative study between ultrasonography diagnosis and pathology diagnosis on cystic lesions of muscular layer in corpus uteri

  28. 目的评价剖宫产术中缝合子宫浆肌层治疗难治性产后出血的有效性和安全性。

    Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of uterine serosa and myometrium suturing technique for management of intractable post-partum hemorrhage ( PPH ) during cesarean section .

  29. 低场MRI判断Ⅰ期子宫内膜癌肌层浸润深度的应用研究

    The Value of Low Field Strength MRI in Evaluating the Invasion of Myometrium of Endometrial Carcinoma in Staging ⅰ

  30. MRI灌注、PTEN蛋白表达对子宫内膜癌肌层侵犯的评估

    The Assessment of Myometrial Invasion by MRI Perfusion and the Expression of PTEN in Patients with Endometrial Cancer