
dí chuán
  • handed down in a direct line from the master or his official heir;handed down in a direct line from the master
嫡传 [dí chuán]
  • [handed down in a direct line from the master] 嫡派相传(表示正统)

  • 君家名父子,为晦翁嫡传。-- 戴复古《石屏集》

  • 他是孔子嫡传第七十四代

嫡传[dí chuán]
  1. 表演是他们的嫡传技艺,150多年来他们家族一直都是演员。

    Acting runs in their blood ; they have been actors for more than 150 years .

  2. 吕柟,明中叶著名的理学家,是薛瑄的嫡传弟子,为河东学派在明中叶的主要代表人物。

    Lv Nan , as the famous Neo-Confucianism scholar in Ming Dynasty , was the disciple of Xue Xuan , and an important representative of Hedong School .