首页 / 词典 / good


  • Posture;looks;appearance;aspect;mien
姿 [zī]
  • 面貌,容貌:~容。丰~。~色。天~。

  • 形态,样子:~态。~势。舞~。风~。英~。


(容貌) appearance; looks; mien; aspect:

  • 美姿

    beautiful looks


(姿势) gesture; carriage; bearing:

  • 英姿

    heroic bearing;

  • 雄姿

    heroic posture;

  • 千姿百态

    various postures and carriages

  1. 并利用Matlab界面开发环境设计机器人运动学计算界面,更加形象、直观的反映了水轮机修复专用机器人各关节变量与末端位姿矩阵之间的关系。

    And utilize Matlab interface development environment to design kinematics of the robot to calculate interfaces . Image , ocular reflection hydraulic turbine repair special-purpose robot every joint variable and end location appearance relation of matrix .

  2. 百合(LiLiumspp.)在我国栽培历史悠久,种质资源丰富,百合花姿绰约,色彩斑斓,花型丰富,喻意美好,是世界著名五大鲜切花之一,拥有球根花卉之王的美誉。

    Lily ( Lilium spp. ) cultivation in China has a long history , rich germplasm resources , Lily appearance graceful , colorful , rich flower types , metaphor meaning beautiful , is the five world famous delicacy cuts one of flowers , with " Bullbar flower king " reputation .

  3. 女侦探改变了站姿,把重心从一只脚移到另一只脚。

    The woman detective shifted her stance from one foot to another .

  4. 洁白无瑕的沙滩上,闪光的棕榈树叶在温和的海风中舞动,摇曳生姿。

    Glossy palm fronds twist in the temperate wind along immaculate , powder white beaches .

  5. 这种蹲姿较为舒适,整个身体的重量不是集中在脚尖和膝盖,而是集中在后脚跟,给了身体更多支撑力。

    This form allows for a more comfortable squatting3 position . The weight is more centered on the heels rather than the balls of your feet and knees , giving more support .

  6. Facepalm指的是用手捂住脸或将脸埋进手掌的姿体语言,这一姿体语言在很多文化中都存在,用来表达绝望、尴尬、震惊或惊讶之情。

    A facepalm is the physical gesture of placing one 's hand flat across one 's face or lowering one 's face into one 's hand or hands . The gesture is found in many cultures as a display of frustration , shock , or surprise .

  7. 导弹姿控系统的H∞混合灵敏度设计方法研究

    The Design of Missile Attitude Control System Using H_ ∞ Mixed-Sensitivity Approach

  8. 电子磁强计在GPS快速定姿中的应用

    An Application of Electronic Magnetometer in the GPS Attitude Determination System

  9. GPS单历元定向和测姿算法及其精度分析

    Determining Attitude with Single Epoch GPS Algorithm and Its Precision Analysis

  10. 非线性滤波及其在GPS航姿系统中的应用

    Nonlinear Filter and Its Application to GPS Heading Attitude System

  11. GPS载波相位差分技术实时测姿的研究与应用

    Research and Application of Real-time Determination of Attitude Using GPS Carrier Phase Differential Technique

  12. 基于四元数方法的GPS航姿解算

    GPS based Attitude Determination Based on Quaternion Algorithm

  13. GPS载波相位定姿技术在目标侦查测量中的应用

    Study on usage of attitude determination basing on GPS carrier phase in target surveying

  14. 使用H∞混合灵敏度方法对导弹姿控系统进行了具体设计。

    The design of a missile attitude control system using H ∞ mixed-sensitivity approach is considered .

  15. 基于GPS相位法对舰船等大型载体定姿中的模糊数求解方法

    A cycle ambiguity search method of GPS carrier phase based attitude determination for naval vessel

  16. 基于PMAC卡的FAST馈源位姿主动减振控制系统

    Active Vibration Control System of FAST Feed Based on PMAC Card

  17. GPS自主定姿定轨技术在新一代大型静止轨道卫星上的应用

    Application of GPS Based Autonomous Attitude and Orbit Determination Technique in the Next Generation of GEO Satellites

  18. GPS罗盘是一种基于载波相位测姿原理的航向测量装置。

    GPS compass is a heading indicator based on the theory of attitude determination using carrier phase measurement .

  19. 基于MEMS的微小型嵌入式航姿参考系统研究

    Research of Micro and Embedded Attitude and Heading Reference System Based on MEMS

  20. GPS技术是航天工程中具有发展前途的关键技术,是卫星自主定姿定轨高效经济的方法。

    GPS technique is a emerging key technique of the space engineering . It is high effective and economic .

  21. 该数字航姿模拟器已在某型机载雷达ATE中成功应用。

    The simulator has been successfully used in a radar ATE for antenna space stability testing .

  22. 介绍了自行研制的单频GPS实时定姿系统硬、软件结构,以及硬件组成和软件设计对GPS定姿系统实时性的影响。

    Firstly the hardware , software and real-time performance of a single frequency GPS real-time attitude determination system is introduced in detail .

  23. MSCADAMS用户自定义子程序在卫星姿控系统仿真分析中的应用

    Application of MSC Adams User Subroutine in Satellite Attitude Control System Simulation Analysis

  24. 通过仿真对双基线GPS航姿系统进行了研究,比较了不同基线配置下的航姿角解算误差。

    The simulation results of dual baselines GPS based attitude system show the relationship between the heading and attitude error and baseline configuration .

  25. 液压驱动Stewart平台位姿控制仿真

    Pose Control and Simulation of Stewart Platform driven by Hydraulic

  26. 使用DSC模块的航姿模拟器

    Flight-Posture Simulator Using DSC Block

  27. Stewart平台动态位姿立体视觉检测中的图像处理

    Image Processing in Measuring the Pose of the Stewart Platform Based on Stereo Vision

  28. 人脸定位(facedetection)是指在输入图像中确定所有人脸(如果存在)大小、位置、位姿的过程。

    Face detection ( face detection ) is the process that determine all of the face ( if it exists ) the size , location , position and orientation from input image .

  29. 采用ANSYS有限元软件对轨姿控舱体进行了结构强度分析和优化设计。

    The ANSYS finite element software is used for intensity analysis and optimum design on the section of missile for orbit and attitude control .

  30. 应用BP神经网络对并联机器人的位姿反解进行学习,进而求得机器人的位姿正解问题。

    The inverse displacement analysis problem of parallel manipulators is trained based on BP neural network , and then a solution to forward displacement problem is obtained .