
wěi tuō dài lǐ rén
  • proxy;agent per procuration;authorized proxy;principal's representative
  1. 申报书内容应简明,并由申报人或其委托代理人签字。申报书应附一份不包含商业秘密和国家秘密的摘要。

    The declaration form shall be concise , signed by the declarer or its authorized proxy and attached with an abstract which contains no trade secret or state secret .

  2. 股东既可以亲自到股东大会现场投票,也可以委托代理人代为投票,两者具有同样的法律效力。

    The shareholders can either be present at the shareholders meetings in person or they may appoint a proxy to vote on their behalf , and both means of voting possess the same legal effect .

  3. 浅探受托人委托代理人的权利

    Brief Analysis on the Rights of Attorneys Entrusted by Bailees

  4. 股东可亲自莅临或委托代理人参加。

    Shareholders can participate personally or delegate a representative .

  5. 全体股东指定代表或者共同委托代理人的证明;

    Certificate of appointed representative or jointly entrusted agent by all the shareholders ;

  6. 现在我公司正委托代理人去收这笔货款。

    The account is now in the hand of our ~ s for collection .

  7. 108纳税有委托代理人代为诉讼的权利。

    Tax payers have the right to entrust and delegate agents to bring prosecution .

  8. 浅论构建新的国有资产管理体制的委托代理人制度问题

    On Credit Agent System of Managing State - owned Assets On Honesty & Credit

  9. 委托代理人按照被代理人的委托行使代理权。

    An entrusted agent shall exercise the power of agency as entrusted by the principal .

  10. 上述公司的法定代表人及委托代理人到庭参加诉讼。

    The legal representatives and the authorized legal counsels of the above companies attend the trial .

  11. 任何委托代理人或合法继承者承担合同中的所有义务和享有所有权利。

    Any assignee or legal successor to either party shall assume all obligations and benefits of the contract .

  12. 开标将在所有参加投标的法定代表人或委托代理人参加下举行。

    The bid opening shall be held with all the legal representatives or consignors of the bidders present .

  13. 债权人可以委托代理人出席债权人会议,行使表决权。

    Creditors may appoint proxies to attend creditors ' meetings and exercise their voting rights on their behalf .

  14. 当事人依法可以委托代理人订立合同。

    A party may appoint an agent to enter into a contract on its behalf under the law .

  15. 患者知情同意权具有权利的基本性、主体的特定性、行使对象的特定性、实施的过程性及实现的有限性特征。患者知情同意权权利行使主体包括患者本人、其法定代理人和委托代理人。

    The subjects of execution of the informed consent include the patients , their statutory agents and mandatory agents .

  16. 投诉人委托代理人投诉的,应当提交授权委托书。

    In case the complainant entrusts its agent to make such complaints , it shall submit the power of attorney accordingly ;

  17. 董事会指定的委托代理人的委托书,(全体董事签名,加盖公章);

    A power of attorney of the clients appointed by the directorate ( signed by all the directors and seal ) .

  18. 当事人可以委托代理人向仲裁委员会办理有关仲裁事项。调解书由仲裁员签名,加盖仲裁委员会印章,送达双方当事人。

    The conciliation statement shall be signed by the arbitrators , sealed by the arbitration commission , and served on both parties .

  19. 被告孙勇仁授权其委托代理人辩称,双方分居两地,导致双方情破裂同意离婚。

    The attorney of the respondent sun Yongren defended that the respondent agreed to divorce owing to loss of affection caused by separation .

  20. 动产抵押登记可由抵押合同双方当事人共同向动产抵押登记机关办理,也可以委托代理人向动产抵押登记机关办理。

    The chattel mortgage registration may be handled at the chattel mortgage registration authority by both parties to the mortgage or their agents .

  21. 辩护人暨附带民事诉讼委托代理人赵正彬,北京亿嘉律师事务所律师。

    Zhao zhengbin , counsel and the entrusted agent of the supplementary civil action , is a lawyer of Yijia law firm of Bejing municipality .

  22. 委托代理人须向复议机关提交授权委托书,载明委托事项和权限。

    The authorized agent shall submit the power of attorney to the authority for administrative reconsideration , which shall contain the relevant entrusted matters and powerscompetence .

  23. 在涉及甲方的对抗性案件中,乙方律师未经甲方同意,不得同时担任与甲方具有法律上利益冲突的另一方的委托代理人。

    In Client 's case with antagonism , Attorney shall not represent the opposite Party 's in any other synchronous cases , without Client 's admission .

  24. 根据法律规定,当事人、法定代表人,法定代理人,都有权委托代理人,他们可以委托作为代理人的范围十分广泛。

    According to legal provision , party , legal representative , legal agent , have authority attorney , they can entrust the limits that serves as agent very extensive .

  25. 同意权的主体是患者本人,监护人和委托代理人可以代为行使同意权。

    Agree with the main body of the right of the patient himself , the guardian and the agent agree that the right can be exercised on his behalf .

  26. 在行使主体中明确权利主体是患者本人,但行使主体却包括患者、法定代理人和委托代理人。

    In the exercise of the right to clear the main body of the patient himself , but the main exercise has included patients , legal representative and agent .

  27. 第六十八条委托代理人为被代理人的利益需要转托他人代理的,应当事先取得被代理人的同意。

    Article 68 If in the principal 's interests an entrusted agent needs to transfer the agency to another person , he shall first obtain the principal 's consent .

  28. 如果任何一名董事因故不能出席董事会会议,其可以书面委托代理人代表其出席该次会议并表决。

    If any of the director failed to be present in the board meeting , he or she may entrust his or her agent to be present and vote .

  29. 他是与案件有关的当事人,不能做陪审团的成员。当事人可以委托代理人向仲裁委员会办理有关仲裁事项。

    He is an interested party and can not serve on the jury . The parties may authorize attorneys to confer with the Arbitration Commission on matters relating to arbitration .

  30. 当事人对委托代理人的授权范围是可以变更的,可以扩大或缩小,代理权变更后,应通知人民法院和对方当事人。

    Party can be changed to accredit limits of the attorney , can expand or narrow , after dealership is changed , should inform people of court and the opposing party .