
ào xiōng dì guó
  • Austro-Hungary
奥匈帝国[ào xiōng dì guó]
  1. 在1918年10月间,奥匈帝国开始瓦解。

    During October 1918 the Austro-Hungarian Empire began to disintegrate .

  2. 一个世纪前,这座奥匈帝国(Austro-Hungarianempire)的首都曾是一个富裕的国际化大都市。

    A century ago the capital of the Austro-Hungarian empire was a rich cosmopolitan metropolis .

  3. FranzJosephI是奥匈帝国的一位优秀的统治者,只是当那个被称为改革的时代来临时,他86年岁月所带来的就只能算是顽固保守。

    Franz Joseph I was a masterful ruler of the Austro-Hungarian empire , but his 86 years brought rigidity when the times called for reform .

  4. 那年的6月28日,奥匈帝国王储弗朗茨斐迪南大公(FranzFerdinand)在萨拉热窝遇刺。1个多月后,战争爆发,并发展为多条战线。

    Little more than a month after the June 28 assassination in Sarajevo of the archduke Franz Ferdinand , heir to the Habsburg throne , fighting erupted on multiple fronts .

  5. 这栋新巴洛克风格建筑于1895年开放,是由奥匈帝国皇帝弗朗兹·约瑟夫(FranzJosef)兴建的,目前既上演各国古典剧作,亦有现代戏剧作品、芭蕾和歌剧。

    The neo-Baroque building , opened in 1895 by the Austro-Hungarian Emperor Franz Josef , stages a repertory of international classics as well as modern dramatic works , ballet and opera .

  6. 该说法称,当奥匈帝国的统领之王斐迪南大公(ArchdukeFranzFerdinand)途径萨拉热窝时,一众刺客想要刺杀他(萨拉热窝事件)。

    The legend claims that while the Archduke Ferdinand , leader of the Austro-Hungarian Empire , was traveling through Sarajevo when a group of assassins had plans to do him in .

  7. 随着1918年奥匈帝国的瓦解,斯洛文尼亚联合塞尔维亚人(Serbs)、克罗地亚人(Croats)和斯洛文尼亚人(Slovenes)成立南斯拉夫王国。

    With the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy in1918 , Slovenians joined the Kingdom of Serbs , Croats and Slovenes , later renamed ( 1929 ) the Kingdom of Yugoslavia .

  8. 但是要当心:除非你领会中世纪的历史、被革新释放的虔诚的复仇女神,以及奥匈帝国(austro-hungarianempire)的政治圆舞曲,否则,这个城市或许会淹没你和你的无知。

    But be warned : unless you have a grasp of medieval history , the religious furies unleashed by the reformation and the political roundelays of the Austro-Hungarian Empire , the city might overwhelm you with your own ignorance .

  9. 匈牙利政府以马扎尔化(magyarisation)为统其他民族,一直持续到第一次世界大战结束,奥匈帝国的瓦解为止。

    The Hungarian government unified the kingdom by magyarisation of the other nationalities . This lasted until the end of World War I , when the Austro-Hungarian Empire collapsed .

  10. 答:任何当权者,包括总统,都会从雅洛斯拉夫·哈谢克(JaroslavHasek)写的《好兵帅克》中受益。这本书背景是第一次世界大战期间的奥匈帝国。

    Anyone in power , including the president , would benefit from Jaroslav Hasek 's " The Good Soldier Svejk , " which is set during the First World War in Austria-Hungary .

  11. 恰好那时候在奥匈帝国是爱国情绪高涨的时期。

    It happened to be a time of strong nationalism in Austria-Hungary .

  12. 1915年的今天,意大利在一战期间向奥匈帝国宣战。

    1915-World War I : Italy declares war on Austria-Hungary .

  13. 但到了1918年,奥匈帝国已灰飞烟灭。

    But by 1918 , the Austro-Hungarian empire was gone .

  14. 意大利想要解放奥匈帝国。

    Italy wanted to liberate territory from the Austro-Hungarians .

  15. 奥匈帝国与一战同盟国休战,哈普斯堡皇室控制的帝国瓦解。

    Austria-Hungary enters an armistice with the World War I Allies , and the Habsburg-ruled empire dissolves .

  16. 奥匈帝国解体后,很快建立了一个斯洛伐克共和国。

    Following the breakup of Austria-Hungary , a Slovak Soviet Republic was created for a very short time .

  17. 他对奥匈帝国和土耳其帝国充满怀念之情,内心深处更是对大英帝国的悼念。

    He is nostalgic for the Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman empires and in deep mourning for the British one .

  18. 追忆奥匈帝国盛况的仪式进行了六个小时,葬礼队伍缓慢地穿越了整个城市。

    Ceremonies recalling the pomp of the empire lasted six hours as the funeral cortege processed through the city .

  19. 奥托·冯·哈布斯堡大公,奥匈帝国末代皇帝之子于7月4日逝世,享年98岁。

    Archduke Otto von Habsburg , son of the last Austro-Hungarian emperor , died on July 4th , aged 98 .

  20. 捷克斯洛伐克脱离奥匈帝国,取得独立后,在这一天通过了第一部宪法(1920)。

    Czechoslovakia from the Austro-Hungarian Empire , after gaining independence , and in this day adopted the first Constitution ( 1920 ) .

  21. 随着一战的结束以及奥匈帝国的阵亡,克罗地亚加入了塞尔维亚、克罗地亚和斯洛文尼亚帝国(在1929变成了南斯拉夫)。

    Following World War I and the demise of Austria-Hungary , Croatia joined the Kingdom of Serbs , Croats and Slovenes ( which became Yugoslavia in1929 ) .

  22. 1914年,引发争议的地区是波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那。该地区曾经是奥斯曼帝国的一个省,后来在1908年被奥匈帝国吞并,但统一南斯拉夫国家的支持者却对该地区宣称主权。

    In 1914 it was Bosnia-Herzegovina , formerly an Ottoman province , annexed by Austria-Hungary in 1908 , but claimed by the proponents of a united South Slav state .

  23. 科瓦斯纳位于昔日奥匈帝国和罗马尼亚公国之间的边境地区。这个小小的城镇是重要的林业中心和木材产地。

    Located at the border between the former Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Romanian Principality , the small town of Covasna was an important industrial center for forestry and timber production .

  24. 维也纳最初是神圣罗马帝国的领地,接着成为奥地利帝国的首都,后来又成为奥匈帝国的首都,哈布斯堡王朝在维也纳雄踞达数个世界之久。

    Vienna has hosted the Habsburg court over centuries , first as the imperial see of the Holy Roman Empire , then the capital of the Austrian Empire and later of the Austro-Hungarian Empire .

  25. 是时候了,我的尘缘已尽。是的,是的,我亲爱的孩子,死亡来临了。奥匈帝国作曲家莱哈尔

    Now I have finished with all earthly business , and high time too . Yes , yes , my dear child , now comes death & Franz Lehar Composer of the former empire of Austria-Hungary

  26. 第一次世界大战是从1914年至1918年,战争主要在两大欧洲集团间进行:同盟国,包括德国和奥匈帝国,和协约国,包括英国、法国和俄罗斯。

    The Work War I was fought from 1914 to 1918 primarily between two European Power blocs : the Central power . Germany and Austria-Hungary , and the Allies , Britain , France and Russia .

  27. 该项法案是1919年颁布的,当时捷克斯洛伐克独立不久,用意是为了在脱离说德语的奥匈帝国统治后,提高全民的识字率、普及教育。

    The law was enacted in 1919 , soon after Czechoslovakia emerged as an independent country . The idea was to promote universal literacy and education after the country was free of the German-speaking Austro-Hungarian Empire .

  28. 在一战结束时,随着俄罗斯和奥匈帝国的瓦解,比萨拉比亚(今天摩尔多瓦的东部)和特兰西瓦尼在1918年与罗马尼亚王国结盟。

    At the end of the World War I , which brought the disintegration of the empires of Russia and Austria-Hungary , Bessarabia ( eastern part of today Moldova ) and Transylvania united with the Romanian kingdom in 1918 .

  29. 作为欧洲哈普斯堡皇室成员(奥匈帝国统治者),马克西米利安正无所事事时,1863年,他收到了一封信,说墨西哥人投票让他当国王。

    A member of Europe 's royal Habsburg line ( the guys who ruled the Austro-Hungarian Empire ) , Maximilian was just drifting along when , in 1863 , he received a letter telling him the people of Mexico had voted to make him their king .