
shē chǐ
  • luxurious;luxury;extravagant;wasteful;sumptuous
奢侈 [shē chǐ]
  • [luxury;extravagant;wasteful;sumptuous] 挥霍浪费钱财,过分追求享受

  • 及桓子,骄泰奢侈,贪欲无艺,略则行志。--《国语.晋语》

奢侈[shē chǐ]
  1. 美好的户外活动不必很奢侈。

    Life in the great outdoors isn 't supposed to be luxurious .

  2. 她渐渐地喜欢上了罗伯托奢侈的生活方式。

    She had come to enjoy Roberto 's luxurious lifestyle .

  3. 我觉得花100英镑买一条连衣裙太奢侈了。

    I felt very extravagant spending £ 100 on a dress .

  4. 她奢侈的生活方式令家人侧目。

    She scandalized her family with her extravagant lifestyle .

  5. 去剧院看戏是我们唯一的奢侈享受。

    Going to the theatre is our only extravagance .

  6. 她沉湎于旅馆豪华奢侈的享乐之中。

    She wallowed in the luxury of the hotel .

  7. 那时候有洗衣机就算是奢侈了。

    It was a luxury if you had a washing machine in those days .

  8. 她有很奢侈的嗜好。

    She 's got very extravagant tastes .

  9. 她对他们生活的盲目和奢侈很反对。

    She reacted against the mindlessness and luxury of their lives

  10. 谁会为她奢侈的假日买单?

    Who is footing the bill for her extravagant holiday ?

  11. 据说他的生活颇为奢侈。

    By all accounts he leads a life of considerable luxury

  12. 烤点心时加一整块奶酪似乎太奢侈了。

    Baking a whole cheese in pastry may seem extravagant .

  13. 靠自己的工资他买不起奢侈的食品。

    He could not afford luxury food on his pay

  14. 到海边度假一周成了他们再也消费不起的一种奢侈。

    A week by the sea is a luxury they can no longer afford

  15. 在经济衰退期间,培训预算被认为是一项可以节省下来的奢侈费用。

    During the recession , training budgets were seen as an expendable luxury .

  16. 你能稍微奢侈一点吗?你的预算是否有上限?

    Can you afford to splash out a little ? Is your budget unlimited ?

  17. 多切斯特酒店是伦敦市中心豪华奢侈的缩影。

    The Dorchester Hotel is the epitome of luxury in the heart of London .

  18. 伦敦商业区典型的奢侈挥霍的年轻商业银行家

    a typical City merchant banking yahoo .

  19. 我们并不铺张浪费:下馆子是一种奢侈,也不会考虑买名牌衣服。

    We are not extravagant ; restaurant meals are a luxury and designer clothes are out

  20. 你必须控制自己铺张奢侈的嗜好。

    You must curb your extravagant tastes .

  21. 找工作期间,他只好放弃奢侈的生活,精打细算、省吃俭用。

    He has had to give up luxuries as he scrimps and saves while looking for a job .

  22. 我过去对奢侈的概念是夜晚在闹市通宵玩乐到清晨才回来。

    My idea of luxury used to be going out on the town and coming back in the early hours of the morning

  23. 他的收入不允许他生活奢侈。

    His income allows of no extravagance in his way of living .

  24. 它对我来说是一种奢侈。

    It is a luxury to me .

  25. 奢侈的人攒不下钱。

    Extravagant people never save money .

  26. 奢侈的家具表明这家人很富裕。

    The luxurious furnishings attested ( to ) the family 's wealth .

  27. 皮尔逊先生的收入不允许他过奢侈的生活。

    Mr. pearson 's income allows of no extravagance in his way of living .

  28. 她想到即将在孟买享受到的舒适而又奢侈的生活。

    She thought of the life of ease and luxury that awaited her in bombay .

  29. 伦敦是个奢侈的地方。

    London was an extravagant place .

  30. 他继承了他父亲的财产,生活极为奢侈。

    He inherited his father 's fortune and has lived like a pig in clover ever since .