
shē chǐ de
  • luxurious;extravagant;prodigal
  1. 她奢侈的生活方式令家人侧目。

    She scandalized her family with her extravagant lifestyle .

  2. 她沉湎于旅馆豪华奢侈的享乐之中。

    She wallowed in the luxury of the hotel .

  3. 她有很奢侈的嗜好。

    She 's got very extravagant tastes .

  4. 谁会为她奢侈的假日买单?

    Who is footing the bill for her extravagant holiday ?

  5. 她渐渐地喜欢上了罗伯托奢侈的生活方式。

    She had come to enjoy Roberto 's luxurious lifestyle .

  6. 靠自己的工资他买不起奢侈的食品。

    He could not afford luxury food on his pay

  7. 多切斯特酒店是伦敦市中心豪华奢侈的缩影。

    The Dorchester Hotel is the epitome of luxury in the heart of London .

  8. 你必须控制自己铺张奢侈的嗜好。

    You must curb your extravagant tastes .

  9. 找工作期间,他只好放弃奢侈的生活,精打细算、省吃俭用。

    He has had to give up luxuries as he scrimps and saves while looking for a job .

  10. 我过去对奢侈的概念是夜晚在闹市通宵玩乐到清晨才回来。

    My idea of luxury used to be going out on the town and coming back in the early hours of the morning

  11. 奢侈的人攒不下钱。

    Extravagant people never save money .

  12. 奢侈的家具表明这家人很富裕。

    The luxurious furnishings attested ( to ) the family 's wealth .

  13. 皮尔逊先生的收入不允许他过奢侈的生活。

    Mr. pearson 's income allows of no extravagance in his way of living .

  14. 她想到即将在孟买享受到的舒适而又奢侈的生活。

    She thought of the life of ease and luxury that awaited her in bombay .

  15. 伦敦是个奢侈的地方。

    London was an extravagant place .

  16. 吝啬的英国消费者们会从诸如阿尔迪和利德这样的折扣店里选择更加廉价的产品,而不是其他奢侈的店铺。

    Penny-pinching UK consumers choose cheaper products from discounters such as Aldi and Lidl rather than luxury alternatives .

  17. 明特尔公司的分析员杰克·达科特指出,“韧度、软度和厚度仍然是厕纸质量的三大主要指标,只有一少部分消费者会倾向于更加奢侈的品种,比如带有印花图案或是有香水味道的。“

    " Strength , softness and thickness remain the leading indicators of toilet paper quality , with just a small proportion of consumers preferring more luxurious alternatives , such as those with flower patterns of perfume , said Mintel analyst Jack Duckett . ' '

  18. 土豪生活就是富人所拥有的一种奢侈的生活方式。

    Jet setting lifestyle refers to a lavish1 lifestyle the rich leads .

  19. 这位富人生活在奢侈的环境中。

    The rich man lives in luxurious surroundings .

  20. 他生在一个受较高教育就被认为是奢侈的社会环境里。

    He was born in a social milieu where further education was a luxury .

  21. 有黄色、粉色或蓝色可选,印花设计的灵感来自于一种鹧鸪眼图案,这种图案是18世纪瓷器收藏的特色,这些瓷器大多是由奢侈的乔治四世收藏的。

    Available in yellow , pink or blue , they are printed with a design inspired by a partridge eye pattern that features on an 18th Century porcelain George IV.

  22. 不过,即便是伦敦的WhiteCity开发项目,也难以吸引它曾瞄准的目标&奢侈的伦敦西区的零售商们。

    But even the White City development in London is still struggling to attract the luxury West End retailers it had targeted .

  23. 埃文斯顿镇高中(EvanstonTownshipHighSchool)甚至给我们这些青少年提供了一个奢侈的吸烟庭院。

    Evanston Township High School even had a luxurious smoking courtyard for us teenagers .

  24. 盖茨选择把他的微软(Microsoft)财富和他的时间都奉献给慈善事业,而不是用飞机运送艺人和异国美食,来举办奢侈的聚会。

    Mr Gates has chosen to devote his Microsoft fortune and his time to philanthropy rather than fly in entertainers and exotic foods for lavish parties .

  25. 利物浦时尚零售购物中心LiverpoolOne的一个女发言人说:与闺蜜逛街,尽管有时候是一个更奢侈的经历,但可以比起独自逛街获得更多的享受。她委托进行这项研究调查了2000个女性。

    A spokeswoman for Liverpool ONE , which commissioned the study of 2,000 women , said : ` Shopping with friends , while sometimes a more costly experience , can often be far more enjoyable than going to the high street alone .

  26. 在BBC新闻杂志(BBCNewsMagazine)上的一篇文章中,英国精神治疗师弗莱(BenjaminFry)写道,放弃奢侈的生活可能会造成创伤性后果。他是BBC三台“花钱狂”节目的主持人之一。

    In an article on the BBC News Magazine , U.K. psychotherapist Benjamin Fry , who co-presents BBC Three 's Spendaholics program , says giving up the bling can be traumatic .

  27. 利物浦时尚零售购物中心LiverpoolONE的一个女发言人说:“与闺蜜逛街,尽管有时候是一个更奢侈的经历,但可以比起独自逛街获得更多的享受。”她委托进行这项研究调查了2000个女性。

    A spokeswoman for Liverpool ONE , which commissioned the study of 2 , 000 women , said : ' Shopping with friends , while sometimes a more costly experience , can often be far more enjoyable than going to the high street alone .

  28. 德州银行家艾伦斯坦福(AllenStanford)被判处110年监禁,罪名是欺诈、骗取客户70亿美元,用以维持奢侈的生活方式,包括购买加勒比房产、拥有多架飞机和赞助一项国际板球赛事。

    Allen Stanford , the Texan banker , was sentenced to 110 years in prison for defrauding customers of $ 7bn to fund a lavish lifestyle including the purchase of Caribbean property , a fleet of aeroplanes and an international cricket tournament .

  29. 过去20年间,Iyer常常去修道院旅行,就是为了逃避手机和笔记本电脑,而他发现这是一种自我解放,甚至是一件奢侈的事情。

    Iyer has visited monasteries for the past 20 years just to escape his phone and laptop , and he says he has found it liberating and even luxurious .

  30. “哦,亲爱的,布鲁塞尔花边,Maud真是奢侈的无可救药”,我的母亲举着这衣服,忧郁地看着它,Jenna给我使了一个眼色。

    " Oh dear , Brussels lace & Maud is so terribly extravagant . " My mother looked at this dress in a sad way ; and , over the top of her head , Jenna gave me a wink .