
diàn jī shí
  • cornerstone
奠基石 [diàn jī shí]
  • [foundation stone;corner stone] 在庆祝建筑开工典礼上埋置的基石

  1. 《印象日出》这幅油画,是印象派绘画的奠基石。

    The canvas Yin Xiang Ri Chu is the cornerstone of impressionistic paintings .

  2. 他努力把库里的性格优点作为球队文化的奠基石。

    He would strive to make one of Curry 's defining traits their cornerstone .

  3. 它们是所有人类社会特有的基础;并逐步建立其它一切东西的奠基石。

    They were the distinguishing foundation of all human societies ; the bedrock on which all else came to be erected .

  4. 目前,VaR已经成为金融风险管理系统的奠基石。

    And it has become the foundation of financial risk measurement system up to now .

  5. 5.cornerstonen.奠基石市长为新图书馆奠基。

    The mayor laid the cornerstone of the new library .

  6. Markowitz资产组合均值方差理论是现代资产组合理论和金融理论的奠基石。

    The portfolio mean-variance theory of Markowitz is the foundation of modern portfolio theory and modern financial theory .

  7. Altman和Taylor(1973)的社会深入理论是人际关系发展的研究中的奠基石。

    Altman and Taylor 's ( 1973 ) social penetration theory has been regarded as an essential theory in relationship development research .

  8. 在险价值(VaR)的出现使得金融资产组合在一定时期内最大可能损失的定量化成为可能,到目前,在险价值已成为金融风险管理系统的奠基石。

    The emergence of Value at Risk ( VaR ) enables us to quantify the maximum loss of financial portfolios in certain period . And it has become the fundation of financial risk measurement system up to now .

  9. 当今最伟大的足球运动员之一&齐内丁。齐达内(ZinedineZidane)在工厂的奠基石上签了名;工厂所有者则认为它将催生一种更为高尚的资本主义形式。

    Its marble foundation stone was signed by Zinedine Zidane , one of the world 's greatest footballers , and its owners think the factory will inspire a nobler breed of capitalism .

  10. 巴基斯坦联邦计划发展部部长阿赫桑·伊克巴尔为电厂铺下奠基石,这是中巴经济走廊(CPEC)中的第一个能源合作项目,他表示这个项目对于巴基斯坦来说十分重要。

    Pakistani Federal Minister for planning and development Ahsan Iqbal laid the foundation stone for the co-fired plant , which is the first energy project of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor ( CPEC ) .

  11. 不兼容原理是模糊数量经济学的奠基石。

    Incompatible theory is a foundation stone of fuzzy quantitative economics .

  12. 为了在天堂里建造大厦我把奠基石放在人间。

    I laid foundation on earth for a mansion in heaven .

  13. 心育内容:构筑儿童心理健康的奠基石

    Content of Psychological Education : Foundation of Constructing child 's Mental Health

  14. 掌握词汇是学习英语的奠基石。

    Grasping the vocabulary is the basis of learning English .

  15. 奠基石是当着当时西奥多。罗斯福总统的面放置的。

    The first stone was laid in the presence of President Theodore Roosevelt .

  16. 商事信用是现代商业社会秩序存续的奠基石。

    Commercial credit is the basis of the existence of contemporary business society .

  17. 事实上,它已成为现代国际贸易理论的奠基石。

    Indeed , it has come to be the cornerstone of modern thinking on international trade .

  18. 做首都教育发展的奠基石&首都教育现代化进程中北京教育学院发展的思考

    Becoming the Cornerstone for Beijing 's Educational Development & Reflection on the Development of Beijing Institute of Education

  19. 上个月,该院又成立了一个新的部门,后者似乎将成为英国管理教育的一块奠基石。

    Last month it established a department that looks set to become a cornerstone of UK management education .

  20. 明末性灵散文:散文走向独立文体之路的奠基石

    Soul Prose in the Ming Dynasty : Prose 's Foundation Stone towards the Road of Independent Literary Style

  21. 在未来的几十年里她将成为我们国防力量的奠基石。

    and she will serve as a cornerstone of our national defense for decades and decades to come .

  22. 缺乏理解与信任的奠基石,昔日的朋友,仍是熟悉的陌生人。

    Lack of understanding and trust of the foundation stone , the old friends , is familiar with strangers .

  23. 排污收费制度已经在中国实施了20多年。它已经成为中国环境保护程序的奠基石。

    Charge system of pollution levy fee as milestone of Chinese environment protection procedures has been implemented for 20 years .

  24. 高等学校生态型校园环境建设的构思生态型德育&创建和谐校园的奠基石

    Thoughts about the Ecotype Campus Construction in a university On Ecological Moral Education & The Cornerstone of Creating Harmonious School

  25. 建筑物一般都有奠基石,就连钢和玻璃结构的建筑物也有,上面通常刻有开工日期。

    Even buildings made of steel and glass usually have a cornerstone , often engraved with the date construction began .

  26. 贫困生积累的人力资本,具有生产效应与配置效应,成为他们提高社会地位、实现社会流动的奠基石。

    Human capital has productive effect and allocation effect , so it became the basis on which they can improve their social status .

  27. 它是衡量我们自身价值的本质所在,也是我们形成自身无形价值最重要的奠基石。

    It is the essence from which we measure our worth and the most important building block in the foundation of our intangible .

  28. 完善的物流网络覆盖和兴旺的物流产业,是保障农村经济发展、现代农业壮大的奠基石,农村物流的发展在很大程度上有助于解决三农问题和促进社会主义新农村建设。

    Comprehensive logistics network covering and the booming logistics industry is the cornerstone of the rural economic development and the modern agricultural growth .

  29. 和那些有丰富经验的健康人士交流能帮你将生理上的绊脚石转变为减肥、禁食的奠基石。

    Working with an experienced health care provider can help you turn these mental roadblocks into motivation to lose weight and keep it off .

  30. 视唱练耳学科是一门极其重要的专业基础课程,是全面培养音乐人才的一块奠基石。

    Sight singing and ear training is a very important professional basic course in music education . It is a foundation of musical comprehensive training .