
  • 网络head kidney;Pronephros;head kidney macrophages;head-kidney
  1. 本实验的第一部分,首次以草鱼体外培养的头肾巨噬细胞为模型,探讨了多种人工合成的寡核苷酸序列和两种不同细菌的基因组DNA对巨噬细胞活化的作用。

    In Part I , we used head kidney macrophages of grass carp ( Ctenopharyngodon idellus ) as an in vitro model and investigated the effects of several CpG-ODNs , Escherichia coli DNA and Bifidobacterium adolescentis DNA on fish immunocytes .

  2. 免疫器官淋巴化的顺序是胸腺、头肾和脾脏。

    The first functional lymphoid organ was thymus followed by head kidney and spleen .

  3. LPS刺激后表达较强的组织是头肾和脾脏,而病毒感染后TNFα在肝脏中的表达较强。

    While challenged by iridovirus , the expression of TNF α in liver was found to be higher than that in head-kidney and spleen .

  4. PHA注射前后兴国红鲤头肾和脾脏结构基本相同。

    The head kidney and the spleen in Xingguo Red Carp were being compared between the fish injected with PHA and the normal group .

  5. AFC在头肾中分布的数量最多,其次是体肾和胸腺,脾脏较少。

    The results showed that the AFC mainly distributed in head kidney , secondly in trunk kidney and spleen , least in thymus .

  6. IgD仅在头肾和脾脏中检测到,阳性细胞数量较少。

    IgD was detected in head kidney and spleen with small amount .

  7. 幼鲤体增重、饵料系数、头肾重量、脾脏重量、血清溶菌酶活力和IgM抗体水平与饵料硒添加量呈显著的二次曲线相关。

    The relationship between Se and the weight gain , feed conversion efficiency , head kidney weight , spleen weight , serum lysozyme activity , IgM showed the remarkable quadratic curve relation .

  8. 饲料Vc含量为75mg·kg~(-1)时头肾指数显著提高,而脾指数不受饲料Vc含量的影响;

    The dietary Vc level of 75 mg · kg-1 markedly enhanced head kidney index , however , no difference was seen in spleen index when the dietary Vc level increased ;

  9. 对慢性盐度胁迫对许氏平(Sebastesschlegeli)鳃、头肾、脾脏超微结构的影响进行了研究。

    The chronic salinity stress on the ultrastructure of gill chloride cell , head kidney and spleen of rockfish ( Sebastes schlegeli ) were studied .

  10. 在免疫器官发育后期,脾脏和头肾中均发现了黑色素-巨噬细胞中心(MMCs),脾脏中较丰富,但在胸腺中尚未发现。

    During the posterior developmental period of the immune organs , the melano-macrophage centers ( MMCs ) were found in spleen and head kidney , but not in thymus . The abundance in spleen was higher . 4 .

  11. 结果表明:脾脏和胸腺的免疫器官指数逐渐升高,头肾的免疫器官指数起初升高然后下降,血液中的NBT阳性细胞数量逐渐增加,血清抗菌活性与溶菌酶活性逐渐升高;

    The immune organ index of the thymus and spleen rose gradually , the immune organ index of the head kidney dropped after rose , and the number of NBT-positive cell increased gradually , plasma bactericidal activity and lysozyme activity in serum increased apparently .

  12. 结果表明,IRF-3基因在体肾、脾和皮肤中表达水平较高,中等程度表达于食道、胃、肠、膀胱、·肌肉、头肾,而在脑、咽和性腺中表达最弱。

    High levels of IRF-3 mRNA expression were seen in the kidney , spleen and skin . A weaker expression was detected in the esophagus , stomach , intestinal , bladder , muscle and head kidney .

  13. 同时明显影响各项免疫指标,胸腺的免疫器官指数逐渐升高,头肾的免疫器官指数开始时升高然后下降,血液中的NBT阳性细胞数量逐渐增加,36d内相对生长率可提高32.6%。

    The immune organ index of thymus raised gradually , the immune organ index of head kidney increased initially and then decreased , the amount of NBT-positive cells increased gradually , and the relative growth rate in 36 days could increase by 32.6 % .

  14. 鱼类脾脏、头肾是机体造血的主要器官。

    The spleen and head kidney are the major hemopoietic organs in fish .

  15. 在胸腺和头肾之间出现细胞迁移现象。

    Cell migration occurred between thymus and head kidney .

  16. 草鱼头肾免疫细胞超微结构的观察

    An ultrastructural observation of immune cells in pronephros of grass carp , Ctenopharyngodon idellus

  17. 红笛鲷头肾和脾脏显微结构的观察

    Microstructure of head-kidney and spleen in Lutjanus sanguineus

  18. 前端为头肾,无肾单位,仅是造血器官。

    The anterior part is the head kidney , having no nephron but hemopoietic tissue .

  19. 泥鳅头肾、脾脏和肝脏中血细胞发生的观察

    Observation on the Development of Blood Cells in Head Kidney , Spleen and Liver of Misgurnus anguillicaudatus

  20. 从鲫鱼头肾中分离纯化得到巨噬细胞,体外培养,用甲草胺和阿特拉津染毒。

    Macrophages separated from the head-kindey of crucian carp were cultured and exposed to alachlor and atrazine in vitro .

  21. 脂多糖刺激鲤外周血白细胞和头肾白细胞后,该基因表达量出现显著上升。

    After lipopolysaccharide stimulation , the expression of CCL-C5a showed significantly increase in peripheral blood leukocytes and head kidney leukocytes .

  22. 硬骨鱼的头肾在功能和结构上被认为与哺乳动物的骨髓相当,其含有大量的巨噬细胞。

    The head kidney of teleostean fish is considered to be the functional and structural homologue of mammalian bone marrow .

  23. 草鱼头肾免疫细胞组成和数量变化

    The composition of immune cells in head kidney of grass carp ( ctenopharyngodon idellus ) together with ontogenic change of their numbers

  24. 研究结果表明:红笛鲷的头肾和脾脏是硬骨鱼类机体造血的主要器官,又是鱼类重要的免疫器官。

    The head kidney and spleen are the major hemopoietic organs in fish , and they are also important immune organs in the Lutjanus sanguineus .

  25. 在脾、头肾、体肾和胸腺中,前期的淋巴细胞总值上升;

    In spleen , thymus , head kidney and body kidney , the total value of lymphocyte increased , but that of neutrophil granulocyte decreased .

  26. 组织切片显微观察发现,大菱鲆皮肤、鳃、后肠、头肾和脾中存在淋巴细胞。

    Lymphocytes presented in skin , gill , hindgut , head kidney , spleen and peripheral blood ( PBL ) after micro observation to tissue sections .

  27. 斑马鱼体细胞核移植&头肾细胞和尾鳍细胞核移入成熟具核卵子发育能力的初步研究

    Nuclear Transplantation in Zebrafish ( Brachydanio rerio ): Development of Nucleate Unfertilized Eggs Transplanted with the Nuclei from Renal Cells and Caudal Fin Cells of Zebrafish

  28. 头肾血管周围的肾上腺细胞发生空泡变性,细胞出现大小不等的空泡,实质血窦扩张淤血,淋巴样细胞减少。

    The pathological changes of kidney were vacuolation in the the adrenal gland cell around head kidney vein , dilation and gore of parenchyma vein antrum .

  29. 阿特拉津和毒死蜱进入鲤鱼体内后会以原型或代谢产物的形式富集在脾脏和头肾组织,联合染毒阿特拉津和毒死蜱及其代谢产物蓄积水平强于单一暴露。

    Atrazine , chlorpyrifos and their metabolites possible accumulation in the spleen and head kidney tissue of carp after pesticides single and joint sub-chronic exposure . 4 .

  30. 在60日龄时,消化系统基本发育完成。3.大菱鲆免疫器官原基出现的先后顺序是头肾、脾脏和胸腺。

    At 60 DAH , the digestive system completed development . 3 . The sequence of immune organ anlages appearance were head kidney , spleen and thymus .