
lán wěi xì mó
  • mesoappendix
  1. 结果阑尾切除术后再手术者8例,包括阑尾系膜出血3例,阑尾残株过长2例,肠梗阻2例,宫外孕误诊1例,再次手术后全部治愈。

    These included bleeding of mesoappendix in 3 cases , stump appendicitis in two cases , intestinal obstruction in two cases and ectopic pregnancy in one case . All of the patiens recovered smoothly after successful reoperation .

  2. 结论阑尾系膜封闭能够改善阑尾术中的内脏牵拉反应。

    Conclusions Meso-appendix block can alleviate the pulling reaction of visus during appendectomy .

  3. 阑尾、阑尾系膜的感觉纤维是经T5或T6及以下某些节段的脊神经进入脊髓的。

    The sensory fibers of vermiform appendix , mesoappendix enter the spinal cord through the dorsal roots of T5 or T6 , and through some dorsal roots below T5 or T6 .

  4. 方法全麻下按LC常规切除胆囊,右麦氏点10mmtrocar内置入分离钳,夹阑尾远端于腹腔外切除,或钛夹夹闭阑尾系膜及根部,电刀切除阑尾。

    Methods Following routine LC under general anasthesia , a dissecting forceps was introduced from the 10 mm trocar on the right McBurney point . The appendix was excised outside the abdomen , or removed by using an electrotome after the mesoappendix and the appendix root were dipped .

  5. 方法:在腹腔镜胆囊切除术(LC)、腹腔镜阑尾切除术(LA)中应用‘靳氏结’处理胆囊管及其血管和阑尾残根及其系膜。

    Methods : " JIN 's knot " was applied in dealing with duct of gallbladder , blood vessel of gallbladder , mesoappendix and remnant of appendix in laparoscopic cholecystectomy and appendectomy .