
shī mián duō mènɡ
  • Insomnia and dreaminess;insomnia, excessive dreaming during sleep
  1. 在改善眩晕、心烦易怒、失眠多梦等临床症状方面,治疗组亦优于对照组(P<0.05)。

    And the effect of YQG for dizziness , irritability and insomnia was better than the control group ( P < 0.05 ) .

  2. 次要症状疗效比较:在心悸怔仲、失眠多梦等次要中医症状上,用药8周后,治疗组治疗前后各症状积分均显著下降(p0.01)。

    Comparative efficacy of secondary symptoms : After 8 weeks of treatment , In the heart palpitations Zheng Zhong , insomnia and other minor clinical symptoms , before and after treatment , symptom scores were significantly decreased ( p0.01 ) .

  3. 次要症状:神疲乏力、胸闷、失眠多梦、食欲不振、弦滑脉。

    Secondary symptoms : fatigue , chest tightness , insomnia and dreaminess , loss of appetite , and wiry slippery pulse .

  4. [结果]调查的学生中存在亚健康状态的表现达81.9%,表现突出的是失眠多梦、食欲不振、疲劳乏力、抑郁、焦虑;

    [ Result ] 81.9 % students were under sub-health condition with insomnia , poor appetite , tiredness , depression and anxiety .

  5. 其主要临床表现为眩晕,头痛,心烦易怒,耳鸣耳聋,失眠多梦等症状。

    The clinical manifestations involve vertigo , headache , vexation , querulous , tinnitus and deafness , insomnia and dreamful sleep , and so on .

  6. 192例伴失眠多梦,62例伴月经紊乱,88例伴胸闷心慌,115例伴上消化道症状。

    Of all the cases , 192 were accompanied with insomnia , 62 with menstrual disorder , 88 with chest flusteration , and 115 cases with digestive diseases .

  7. 补心血,益心气。适用于心血虚、心气不足所出现的心悸怔忡、失眠多梦等症。

    Is suitable the palpitation palpitation which in the heart blood deficiency and related debilities , the frame of mind insufficient appears , loses sleep the multi-dreams and so on sickness .

  8. 大剂量组和小剂量组均可改善中医症候,大剂量组在改善主症失眠多梦及心烦恐惧方面作用明显,心悸有所减轻。

    High-dose group and low-dose group of Chinese medicine can improve symptoms , the improvement of high-dose group more than the main dream of insomnia patients and the role of fear obviously upset , palpitations alleviated .

  9. 肝肾阴虚、肝阳上亢、瘀血阻络证主要症状:腰膝酸软、腰背酸痛、失眠多梦、头晕目眩、少苔或无苔、薄白苔。

    Liver and kidney Yin deficiency with liver yang hyperactivity and blood stasis blocking collaterals syndrome Main symptoms : aching , or soreness and weakness of waist and knees , insomnia and dreaminess , dizzy , scanty or peeled tongue coating , thin and white tongue coating .

  10. 慢性病毒性肝炎病因复杂,传染性强,可出现多种伴随症状,除肝病常见症状外,常伴有失眠多梦、疲乏、健忘、胁痛等。

    The etiology of CVH is complex . CVH has stronger infectivity , and often appear with a variety of symptoms , such as insomnia , dreaminess , forgetfulness , fatigue and hypochondriac pain , etc. In recent years , some studies show that patients with CVH exist widely insomnia .

  11. 指的是询问失眠、多梦和昏睡以了解阴阳的虚实。

    It refers to inquiring about insomnia , dreaminess and lethargy to know excess and deficiency of yin and yang .

  12. 用于焦虑性神经症,症见恐惧惊慌、心悸、失眠、多梦,晕眩。

    It is indicated for the treatment of Anxiety such as terror or panic , palpitation , insomnia , dreaminess , dizziness .

  13. 对此予以临床统计分析研究,试图找出肝胆病失眠与多梦的规律,为临床提供有利的依据。

    Making the clinical statistic analysis research , trying to find out insomnia caused by hepatic and biliary disorder , it can provide the advantageous basis for clinical research .

  14. 探讨肝胆病失眠与多梦表现的相关性,对分析病机、判断病变性质和转归、指导治疗都有非常深远的意义。

    Discussion on the correlation between hepatic and biliary disorder-caused insomnia and dreaminess has a profound significance on pathogenesis analysis 、 judging pathological changes properties and outcome and guiding treatment .

  15. 研究结果1、大部分慢性肝胆病失眠患者存在多梦表现,且女性多于男性。

    Most of the liver and gallbladder disease insomnia patients are dreamy and female over male . 2 .