
shī kòng
  • out of control;runaway;incontrollable;tailspin
失控 [shī kòng]
  • [out of control]起控制作用,机器或器官失去控制能力

  • 飞机失控,冲出了跑道

失控[shī kòng]
  1. 货车失控撞上了一辆公共汽车的尾部。

    A truck went out of control and crashed into the back of a bus .

  2. 发射后不久,火箭就失控坠落了。

    The rocket tumbled out of control shortly after lift-off .

  3. 她小心翼翼,不让自己失控。

    She was careful not to let her control slip .

  4. 司机在拐弯处失控,撞在了一棵树上。

    The driver lost control on a curve and the vehicle hit a tree .

  5. 一辆失控的汽车朝我们飞驰而来。

    A runaway car came hurtling towards us .

  6. 那辆失控的车猛冲到一条长椅上,撞伤了一对老夫妇。

    The runaway car careered into a bench , hitting an elderly couple

  7. 这个故事就像一辆失控的高速列车,读起来惊险刺激。

    The narrative pulls you along like a runaway train .

  8. 生平第一次也是唯一的一次,格兰特失控了。

    For the first and only time Grant 's self-control snapped

  9. 卡车突然失控,翻倒撞上了一堵墙。

    The lorry veered out of control , overturned and smashed into a wall

  10. 他的脾气很坏,有时会完全失控。

    He had a terrible temper , and sometimes he would completely lose control

  11. 汽车显然是撞上了一个交通标志牌后打滑失控的。

    The car had apparently hit a traffic sign before skidding out of control

  12. 该省因受种族冲突困扰而失控。

    Beset by ethnic strife , the province remains ungovernable

  13. 要记住这种失控可能永远无法恢复。

    It should be remembered that this loss of control can never be regained .

  14. 如果政治和民族问题得不到解决,局面可能会失控。

    If political and ethnic problems are not resolved the situation could become uncontrollable .

  15. 房屋买卖价格链已经失控。

    The house price chain is gummed up .

  16. 这个国家已经基本上失控了。

    The country has become virtually ungovernable .

  17. 道格拉斯一生中只有一次情绪失控。

    Only once in his life had Douglas permitted himself to lose control of his emotions .

  18. 当情绪几近失控的人群拼命想接近他时,警察和保镖不得不保护他。

    Police and bodyguards had to protect him as the almost hysterical crowds struggled to approach him

  19. 他的行为偶尔会变得如此失控,不得不给他穿上约束服。

    Occasionally his behavior became so uncontrollable that he had to be placed in a straitjacket .

  20. 他的汽车失控了。

    He lost control of his car

  21. 道格拉斯扮演一个失意的普通美国人,他在日常生活压力下突然失控。

    Douglas plays a frustrated American everyman who suddenly loses control under the pressure of daily life .

  22. 人很容易情绪失控,你要小心。

    It is quite easy to get engulfed in the hysterics and you have to be careful .

  23. 她感到自己的脸变红了——“对不起,罗布,我只是,呃,一时情绪失控。”

    She felt her face going red — ' I 'm sorry Rob , it 's just that I 'm , um , overwhelmed . '

  24. 白鹳吃蝗虫和其他昆虫,这些昆虫如果数量失控就会变成害虫。

    White storks feed on locusts and other insects that can become pests if their numbers get out of hand .

  25. 难怪父母担心一旦他们的孩子遇到青春期混乱的情况就可能失控。

    No wonder parents worry their own kids might spin out of control once they hit the turbulent waters of adolescence .

  26. 凯伦·苏是一位五年级学生和八年级学生的华裔美国妈妈,她认为这个学区内的竞争已经失控了。

    Karen Sue , the Chinese-American mother of a fifth-grader and an eighth-grader , believes the competition within the district has gotten out of control .

  27. "这完全失控了,来自世界各地的人们发送了成千上万封电子邮件,里面分享了他们的旅行故事。"

    " It was absolutely out of control , thousands of e-mails , people around the world sharing their stories of travel . "

  28. 这种失控的复杂性会造成大量的故障或惊人的预算“失控”。

    Unmanageable complexity can result in massive foul-ups or spectacular budget " runaways . "

  29. 你失控了。

    I think you lost your nerve .

  30. 而一个人越是强大,你就越少能看到他失控。

    The stronger a person is , the less you see him throw away his calmness .