
  • 网络Lost and Love
  1. 虽然《失孤》也遭到一些负面评价,但是井柏然似乎已经达成自己的目标。

    Although the movie experienced its share of negative criticism , it seems Jing has achieved his goal .

  2. 在最近热议的拐卖儿童题材电影《失孤》中,井柏然扮演一位寻找亲生父母的年轻人,名叫曾帅。

    In much-discussed human trafficking drama Lost and Love , Jing plays a young man , Zeng Shuai , who is searching for his biological parents .

  3. 彭三源的电影《失孤》可以成功充当一部中国旅行纪录片:葱翠的树木、蜿蜒的道路、渔民小屋、彩带般的桥梁、小饭馆和污秽的城乡结合部……本片摄影师李屏宾曾与大导演侯孝贤合作,把时光凝聚为画面。

    Peng Sanyuan 's " Lost and Love " could ably serve as a travelogue of China : glowingly verdant trees , winding roads , fishing shacks , ribbonlike bridges , cafes and grubby city intersections , all shot by Mark Lee Ping Bin , the cinematographer who has helped the great director Hou Hsiao-hsien sculpt time in images .