
  • 网络Solar Energy Company;SunPower Corporation;Tessera Solar;Zep Solar
  1. 这里的六家工厂构成了第一太阳能公司(FIRSTSOLAR)的生产主力。这些工厂的厂房如洞穴般空旷,长可达三分之一英里(约合540米)。

    The six factories here with cavernous rooms up to one-third of a mile long constitute the production backbone of First Solar .

  2. 汉能薄膜的市值是其最大对手、美国薄膜太阳能公司FIRSTSOLAR的5倍以上。

    HTF is valued at more than five times as much as its largest competitor , the US thin-film solar company First Solar .

  3. HM太阳能公司绩效管理体系设计与实施研究

    The Study of Solar HM 's Comprehensive Performance Management System

  4. 苹果周日宣布,已经与太阳能公司SunseapGroup达成协议,其新加坡运营将全部使用可再生能源。

    Apple announced on Sunday that it has struck a deal to power all of its Singapore operations with renewable energy , the latest in a series of steps from the company to turn its operations worldwide green .

  5. 入职仅五个月后,约翰•科莱塔(JohnColetta)于去年8月辞去太阳能公司(RealGoodsSolarInc.)首席财务长一职。

    John Coletta quit as chief financial officer of Real Goods Solar Inc. in late August ─ just five months after he arrived .

  6. 本月,常绿太阳能公司(EvergreenSolar)关闭了位于马萨诸塞州的一座工厂,并逐渐将生产迁至中国。而此前不到三年的时间里,这家工厂就削已减了800个工作岗位。

    This month , Evergreen Solar shut a plant in Massachusetts after less than three years with the loss of 800 jobs , and is moving production to China .

  7. 因此,我们也在其他清洁能源行动计划方面进行更密切的合作,这其中包括委员长先生本周与亚利桑那第一太阳能公司(FirstSolar)签署的协议,该项目将致力于开发世界最大的聚光太阳能发电厂。

    So we are cooperating more closely on other clean energy initiatives as well , including the agreement you signed this week , Mr. Chairman , with the Arizona company First Solar to develop the largest solar farm in the world .

  8. 包括特斯拉,马斯克同时也是私人火箭太空探索技术公司(SpaceX)的首席执行官,以及太阳能公司的董事长。

    Apart from Tesla , Musk is also the CEO of private rocket firm SpaceX and chairman of solar company Solarcity .

  9. 不管你怎么看Solyndra(已倒闭的美国太阳能公司,它得到的5.35亿联邦贷款担保还是让奥巴马政府极为难堪&译注),至少它在拿到联邦贷款前还曾经被要求筹集等量的私人资金。

    Say what you will about solyndra , but at least the company was required to raise private matching funds before getting federal dollars .

  10. 哈雷阿卡拉太阳能公司(HaleakalaSolar)首席执行官詹姆斯·惠特科姆(JamesWhitcomb)表示,对于那些能够负担得起的人来说,可能有一个比较激进的解决方案:避开这家电力公司和它的电网。惠特科姆在1977年创立了哈雷阿卡拉。

    For those who can afford it , said James Whitcomb , chief executive of Haleakala Solar , which he started in 1977 , the answer may lie in a more radical solution : Avoid the utility and its grid altogether .

  11. 投资者尤其担心马斯克斥资26亿美元收购太阳能公司SolarCity的举动(周一刚刚完成收购)。

    Investors are wary in particular of Mr Musk 's $ 2.6bn move to buy SolarCity , a solar power company , which wrapped up on Monday .

  12. 在税收减免政策的激励下,第一太阳能公司决定把大部分生产环节安排在这里,该公司的执行副总裁玛雅·威尔斯(MajaWessels)表示。

    The tax break cinched the deal for First Solar to set up most of its production here , said Maja Wessels , an executive vice president at the company .

  13. 中国的太阳能公司有理由高兴。

    Solar power companies in China have had reason to rejoice .

  14. 不过第一太阳能公司的股票价格正遭受重挫。

    Yet First Solar 's share price is tanking .

  15. 在石油和煤炭公司的资助下,对冲基金在卖掉中国太阳能公司的短期收益。

    Hedge funds are selling short chinese solars with the help of oil and coal money .

  16. 作为回应,这些太阳能公司通过监管机构、律师和法院进行回击。

    In response , those solar companies are fighting back through regulators , lawmakers and the courts .

  17. 该公司是一家在纽约交易所上市的中国太阳能公司,晶科能源控股公司的附属公司。

    The company is a subsidiary of a New York Exchange-listed Chinese solar company , JinkoSolar Holding Company .

  18. 财政部、住房和城乡建设部联合发布的声明,推动数家太阳能公司股价强劲上涨。

    The announcement , made by the finance and housing ministries , sent shares of several solar companies soaring .

  19. 第一太阳能公司的太阳能电池板平均效率为11-12%,而使用晶体硅的太阳能电池板效率为14-15%。

    First Solar 's panels have an average efficiency rate of11-12 % as opposed to14-15 % for the silicon ones .

  20. 但随着光伏发电技术变得更具成本竞争力,公用事业公司正在转向第一太阳能公司这样的大型太阳能电站。

    But as photovoltaic technology becomes more cost-competitive , utilities are turning to companies like First Solar for big solar power farms .

  21. 科莱塔相信,他的辞职得体而有风度,因为他给予了太阳能公司的临时继任者简明扼要的指导。

    He believes he exited ' with style and grace ' because he briefly advised his interim successor at the solar-energy company .

  22. 有卖了制药业务,他们把节省了德国的一家太阳能公司去年年初数百万只随着经济形势的恶化。

    Having sold their pharma business , they put many millions into saving a German solar company early last year just as the economic outlook worsened .

  23. 中国的太阳能公司说他们的成功源于“竞争优势”而且全球同业会欢迎他们对于减少商品成本的努力。

    Chinese solar firms said that their success was due to " competitive advantages " and the global industry should welcome their efforts to cut production costs .

  24. 然而,他补充称,并购活动非常少,因为许多太阳能公司把出售股权作为融资的最后选择。

    However , he adds that activity has been sparse because many solar companies see selling a stake in their company as a last resort to raise funds .

  25. 或许很难预测哪一个太阳能公司会在中国占首要地位,但是很容易预见在未来的几年中石油将会是赢家。

    It 's difficult to predict which solar company will be the dominate player in china , but it 's easy to see Petrochina will be a winner in years to come .

  26. 为了让太阳能公司赚钱,屋主省钱,使用的地方必须满足几个条件:当地电费率很高、州政府和当地政府对此进行补贴、便宜的安装成本。

    In order for both the solar company to make money and the homeowner to save money there must be some combination of high local electric rates , state and local subsidies , and low installation costs .

  27. 第一太阳能公司企业沟通部主任史蒂夫o克鲁姆仅仅表示,氯化镉仍然是该公司生产过程的重要组成部分,它并非生产过程中主要的成本驱动因素。

    Steve Krum , the director of corporate communications for First Solar , would only say cadmium chloride remains critical part of its production process and that it was not a major cost driver in our manufacturing process .

  28. 他说:许多太阳能公司对于一些生产概念并不熟悉,比如如何提高产量,或降低成本的最佳方式,因为他们往往是致力于研发的初创企业。

    There are production concepts such as how to raise yield , or the best ways to lower cost , that are foreign to many solar companies because they tend to be start-ups focused on research and development , he says .

  29. 第一太阳能公司企业沟通部主任史蒂夫o克鲁姆仅仅表示,氯化镉仍然是该公司生产过程的“重要组成部分”,它并非“生产过程中主要的成本驱动因素。”

    Steve Krum , the director of corporate communications for First Solar , would only say cadmium chloride remains " critical part " of its production process and that it was not a " major cost driver in our manufacturing process . "

  30. 独立太阳能咨询公司FrankHaugwitz表示,很难确定屋顶的所有权,也不好安排融资。

    It 's tough to secure ownership rights to rooftops or arrange financing , says Frank Haugwitz , an independent solar energy consultant .