
tài yánɡ dǎo
  • Sun Island
  1. 在哈尔滨太阳岛公园就有一处,数年前曾频繁出现在新闻中。

    The Sun Island Park in Harbin has one , which was all over the news years ago .

  2. 太阳岛风景区木本植物群落结构分析

    Structures of Woody Plant Communities in Sun Island Resort , Harbin

  3. 刚刚结束冰雪大世界之旅,接下来去5A级的太阳岛游玩。

    Just concluded a Shijiezhilu : snow , the next to the5-A Taiyangdao play .

  4. 结果表明,应用该法提取DNA方法简单易行,价格低廉,PCR检测太阳岛地区灰松鼠雌雄比例为59∶27。

    And the PCR was used to amplify SRY gene . The result showed that the method of extraction DNA from the faeces of gray squirrel was simple and cheap . And the sex ratio of female to male animals there is 59 / 27 .

  5. 这个地区被称为“太阳岛”。

    This area is known as the " Sun Island " .

  6. 太阳岛是哈尔滨著名的风景区。

    The sun island is the famous scenary zone in haerbin .

  7. 哈尔滨市太阳岛风景区旅游淡季应对措施

    Response measures to travel off-season of Sun Island scenic spot in Harbin

  8. 一部分假期是在太阳岛度过的。

    We spent a part of our holiday on the Sun Island .

  9. 太阳岛是有名的游览地。亚太国际贸易博览会

    The Sun Island is a well-known summer resorts . Asia-Pacific International Trade Fair

  10. 太阳岛是有名的游览地。

    The Sun Island is a well-known summer resorts .

  11. 我们为什么不去太阳岛旅行呢?

    Why don 't we go on a trip to the Sun Island ?

  12. 太阳岛景观水体藻类演替与生物多样性变化

    Succession and biodiversity change of algae in static landscaping water body of Sun land

  13. 太阳岛风景区自然植物群落特征与演替趋势

    Community Characteristics and Succession Tendency of Natural Plants in Sun Island Resort of Harbin

  14. 太阳岛地区临江建筑景观初探

    A Brief Discussion Of Building Landscape Beside The River In The Area Of Sun Island

  15. 哈尔滨太阳岛水域原生动物群落变化的初步研究

    Changes preliminary studies on protozoans community diversity in the water area of the sun island in Harbin

  16. 生态安全评价及公众参与在太阳岛风景区规划中应用研究

    The Study of Sun Island Scenic Area Planning Based on Evaluation of Ecological Safety and Public Participation

  17. 通过对太阳岛风景区的现状和存在问题的综合分析。

    Through the comprehensive analysis of the present situation , existed problem in scenic spot in Taiyang island .

  18. 该项目作为太阳岛风景区的重要组成部分,论文对该项目与整个景区的互适性进行了分析。

    The project is as an important component of Taiyangdao scenic and is conducted an analysis entire scenic coordination .

  19. 应用分子粪便学方法调查太阳岛地区灰松鼠性别比例

    Investigation of Sex Ratio of Gray Squirrel ( Sciurus vulgaris ) in the Region of Sun Island with Molecular Scatology Method

  20. 打一辆出租车穿过松花江去太阳岛国际冰雕艺术展,现在是第二十届了。

    Take a taxi across the Songhua River to Sun Island International Snow Sculpture Art Fair , now in its20th year .

  21. 以太阳岛构造和大平房构造为例,利用流体包裹体显微测温和磷灰石裂变径迹分析方法恢复了辽河盆地东部凹陷第三系的古地温。

    Fluid inclusion microthermometry and apatite fission track analysis were used to reconstruct the Tertiary paleotemperature of the East depression , Liaohe basin .

  22. 太阳岛,位于哈尔滨市松花江心,与风景如画的斯大林公园隔水相望。

    One interesting place to visit in Harbin is Sun Island in the Songhua River , facing the beautiful Stalin Park on the other bank .

  23. 融合了哥特和巴洛克建筑风格的“冰雪之冠”,伫立在黑龙江省的省会哈尔滨的太阳岛湖面上。

    Combining both gothic and baroque styles , the " Crown of Ice and Snow " stands on the surface of a frozen lake at Sun Island in Harbin , the provincial capital .

  24. 第二十八届太阳岛冰雪博览会总设计师杨宏伟表示,共计超过160名建筑师,使用超过35000立方米的用雪量来建造这座占地面积2800平方米的城堡。

    More than 160 artists used more than 35000 cubic meters of snow to build the castle , which covers an area of 2800 square meters , said Yang Hongwei , chief designer of the 28th Sun Island Snow Expo .

  25. 一幅长曝光的照片,抓着太阳在横越巴芬岛的北极的天空。

    A long-exposure photograph captures the sun in flight across Baffin Island 's Arctic sky .