
tài píng yáng zhàn zhēng
  • the Pacific War
太平洋战争[tài píng yáng zhàn zhēng]
  1. 试论太平洋战争中日本入侵缅甸问题

    On Japan 's Invasion in Burma during the Pacific War

  2. 论太平洋战争前10年的日美关系

    Japan-US relationship in Ten Years before the Pacific War

  3. 从ADB协定看太平洋战争爆发前英美在远东的军事合作

    The ADB Agreement and Anglo-American Military , Cooperation in the Far East before the Pacific War

  4. HBO的《太平洋战争》周日晚上的首播开局不错,拿到了310万的收视。

    HBO 's " The Pacific " got off to a fair start on Sunday evening , delivering 3.1 million viewers .

  5. 这比HBO上一部迷你剧《约翰·亚当斯》的首播高出了22%,加上重播的观众,《太平洋战争》有400万的收视。

    That 's 22 % higher than the debut of HBO 's last miniseries , " John Adams ," and " The Pacific " tally grew to 4 million with its encore airing .

  6. 由于感觉自己受到西方国家的排斥,在20世纪30年代,日本开始了自己的门罗主义(MonroeDoctrine)路线,引发了第二次中日战争,以及对抗盟国的太平洋战争。

    Feeling excluded by Western nations , in the 1930s , Japan embarked on its own version of the Monroe Doctrine , leading to the second Sino-Japanese war and the Pacific war against the Allied Powers .

  7. 星期天晚上,艾美奖颁奖典礼在好莱坞举行。由汤姆汉克斯和斯蒂芬斯比尔伯格联手打造的HBO史诗迷你剧《太平洋战争》众望所归,赢得奖项。

    At the Emmy Awards here in Hollywood on Sunday night , The Pacific , the epic HBO miniseries about World War II , produced by Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg , is expected to sweep .

  8. 论太平洋战争前美国远东政策的两重性

    On the Duality of USA Far-East Policy Before the Pacific War

  9. 太平洋战争爆发前美国的拉美战略

    Latin America Strategy of the United States Before the Pacific War

  10. 太平洋战争时期国民政府对英外交

    The Diplomacy of National Government Towards Britain during the Pacific War

  11. 论太平洋战争前夕英国对华政策的调整

    Adjustment of British Policy toward China on Pacific War Eve

  12. 太平洋战争爆发前上海金融业的抗日活动

    Anti-Japanese Activities of Financial Circles in Shanghai before the Outbreak of Pacific War

  13. 在太平洋战争中中美并肩与日作战。

    China fought with the U. S against Japan in the Pacific War .

  14. 太平洋战争中的缅甸问题

    On the Issues concerning Burma during the Pacific War

  15. 太平洋战争后期美国对华政策&从史迪威事件到太平洋战争结束

    American Diplomatic Policy to China During the Latter Period of the Pacific War

  16. 太平洋战争爆发前美国对日经济政策的演变

    Changes of American Economic Policies Toward Japan Before the Eruption of Pacific War

  17. 论太平洋战争爆发前美英的对华政策

    The United States & The United Kingdom China Policy Before the Pacific War

  18. 太平洋战争与中国的大国地位

    The Pacific War and China 's Big-power Status

  19. 论太平洋战争时期英国策划马来亚联盟的动机

    The British Motives for the Malayan Union Scheme

  20. 这是战略上的安排,指导着整个太平洋战争。

    That was the strategic decision that guided the whole war in the pacific .

  21. 论太平洋战争美军岛屿进攻作战后勤保障的主要特点

    Main Characteristics of US Army Logistics in the Island Offensive Operations during the Pacific War

  22. 文章第一部分为太平洋战争爆发前美国对日军事战略的演变。

    Part I introduce the evolution of American strategy against Japan before the Pacific War .

  23. 英国和美国对日宣战,太平洋战争开始。

    Britain and the United States declared war on Japan and the Pacific War started .

  24. 第二次世界大战期间,澳英传统关系经受了战争的严峻考验,特别是太平洋战争的爆发直接导致了澳英关系的裂痕。

    The traditional Australian and British relation experiences a severe test during the Second World War .

  25. 太平洋战争爆发后,主张国共合作,联共抗日;

    During the pacific war they stood for cooperation between Chinese Nationalist Party and Communist Party .

  26. 这一太平洋战争的转折点标志着日本侵略终结的开始。

    This turning point in the Pacific War marks the beginning of the end of Japanese aggression .

  27. 太平洋战争爆发之前,坚持中立政策,并表现出较强的两面性;

    Before the Pacific war , they took the policy of neutrality and showed strong dual characters .

  28. 先欧后亚战略与太平洋战争爆发前夕的美国对华政策

    The Strategy of Asia Prior to Europe and the American Policy to China Before the Pacific Ocean War

  29. 试析太平洋战争前夕英国关闭滇缅公路的原因及后果

    On the cause and consequence of Britain to close the China Burma Road on the Pacific War eve

  30. 《没有慈悲的战争:太平洋战争的种族和强权》1986。

    Dower , John . War Without Mercy : Race and Power in the Pacific War . 1986 .