
tài kōnɡ tàn cè qì
  • space probe
  1. 太空探测器给我们发挥了有用的信息。

    The space probe sent back useful information to us .

  2. 我在担心“新视野号太空探测器”。

    I 'm worried about the New Horizons space probe .

  3. “先驱者号”太空探测器上装有紫外线仪器,能够对在地球上探测不到的光进行测量。

    The Pioneer probes have on board ultraviolet instruments which are measuring light that we can 't measure on the earth .

  4. 它的圆环是从地球上用望远镜发现的,但是太空探测器后来又发现了围绕其他一些星球的壮观的圆环。

    Its rings were discovered by telescope from Earth , but space probes later found that spectacular rings surround some other planets

  5. 那么,能派无人驾驶的太空探测器前往恒星吗?

    How about unmanned space probes going to the stars ?

  6. 旅行者号太空探测器,还是《星际迷航:航海家号》电视剧?

    Voyager the space probe or Voyager the Star Trek TV show ?

  7. 太空探测器提供了证据表明木卫二表层之下有一个海洋。

    Space probes have provided evidence that Europa has a large ocean under its surface .

  8. 中国一座太空探测器在发射八天之后成功进入月球周围的轨道。

    A Chinese space probe has successfully entered orbit around the Moon eight days after it was launched .

  9. 停在太阳周围轨道的太空探测器也许依然完好。

    Space probes parked in orbit round the sun might lie dormant yet intact for an immense period of time .

  10. 欧洲宇航局说,在火星上找到了十多年前失踪的英国建造的太空探测器。

    The European Space Agency says a British-built space probe that disappeared more than a decade ago on Mars has been found .

  11. 近地小行星约会外太空探测器在对厄罗斯小行星研究了一年后才进行着陆。一艘美国无人驾驶探测器在一个小行星上首次着陆。

    The NEAR-Shoemaker probe touched down after studying the asteroid Eros for the past year . An unmanned American spacecraft has made the first ever landing on an asteroid .

  12. 英国探寻火星生命计划遭遇第二次失败,太空探测器再次没能发出成功登陆的确认信号。

    A British mission trying to find life on Mars suffered a second setback when its space probe again failed to send a signal to confirm it had landed .

  13. 火星环球探测器已经运行了比其它发送到火星上去的任何其它卫星的时间都长。近地小行星约会外太空探测器在对厄罗斯小行星研究了一年后才进行着陆。

    Mars Global Surveyor has operated longer than any spacecraft ever sent to the red planet . The NEAR-Shoemaker probe touched down after studying the asteroid Eros for the past year .

  14. 在一代人的时间内,“突破摄星”旨在研发出一台“纳米飞行器”——一台质量为克级的自动化太空探测器——并且通过光束把它推动到五分之一的光速。

    Within the nextgeneration , Breakthrough Starshot aims to develop a ' nanocraft " - a gram-scalerobotic space probe - and use a light beam to push it to 20 percent of thespeed of light .

  15. 小行星:凹陷处轮廓分明:吊胃口,激起兴趣欧洲太空署外太空探测器罗塞塔从距离地球数百万英里的小行星发回高分辨率的图像。

    The European Space Agency 's deep space probe Rosetta transmitted high-resolution images of an asteroid millions of miles from Earth .

  16. 人类探索太空的活动更加活跃的同时,太空辐射环境对探测器可靠性的负面影响也日益突出。

    While space exploration activities become more active , the negative impact on the reliability of space detectors caused by space radiation also becomes more severe .