
  • Scorpio;Scorpion;scorpius
  1. 一月对于你来说真是非常棒,天蝎!

    This is a really good month for you , Scorpio !

  2. 处女是土象星座,天蝎是火象星座。

    Virgo is an Earth Sign and Scorpio is a Water Sign .

  3. 两部热门新剧《海军罪案调查处:新奥尔良》(NCIS:NewOrleans)和《天蝎》(Scorpion)已经回归,分别在周一和周二晚9点播出。

    Two new hit shows , " NCIS : New Orleans " and " Scorpion , " will return to the lineup , and will air at 9 p.m. , " NCIS " on Monday and " Scorpion " on Tuesday .

  4. 天蝎-射手:这样的组合简直是浪费双方的时间。

    This alliance is a waste of time for both parties .

  5. 放下战车工厂并且制造天蝎坦克。

    Put down the War Factory and build Scorpian Tanks .

  6. 天蝎、摩羯携手相聚十一月生日会,魅力与理性的绽放。

    Scorpio and Capricorn get together on our birthday party .

  7. 你的天蝎有时逃避这世界,处女也是。

    Your Scorpio escapes the world sometimes , and so do you .

  8. 你知道是什么让天蝎们如此性感吗?

    Do you know what makes them so supremely sexy ?

  9. 放下另一个战车工厂并且接着造天蝎坦克。

    Put down another War Factory and continue from there .

  10. 天蝎和摩羯的组合通常是有激情,婚姻也是成功的。

    The connection is usually passionate and marriages are successful .

  11. 不管怎样,不是每个天蝎都会在3月初月到这个难题。

    Not every Scorpio had a difficult time in early March however .

  12. 天蝎:你做生意太精明,无法信任。

    SCORPIO : You are shrewd in business and cannot be trusted .

  13. 天蝎星攻打太阳,直打得太阳和月亮沉落

    Scorpion fights against the Sun until the Sun and Moon go down

  14. 在处女-天蝎的感情中,什么才是最美妙的部分呢?

    Whats the best aspect of the Virgo-Scorpio relationship ?

  15. 天蝎更具创造性,摩羯更加有耐心。

    The Scorpio is more inventive , while the Capricorn is more patient .

  16. 天蝎鱼会用它们非常狠毒的背部脊柱进行快速攻击。

    The fish uses its highly venomous dorsal spines in a lightning-quick attack .

  17. 天蝎:白屈菜、紫色石南、菊花

    Scorpio : Celandine , purple heather , chrysanthemum

  18. 天蝎的天赋就是挖掘隐藏的信息&你们是这方面的天才。

    Scorpio is talented about ferreting out hidden information-it 's your sign 's talent .

  19. 天蝎:爱情,你感受到了吗?

    SCORPIO : Are you feeling the love ?

  20. 蛇夫-天蝎暗云区的变星观测&新快变星及星云变星

    Observation of variables in Ophiuchus Scorpius region & new rapid variables and nebular variables

  21. 你是天蝎,我是射手,所以我们合得来。

    You 're a scorpio , I 'm a sag , we get along .

  22. 建造一个战车工厂并且制造天蝎坦克。

    Build a War Factory and produce Scorpians .

  23. 亲爱的天蝎,去帮她吧。

    Be there for her , dear Scorpio .

  24. 天蝎座:本周天蝎要引导自己的努力来完成目标。

    Channel your efforts into achieving your goals .

  25. 当然,所有天蝎也能利用到这股力量,做对你有利的事。

    Still , all Scorpios will be able to use this energy to their advantage .

  26. 天蝎:做好准备,确保表演成功。

    SCORPIO ( Oct.24 - Nov.22 ) Make sure any presentation you have is ready .

  27. 当经历多次天蝎的生命形态后,我们能够与伴侣平等真挚地分享了。

    Through Scorpio lifetimes , we learn to share equally and lovingly with a partner .

  28. 上升在天蝎&又是天蝎。

    Here is Scorpio rising – again .

  29. 我生在天蝎宫时段,所以我应该是狡猾和有野心的。

    I was born under scorpio , so I 'm supposed to be cunning and ambitious .

  30. 不管怎样,天蝎情人的爱在深度和潜力上是不同寻常的。

    However , a Scorpio 's love can also be exceptional in its depth and potency .