
  • 网络natural fiber;natural fibre;crude fiber
  1. 这个球是由一种天然纤维——省藤制成的。

    The ball is made of rattan — a natural fibre .

  2. 天然纤维织物热转移印花的颜色特征

    The Colour Characteristic of Heat Transfer Printing on Natural Fibre Fabrics

  3. 棉花是天然纤维。

    Cotton fiber is natural .

  4. 低温等离子体处理天然纤维的ESR研究

    ESR Study on natural fibers treated with low temperature plasma

  5. 柠檬酸CA可作为棉、麻、丝等天然纤维的耐久压烫整理剂,经轧烘焙工艺后,与天然纤维很快地形成酯交联。

    Citric acid ( CA ) can be used as durable press agent of natural fiber fabrics . After during pad-dry-cure technique , ester crosslinking was formed between CA and fiber .

  6. 研究结果表明,引入PU提高了不饱和聚酯树脂的韧性,增加了与天然纤维的界面浸润性,降低了不饱和聚酯树脂的固化收缩率。

    The study showed that with the addition of polyurethane , the toughness of unsaturated polyester was improved , the interface soaking with natural fiber was increased and the curing shrinkage rate was lowered .

  7. 介绍了采用可生物降解热塑性PHBV树脂为粘结基体相,天然纤维作增强相,通过热压工艺开发绿色板材。

    This paper introduces the technology of biodegradation by using natural fiber as buildup cross-purposes and PHBV polyester as felt cross-purposes through the heat press process .

  8. 与此同时,布里奥尼(Brioni)的创意总监布伦丹&12539;马兰(BrendanMullane)一直在寻找通过保护性涂层来加强天然纤维的办法。

    Meanwhile , Brioni 's creative director , Brendan Mullane , has been finding ways to boost natural fibers with protective coatings .

  9. 采用表面化学作用与超细粉碎相结合的技术方法,将天然纤维水镁石剥分为纤维直径小于100nm的水镁石纳米纤维。

    The raw fibrous brucite was separated into brucite nano-fiber with a diameter of less than 100 nm by means of surface chemical and superfine pulverization .

  10. 以DNW高温树脂为催化剂合成异丙醚淀粉树脂/天然纤维毡复合材料的开发

    Synthesizing of Isopropyl Ether with DNW High Temperature Colophony Catalyst Development of Composites for the Amylum Colophony - Natural Fibre Needle Punched Felt

  11. 根据试验结果得到结论:表面活性剂CMC是CMC生产废水中的发泡物质;CMC生产废水中的悬浮固体天然纤维及其杂质是稳泡物质,具有非常良好的稳泡效果。

    The following conclusions are made on the basis of the experiment results : as a surfactant , CMC is the foaming agent ; as the suspended solid in CMC wastewater , natural cellulose and its impurities is the foaming stabiliser , which has very excellent foam stabilising effect .

  12. 华梭MFS1000-6型摩擦气流纺纱机,适纺纤维非常之广,棉、麻、毛等天然纤维;

    China shuttle MFS1000-6 type friction air spinning machine , suitable spinning fiber very of wide , cotton , and Ma , and hair , natural fiber ;

  13. 用分散染料对天然纤维施行转移印花的可能性

    The realizability of transfer printing with disperse dyes for natural fibers

  14. 许多天然纤维在需氧菌的侵袭下则迅速腐坏。

    Many natural fibers decay rapidly when exposed to aerobic cultures .

  15. 非天然纤维做的衣服,我穿了会过敏。

    I am allergic to clothes not made of natural fibers .

  16. 据说天然纤维比合成纤维好。

    Natural fiber is said to be superior to synthetic fiber .

  17. 新型天然纤维-莲纤维结构与组成初探

    Composition and Structure of New Natural Fiber : Nelumbo Nucifera Fiber

  18. 他赋予了天然纤维强的柔韧性和大的空隙率。

    It endows natural fibers with strong flexibility and high porosity .

  19. 纺织物中所用的纤维种类很多,一般分为天然纤维和化学纤维两大类。

    Generally , there are two kinds of fibre in textiles .

  20. 天然纤维材料在工业废水中的应用

    Applications of natural fiber materials for the treatment of industrial wastewater

  21. 天然纤维纺织产业链的价值和利润分布

    The Distribution of Value and Profit in Nature Fibre Textile Chain

  22. 人造纤维代替品已取代了天然纤维。

    Substitutions of human-made fibres have been made for natural fibres .

  23. 天然纤维复合材料中化学方法处理纤维的进展

    Advances in Chemical Treatments on Natural Fiber of Natural Fiber Plastic Composites

  24. 缝合天然纤维层板的平面和层间性能研究

    In-plane and interlaminar properties of stitched sisal fiber laminated composites

  25. 天然纤维缓冲材料的开发应用

    Development and Application of the Cushioning Material from Natural Fibres

  26. 本文列举了一些天然纤维和它们的特点。

    This article enumerates some of the natural fibers and their characteristics .

  27. 总是检查天然纤维服装的保养说明标签

    Always check the care instructions label for natural fibers .

  28. 天然纤维深化处理后物化性能的研究

    Performance study of natural fibre after physical and chemic pretreatment

  29. 马丁:类似吧,我只穿天然纤维的衣服。

    Marty : Something like that . I only wear natural fibers .

  30. 一种天然纤维低毒阻燃处理剂的合成及应用研究

    Synthesis and application of a low-poisonous flame-retarder for natural fibre