
  • 网络Natural satellite
  1. 在空间探索领域,寻找地球的天然卫星的水是一个重大的突破。

    Finding water on Earth 's natural satellite is a major breakthrough in space exploration .

  2. 奶牛跳过地球的天然卫星是个“好主意”,但可能性非常小。

    Milk cows jumping over Earth 's natural satellite was a neat idea but highly improbable .

  3. 天然卫星CCD精确定位的最新进展

    New Progress in the CCD Astrometric Observation of Natural Satellites

  4. 月球,是人类唯一的天然卫星,亦是最接近地球的天体。

    The moon , being our only natural satellite , is the closest celestial body to the earth .

  5. 月亮每月绕地球运行一周。它是地球的一颗天然卫星。

    The moon travels round the earth once every month . It is a natural satellite of the earth .

  6. 在执行任务的过程的中,伽利略号太空船传回了很多关于地球唯一天然卫星的图像。

    During its mission , the Galileo spacecraft returned a number of images of Earth 's only natural satellite .

  7. 周五晚上的满月将是今年最大的,因为这颗地球的天然卫星运行到了离我们这颗行星最近的地方。

    The full moon Friday night will be the biggest one of the year as Earth 's natural satellite reaches its closest point to our planet .

  8. 月球是地球唯一的天然卫星,离地球最近的星球,和人类向外层空间发展的跳板。

    Moon is the only satellite of the earth , nearest celestial body to the earth and the step-stone for human beings to go to outer space .

  9. 到了晚上,如果天气晴朗,天空是清晰的,我们可以欣赏月亮,地球的天然卫星。

    At night , if the weather is fine and the sky is clear , we can admire the Moon , the natural satellite of the Earth .

  10. 在非载人太空行动之后,印度空间研究组织计划在三年内发射月船1号和2号,载人登上地球唯一的天然卫星。

    After the unmanned missions , Chandrayaan-1 and Chandrayaan-2 that ISRO plans to send in three years time , ISRO plans to send a manned mission to the Earth 's only natural satellite .

  11. 建设液化天然气卫星站的可行性研究

    Study on Feasibility of Constructing LNG Subordinate Station

  12. 利用液化天然气卫星站冷能的废旧橡胶低温粉碎装置

    Process of cold energy utilization of LNG satellite station in waste rubber cryogenic comminution