
tiān rǎng
  • a world of difference;heaven and earth;poles apart
天壤 [tiān rǎng]
  • (1) [heaven and earth]∶天和地

  • 天壤间

  • (2) [poles apart;a world of difference]∶相隔极远;相差极大

天壤[tiān rǎng]
  1. 僵局与恢复务实氛围是有天壤之别的。

    The difference between gridlock and a restored climate of pragmatism is stark .

  2. 应用的方法不同,其结果是有天壤之别的。

    Different application methods cause world-apart results .

  3. 这两者是天壤之别的。

    It is a completely different notion .

  4. 我认为我们主要学到的便是两者是天壤之别的。

    And the main lesson I think that we have learned is they are really different .

  5. 快速挺进的行星才强大有力,而火星与此隔若天壤。

    A fast moving planet is a potent one , but Mars was anything but speedy or potent .

  6. 因为这种无序性和空白处理的不同,两个看起来有天壤之别的文档可能实际上包含完全相同的数据。

    Between this non-ordering and whitespace handling , two documents that look completely different could actually contain the same data .

  7. 然而,它并不是一种随意放在天壤之间的幻想的世界,

    All the same , the world of tragedy is by no means a world arbitrarily projected between heaven and earth ;

  8. 所以,同样型态的葡萄酒,相同的品种,同样的产区都会因为酿酒师的不同而有天壤之别的表现。

    The same type of wine , the same grape from the same region may differ vastly depending on the wine maker .

  9. 在中国古代文学史、戏曲史上,很少有清初戏曲家李渔这样复杂而毁誉天壤的人物。

    In the history of Chinese ancient literary and drama , few could compare with Li Yu , the dramatist of the early Qing dynasty for his complicated personality and the distinct appraises given .

  10. 这取决于你更重视什么,以及是否有哪些事情制约着你,例如家庭和债务等。从年薪120000美元降到50000美元,还是有天壤之别的。

    It depends on what you value more , and whether or not you are tied down to anything , such as family and debts , etc. Going from $ 120,000 a year down to $ 50,000 a year is a big difference .