
tiān guó
  • heaven;the Kingdom of Heaven;paradise;the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom;Celestial city;the land of the leal
天国 [tiān guó]
  • (1) [Clestial city;Kingdom of Heaven]∶基督教称一切服从上帝的无形的人类社会

  • (2) [paradise]∶天堂;比喻理想世界

  • (3) [the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom]∶太平天国的省称

天国[tiān guó]
  1. 因为你们正当人前把天国的门关了。

    You shut the kingdom of heaven in men 's faces .

  2. 天国好像宝贝藏在地里。

    The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field .

  3. 他教导信徒们说,他们都可以升入天国。

    He taught his followers that they could all be members of the kingdom of God

  4. 自第一支探险队把这片区域称为天国之后,后面的每一支队伍都遭受了可怕的打击。

    While the first team of explorers called the land heavenly , every subsequent party has suffered horribly .

  5. 自DS游戏机2004年推出以去,任天国做了适度的改擅,操做了更除夜的屏幕或无线汇散毗连。

    Nintendo has made modest changes , adding bigger screens or wireless connections , to the DS since it was released in2004 .

  6. fay合群而居就称为faerie,它们生活在天国和人世之间。

    The fay lived in groups called the faerie , between the heavenly and earthly realms .

  7. 女演员李瑶瑗最近大力称赞JYJ金俊秀主演的音乐剧《天国的眼泪》。

    Actress Lee Yo Won recently praised the musical'Tears of Heaven ' , which stars JYJ 's Kim Junsu .

  8. 世界的迷宫和心灵的天国

    The Labyrinth of the World and the Paradise of the Heart

  9. 洪秀全与太平天国后期的中央集权化

    HONG Xiu-quan and Centralization of Authority in Post Taiping Heavenly Kingdom

  10. 太平天国时期的民俗变革

    The Reform of Folk Custom During the Period of Taiping Regime

  11. 通往天国的门永远是开着的,我的孩子。

    The door to heaven stands eternally open , my son .

  12. 37.那位纺织工将要到阴沉的天国里去。

    37 . The weaver will leave for the heavy heaven .

  13. 他也很伤心,因为他思念他在天国里的亲属!

    - and sad , because he missed his heavenly kindred !

  14. 向那不断放宽的思想与行为进入那自由的天国,

    Into ever-widening thought and action Into that heaven of freedom ,

  15. 太平天国战争后的广德县移民

    The Transmigrants of GuangDe after the War of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom

  16. 也未如此接近天国的闪烁边缘。

    And so close to the verge of the shining heaven .

  17. 太平天国起义虽然失败了,其历史意义却是深远的。

    But the Heavenly Kingdom movement has its deep historical importance .

  18. 论太平天国所奉行的进步卫生措施及其价值

    Progressive Health Measures Pursued in Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and Their Value

  19. 论太平天国运动成败的关键

    On the Success and Failure of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom 's Movement

  20. 太平天国运动是中国历史上一次伟大的农民起义。

    The TaiPing Heavenly Kingdom Movement was a great peasant uprising .

  21. 太平天国起义特点浅析

    An analysis of the peasant uprising of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom

  22. 尽管太平天国的妇女政策仍然是封建妇女政策。

    A feudal policy is adopted in the Taiping Kingdom .

  23. 洪秀全禁烟主张与太平天国的禁烟立法

    Hong Xiu-quan and His Prohibition against Opium in the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom

  24. 太平天国刑法思想与刑法制度

    The Criminal Legislative Thought and Criminal Legal System of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom

  25. 太平天国外交政策的实质及其作用初探

    On the Essence Effect of the Diplomatic Policy of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom

  26. 太平天国妇女参军作战新论

    New Theory on Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Women Joining the Army

  27. 太平天国政治的文化继承

    The Cultural Inheritance in the Politics of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Culture

  28. 给苏丹的敌人一个通往天国的捷径。

    A swift passage to heaven for the sultans enemies .

  29. 太平天国军事法制建设探析

    A Probe into the Military Legal System of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom

  30. 使天国蔚蓝的景致沾染污点。

    From a white lake blot Heaven 's blue portraiture .