
dà lù biān yuán
  • continental margin;continental borderland
  1. 准吐陆块南缘被动大陆边缘沉积阶段(C~~C1);

    The sedimentation of passive continental margin in the south of Junggar ( Turpan Hami ) plate ( C ~~ C 1 );

  2. 与不同构造环境杂砂岩的稀土元素特征的对比结果及δCe的特征表明南堡凹陷新近系源区属性为活动大陆边缘背景。

    In contrast to REE characteristics of graywacks of different tectonic settings and δ Ce values , the tectonic setting of source rocks belongs to the active continental margin .

  3. 呈NE向展布于闽东南大陆边缘的长乐&诏安断裂带,是一条规模较大、深切地壳、新活动明显的复式断裂带。

    Changle-Zhao'an fault zone ( strike NE ) that can be traced in Southeast margin of the landmass of Fujian , has a large compound fault structure .

  4. 元古宙与大陆边缘裂解有关的小侵入体矿床,如金川、沃依塞湾(VoiseyBay);

    ( 2 ) Post - Proterozoic small intrusive type deposits associated with continental marginal rifting like Jinchuan and Voisey 's Bay deposits ;

  5. SEIZE作为大陆边缘计划(MARGINS)的重要研究内容和综合大洋钻探计划(IODP)的优先研究领域,重点对世界主要俯冲发震带进行研究。

    As one of major initiatives of the NSF-MARGINS Program and Integrated Ocean Drilling Program ( IODP ), SEIZE focuses its research on major subduction seismogenic belts in the world .

  6. 对于那些具有消减带信号的基性熔岩,可以根据Zr含量和Zr/Y比值,或利用Zr/Y-Zr图解,判断它们是否真正是岛弧或活动大陆边缘玄武岩。

    For the basic lavas with subduction-type signatures , we can judge whether they are really island-arc or active continental margin basalts by studying Zr contents and Zr / Y ratios or Zr / Y-Zr diagram .

  7. 华力西晚期(270~250Ma)具科迪勒拉I型或ACG特征,属活动大陆边缘构造环境,其形成与早二叠世特提斯洋的向北俯冲作用有关;

    The late Variscan granitoids exhibit characteristics of Cordilleran I-type granitoids or ACG , associated with an active continental margin related to the northward subduction of Tethys ocean in the early Permian .

  8. 华北板块北缘发育一条中元古代晚期大陆边缘碰撞造山带,它由内蒙西部狼山起向东延伸到辽西和吉林东部一带,全长2000余km。

    There is the collision orogenic belt which was developed in late middle Proterozoic era , in north margin of North China plate . The belt extends from Langshan in Inner Mongolia to Western Liaoning province and Eastern Jilin province . Its length is over 2 000 km .

  9. 在Rb-Hf-Ta和Rb-Y+Nb构造判别图解上,桃红岩体和西裘岩体都属于火山弧花岗岩(VAG),形成于活动大陆边缘。

    On the Rb-Hf-Ta and Rb-Y + Nb discrimination diagrams , they plot exclusively into the volcanic arc granitoid ( VAG ) field , suggesting that they were formed in an active continental margin .

  10. 结合麻粒岩的锆石U-Pb测年结果认为,同德麻粒岩的原岩形成于新元古代(844±12Ma)扬子陆块西缘活动大陆边缘的岛弧环境。

    Based on the above-mentioned features of geochemistry and U-Pb data , the author considers that the Tongde granulites were formed in the island-arc environment of an active continental margin at Neoproterozoic ( 844 ± 12 Ma ), to the western border of Yangtze block .

  11. 中新世,燕山造山运动减弱,导致马更些湾和阿卡帕克(Akpak)阶海侵沉积,该时期为扩散被动大陆边缘盆地。

    Middle Miocene , Yanshan orogeny weakened , resulting in the Mackenzie Bay and Acre Parker ( Akpak ), order transgressive deposition , and the period for the diffusion of a passive continental margin basins .

  12. 环太平洋地区是主要的活动大陆边缘发育地,发育许多与活动大陆边缘有关的盆地。

    Many basins related to active margins locate on CircumPacific areas .

  13. 两种不同类型大陆边缘的初步研究

    A preliminary study on the two different types of continental margin

  14. 两种不同类型的活动大陆边缘及其动力学机制

    Active continental margins of two different types and their dynamic mechanism

  15. 试论中国东南地区大陆边缘构造演化的特征

    On the characteristics of tectonic evolution of SE China continental margin

  16. 中、新元古代被动大陆边缘沉积建造;

    The sedimentary formation in the Middle-Late Proterozoic inactive continent margin ;

  17. 中生代晚期到新生代拉张应力下的华南大陆边缘

    Extension in South China continental margin from Late Mesozoic to Cenozoic

  18. 东亚大陆边缘中生代的左行平移断裂作用

    Mesozoic sinistral transcurrent faulting along the continent margin in East Asia

  19. 环太平洋活动大陆边缘盆地类型及油气成藏条件

    The basin types and reservoir forming condition of circum-Pacific active margins

  20. 中国东北及邻区大陆边缘构造

    Continental - margin structure of Northeast China and its adjacent areas

  21. 中国东南部中生代大陆边缘成矿体系和成矿模式

    Mineralizing system and model at Mesozoic continental margin in southeastern China

  22. 粗粒沉积物一般沿大陆边缘堆积。

    The coarse sediments have generally accumulated along the continental margins .

  23. 大陆边缘后续沉陷期间随后是死一样的沉寂。

    Subsequent thermal subsidence of the margin A ghastly silence followed .

  24. 沉积环境为被动大陆边缘。

    The sediment environment was in the passive continental margin .

  25. 闽东南大陆边缘活动断裂与地震

    Active faults in Southeast continental border of Fujian and earthquakes

  26. 扬子板块北部古被动大陆边缘的地球化学特征

    Geochemical Characteristics of Ancient Passive Continental Margin of the Northern Yangtze Plate

  27. 根据沉积历史分析华南古大陆边缘的构造演化

    Analysis of tectonic evolution of paleo - continental margin in South China

  28. 西北太平洋大陆边缘中新生代构造过程

    Mesozoic and Cenozoic tectonic process of Northwest Pacific continental margin

  29. 大陆边缘裂谷带是矿床形成的大地构造环境。

    It is located in the rift of continental margin .

  30. 中国东南部大陆边缘现代水热活动

    Recent hydrothermal activity along the continental margin of Southeast China