
  • 网络Dalian University of Technology;DUT;DLUT;dlut.edu.cn
  1. 大连理工大学国家自然科学基金资助情况分析

    Analyses of funded projects of NSFC in Dalian University of Technology

  2. 大连理工大学学术交流公寓设计

    Design on Flats for Academic Exchanges of Dalian University of Technology

  3. 证明了Dirac族的第一约束流的可分离性,并且给出了它的分离方大连理工大学博工学位论文程。

    It is shown that first constraint flow of Dirac hierarchy is separability and its separation equation is presented .

  4. 室内试验研究表明,大连理工大学沥青路面再生课题组开发的再生剂TY-X对老化的SBS改性沥青再生效果良好。

    The experiment research shows that the recycling agent empoldered by Dalian university of technology hot in-place graduate school has good effect on aging SBS modified asphalt .

  5. 大连理工大学环境生物工程研究室通过多年试验研究,开发了新型一体化3R(carbonremoval,nitrogenremovalandphosphorusremoval)生物反应器。

    Environmental bio-engineering laboratory of Dalian university of technology developed a new combined 3R ( means carbon removal , nitrogen removal and phosphorus removal ) bioreactor . In this combined bioreactor , carbon , nitrogen and phosphorus removal processes could run simultaneously . Fibrous carriers were packed in the reactor .

  6. 最后,在辽宁省教育厅重大项目计划和大连理工大学生命+X项目的支持下,作者所在的实验室开展了新型视频脑电图仪及Holter的研究与开发。

    The validity of the method is verified through experiments . Finally , my lab developed a new type video electroencephalograph and holter , supported by Liaoning Educational Committee and the " life + X " project of Dalian University of Technology .

  7. 本文以大连理工大学机械工程学院开发的350t履带起重机实际项目为背景,对其传感器故障诊断技术进行研究。

    In this paper , a method which is based on the subject-350t crawler crane that is developed by school of mechanical engineering of DUT is developed to detect and diagnose the sensor faults .

  8. 大连理工大学四级后口语课程设计

    The Design of Speaking Course for Post-4 Students in DUT

  9. 大连理工大学游泳课程现状分析与发展研究

    Dalian University of Technology Course Swimming Analysis and Development Research

  10. 大连理工大学工业装备结构分析国家重点实验室

    State Key Laboratory Of Structural Analysis For Industrial Equipment

  11. 利用大连理工大学自行研制、改造的大型液压伺服混凝土静动试验系统进行动态压缩试验,研究应变速率以及初始静态荷载对混凝土动态强度和变形特性的影响。

    Dynamic compressive tests of concrete were carried out by using a static_dynamic test machine .

  12. 大连理工大学体育馆暖通空调设计

    Heating ventilating and air conditioning system design for the gymnasium in Dalian University of Technology

  13. 作为全国重点大学,大连理工大学有着良好的网络条件。

    As a key university in China , Dalian University of Technology has good network conditions .

  14. 林少培先生是大连理工大学钢结构研究生及工程力学研究生。

    He engaged in graduate program and research in the Dalian University of Science and Technology .

  15. 大连理工大学是一所有历史积累的老校,占地面积大,学生众多。

    DUT is a historical accumulation of old school , A large area , many students .

  16. 与时俱进求实创新&大连理工大学科技楼建筑设计的思考

    Advance with Times Innovate from Reality & Study the Design for Science Building of Dalian Technology University

  17. 因此,去年大连理工大学的专家们来到实地考察低碳布局。

    So , last year , experts from Dalian University of Technology investigated the low carbon layouts .

  18. 同时,还大大提高了大连理工大学船模试验水池的自动化水平。

    Meanwhile , it improves the automatic level of the ship model experiment to Dalian University of Technology .

  19. 屈伯川高等教育思想及其在大连理工大学的实践

    Doctor QU Bo-chuan 's Higher Education Thoughts and Their Application in the Practice of Dalian University Of Technology

  20. 实证研究中对大连理工大学的调查及分析,例证了作者的研究观点。

    The demonstration research which contains the survey of Dalian University of Technology also serves as a case study .

  21. 大连理工大学引进了国内首台,目前也是唯一的鼓式离心机。

    Now , the first and sole drum centrifuge in China has been installed in Dalian University of Technology .

  22. 最近,来自大连理工大学的学生们创作了一系列照片,以提高人们的环保意识。

    Students from Dalian University of Technology recently created a series of pictures to raise awareness about environmental protection .

  23. 现代高校建筑的空间环境&大连理工大学研究生教育大楼建筑设计的思考

    Space Environment of Modern University Architecture & Thinking of the Design for Graduate Teaching Building of Dalian University of Technology

  24. 第三部分对大连理工大学青年教师的队伍现状进行了调查与分析。

    The current situation of young teachers in Dalian University of Technology is investigated and analyzed in the third part .

  25. 本文是根据大连理工大学船舶模型试验水池试验技术发展的需要提出的。

    The thesis is brought forward with the development of experiment technology hi ship model tank of Dalian university of technology .

  26. 特性决定品位:大连理工大学软件学院图书馆及信息中心设计

    Characteristic determine style : design of the library and the information center of school of software of Dalian university of technology

  27. 探讨了大型仪器开放网络管理平台在大连理工大学的使用和运行情况。

    This article discussed the application and operation of the large-scale instrument open-network management platform in the Dalian University of Technology .

  28. 本文在大连理工大学水资源研究所的研究基础上,研究水库汛限水位动态控制效益分析方法和效益比较。

    The assessment of reservoir benefit when its limited elevation is controlled dynamically during the flood season is studied in this paper .

  29. 大连理工大学将这一技术应用到了应变测试系统中,在检测的稳定性和可靠性方面取得了较好的效果。

    The technology of SOC is applied in system of strain testing and the better effect is shown in stability and reliability .

  30. 在钢筋钢纤维混凝土有限元分析中,采用了大连理工大学研究的适用于钢纤维混凝土的内时本构模型及其破坏准则。

    The endochronic constitutional modal and failure criterion which are applicable to the fiber steel concrete is adopted during the finite element analysis .