
  • 网络Northeast Normal University;nenu;nenu.edu.cn
  1. 东北师范大学机关行政人员管理与激励研究

    Management and Motivation Research of Administrative Staff of Northeast Normal University

  2. 东北师范大学历史学学士,1985年,长春。

    Northeast Normal University , Bachelor of History , 1985 ; Changchun .

  3. 1993年毕业于东北师范大学美术学院;

    Graduated from School of Fine Art , Northeast Normal University in1993 ;

  4. 东北师范大学图书馆数字专家咨询建设研究

    The Study of the Construction of Digital Expert Reference of Northeast Normal University Library

  5. 东北师范大学化学系功能材料化学研究所;

    Institute of Functional Material Chemistry , Faculty of Chemistry , Northeast Normal University ;

  6. 东北师范大学体育馆体内预应力大跨度钢管桁架结构设计研究

    Design and research of structural system of intestine prestress large span penetrated weld pipe truss

  7. 这个计划的发起人叫侯海洋,23岁,是东北师范大学的毕业生。

    The initiator of this program is Hou Haiyang , a23-year-old graduate from Northeast Normal University .

  8. 语音资料来自东北师范大学英语学院的数据库。

    The audio material is from the database of School of Foreign Languages in Northeast Normal University .

  9. 幸好,包括长春东北师范大学在内的一些学校可以为小规模的派对提供场地。

    Fortunately , some schools such as Northeast Normal University in Changchun are offering space for smaller parties .

  10. 参加本次调查的受试者是来自吉林省东北师范大学留日预备学校的102名短期英语出国培训人员。

    The participants in the study were 102 adults studying English at the Training Center of Northeast Normal University .

  11. 来自东北师范大学工商管理系的刘希丹(音译)下学期就升入大二了。

    Liu Xidan , 19 , will be a sophomore majoring in business administration at Northeast Normal University next semester .

  12. 三年后,他又以优异成绩于79年考入东北师范大学英语系。

    Three years later , he got his bachelors degree and moved to the English Department of Northeast Normal University .

  13. 东北师范大学的英语系学生耿传阳,今年20岁,他认为,做个预算也挺管用。

    Making a budget also helps , said Geng Chuanyang , 20 , an English major at Northeast Normal University .

  14. 通过研究总结出两校各自课程设置的特点:第一,中国东北师范大学体育教育专业:更新教育观念,基础教育通识化;

    Physical education of Northeast Normal University in China : renewing educational ideology , set up common sense in elementary education ;

  15. 以东北师范大学传媒科学学院教育技术专业2003级本科生为实践对象。

    The 2003 levels of undergraduate students of school of media of north East the normal university are the experimental objects .

  16. 为此,本课题以东北师范大学附属实验小学的六年级学生为研究对象,结合小学英语的教学实际,兼顾小学生的心理和智力发展特点来探讨小学英语的拼读规则和词汇学习。

    To this end , we take sixth-grade students in the affiliated primary school of Northeast Normal University as the research object .

  17. 18岁的罗郭新(音译)是东北师范大学企业管理系的大一新生,她曾经用帘子来保护自己的隐私。

    Luo Guoxin , 18 , a freshman in business administration at Northeast Normal University , used to have a curtain to protect her privacy .

  18. 第五部分本文向大家展示了东北师范大学网络教育学院实施资源型学习的案例;

    In the fifth part , it shows us cases of the Network Education Institute of Northeast Normal University which employs the resource-based learning in web .

  19. 阐述了高等院校机关行政工作的特点及其地位与作用,剖析了东北师范大学机关行政工作存在的问题及产生问题的原因。

    It states the characters and status as well as role concerning college administrative staff , analysis the problem existed and reasons caused during the administrative work .

  20. 在这里,笔者以东北师范大学校内管理体制改革为例,介绍了该校在提升学术权力、实现学术权力主导方面所做出的努力和采取的一些措施。

    This paper takes Northeast Normal University as example , introducing some approaches and efforts in upgrading the academic power and achieving the academy - oriented power .

  21. 本文采取问卷调查为主,实地访谈为辅的实证研究模式,对东北师范大学学生进行抽样调查,以期通过个案研究来初步了解教育游戏在大学生中的应用情况以及大学生对于教育游戏的观点和看法。

    Through case studies to understand the educational games in the preliminary application of college students and college students in educational games for the views and opinions .

  22. “现代汉语学科教学整体优化”是吉林师范大学、东北师范大学、白城师范学院三所院校的现代汉语专业教师协作进行的研究课题。

    The integral optimization of the modern Chinese subject teaching is the discussion which modern Chinese major teachers research in Jilin Normal University and other three Universities .

  23. 以东北师范大学教育科学学院课程与教学改革为例,探索了“宽口径、厚基础、精专业、多出路”的改革思路。

    The paper , taking as example the curriculum and the teaching in College of Educational Science of Northeast China Normal University , explores ways of their reform .

  24. 为了弥补这种状况,一些大学尤其是一些英语课上使用交际教学法的大学已经建立了自己的校内英语水平测试,东北师范大学就是其中的一所。

    In order to compensate for the situation , some universities , especially those where communicative teaching approach is used , established university-based English proficiency test ( UBEPT ) .

  25. 通过东北师范大学和长春师范学院两所高等师范学校的教学实验证明了分层结构式课程体系能够更好提高学生的学习兴趣、为学生的发展提供更广阔的空间。

    It proved the system could improve students ' interest and helped to provide a broader space through the teaching experiment in Northeast Normal University and Changchun Teachers ' College .

  26. 本文受到了东北师范大学青年科学基金“学习社会中远程学习系统的关键影响因子研究”支持。

    This article is supported by " the research of key factors of distance learning system in a learning society " of the youth scientific funds of the Northeast Normal University .

  27. 东北师范大学埃及学家李晓东认为,因为埃及非常热,中国游客一开始把清凉油带到埃及是想自己用,后来发现埃及人也喜欢清凉油。

    Li Xiaodong , an Egyptologist at China 's Northeast Normal University , believes Chinese travelers initially brought cooling balm for personal use because it 's very hot in Egypt , then discovered Egyptians liked it .

  28. 本文以东北师范大学为例,对大学生的混合学习需求调查分析,探讨大学生在混合学习方面存在的问题。

    By the thoroughly investing and analysis from the college students in Northeast Normal University for the needs of Blended learning , this essay will analyze some problems for this kind of learning method in this school .

  29. 高等学府东北师范大学是教育部直属高校,国家“211工程”重点建设大学。

    Northeast Normal University is an institution of higher learning under the direct administration of the Ministry of Education , being selected as one of the universities given priority in construction in tire " Project 211 . "

  30. 在理论探讨的基础上,作者基于东北师范大学传媒学院与日本岗山理工大学召开的视频会议的个案研究,对影响远程教育交互质量的因素进行了分析。

    On the basis of theoretical study , the author bases on the video conference case between the Northeast Normal University and Institute of Media and Okayama University of Science to analyze factors which impact the quality of distance education interaction .