
dōnɡ běi yà jīnɡ jì quān
  • North-East Asia Economic Circle
  1. 陆桥经济带与东北亚经济圈的切点

    The Joining Spot between the Overbridge Economic Belt and the Northeast Asia Economic Belt

  2. 丹东是东北亚经济圈与环渤海经济圈的重要交汇点,是欧亚大陆桥的结点。

    Dandong is the Northeast Asia economic circle around the Bohai economic circle and an important meeting point is the node of the Eurasian Continental Bridge .

  3. 环渤海地处东北亚经济圈的中心,是我国东北、西北、华北地区与世界贸易交往的重要门户。

    Bohai is located in the center of Northeast Asian economic circle , is the important Trade Gateway of our country northeast , northwest , North China to the World .

  4. 在新的国际形势下,吉会路在东北亚经济圈诸国共同繁荣、共同进步的框架下所能够发挥的作用不容忽视。

    In the new international situation , the prospective effect of JiHui railway under the frame of joint prosperity and effort of all countries in the northeast Asian economic circle can not be neglected .

  5. 辽宁沿海经济带地处环渤海地区的重要位置和东北亚经济圈的关键地带,资源禀赋优良,工业实力雄厚,交通体系发达。

    Liaoning coastal economic zone , located in the important position of the Bohai Sea region and the key areas of Northeast Asian economic zone , is characterized by excellent resource endowments , industrial strength and well-developed transportation system .

  6. 以中日韩三国为中心的东北亚经济圈的高度发展更加推动了东北亚乃至整个东亚地区的经济合作,区域内国家间的经济合作为区域整体经济的整合创造了良好的氛围。

    The fast and deepening development of the economic zone in Northeast Asia around China , Japan and South Korea increases Northeast Asian and even the entire East Asian economic cooperation . Regional economic cooperation creates a good atmosphere for the overall regional economic integration .

  7. 黑龙江省地处东北亚经济圈的中心地带,北临俄罗斯,东临日本、韩国和朝鲜,有条件充分利用邻国的物质资源、资金、技术、市场,参与区域性国际分工。

    Russia lies to its north , and Japan , South Korea and North Korea lies to its east . So it has condition to take full advantage of the resources , capital , technology and market of the neighboring countries and take part in the regional international labor division .

  8. 济南都市圈作为山东区域发展战略一群一圈一带的一部分,是东北亚和环渤海经济圈的重要部分,南北承接上海、北京两大都市圈,连接山东半岛城市群。

    Jinan Metropolitan area is as a part of strategies of Shandong metropolitan regional development . It is an important part of Northeast Asia and Bohai-Rim Economic Circle , north-south to undertake two major metropolitan of Shanghai and Beijing , connects Shandong Peninsula Urban Agglomeration .

  9. 分析了东北亚的地缘优势,认为随着东北亚经济圈经济的复苏,东北地区与东北亚各国合作呈现稳定增长的趋势,这将为振兴东北老工业基地提供难得的机遇;

    Analyzing the geography superiority of the northeast area , this article thought , along with the recovering of Northeast-Asia economic cycle , the cooperation among Northeast area and the Northeast-Asia various countries will growth stably , which will provide the northeast old-industrial base the rare opportunity to promote .