
  1. 本文以大连市公交系统为工程背景,研究了蚁群算法、SCE-UA算法以及支持向量机等智能算法在公共交通规划和调度中的应用。

    Based on the project background of public transportation system in Dalian city , the applications on ant colony optimization algorithm , support vector machine , SCE-UA algorithm , etc in the planning and the operation of urban public transportation system , are studied .

  2. 大连市公交一卡通管理系统的设计与实现

    Design and implementation of public traffic card management systems of Dalian

  3. 本文主要由公交现状分析、公交需求预测、公交客流分配、线网规划和大连市公交线网实例计算等五大部分组成。

    This paper consists of five parts : analysis of current transit , forecast of transit demand , assignment of transit volume , network planning and numerical example of Dalian transit network .

  4. 文章介绍了大连市的公交线网规划中利用GIS的全过程,包括管理数据、显示数据、挖掘数据以及辅助设计和成果管理。

    This paper has introduced the whole process of how GIS is used during the planning of transit network , including data management , data displaying , data mining , associate design and result manage-ment .

  5. 大连市快速公交规划及其效果评价

    Planning and Evaluation of Bus Rapid Transit in Dalian

  6. 为验证预测模型的有效性,本文采用大连市两条共线公交线路的实际数据进行了实例验证。

    In order to validate the proposed model , the data of two collinear bus lines in Dalian is tested as a case study .