
  • 网络Large Igneous Province;lip
  1. 塔里木盆地二叠纪大火成岩省发育的时空特点

    Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Permian Large Igneous Province in Tarim Basin

  2. 中国东部燕山期大规模岩浆活动与岩石圈减薄:与大火成岩省的关系

    Yanshanian large-scale magmatism and lithosphere thinning in Eastern China : Relation to large igneous province

  3. 事实上,HT和LT2玄武岩也是该大火成岩省边缘部分的主要岩浆类型。

    In fact , the HT and LT2 basalts are the dominant magma type in the periphery of the province .

  4. 天山石炭&二叠纪大火成岩省裂谷火山作用与地幔柱

    Carboniferous-Permian Rift-Related Volcanism and Mantle Plume in the Tianshan , Northwestern China

  5. 大火成岩省是地幔柱作用引起的吗?

    Were large igneous provinces caused by mantle plumes ?

  6. 塔里木早二叠世大火成岩省的岩浆演化与深部地质作用

    Magma Evolution and Deep Geological Processes of Early Permian Tarim Large Igneous Province

  7. 峨眉大火成岩省的岩石地球化学特征及时限

    Geochemical Characteristics and Period of the Emei Igneous Province

  8. 大火成岩省研究新进展

    New Progress in Studying the Large Igneous Provinces

  9. 大火成岩省及地幔动力学

    Large Igneous Provinces and Mantle Dynamics

  10. 四川力马河镍矿是峨眉山大火成岩省一个重要的岩浆硫化物矿床。

    The Limahe Nickel Deposit is a typical PGE-poor Ni-Cu deposit in the Emeishan Large Igneous Province .

  11. 显然,该大火成岩省的形成与地幔柱活动有关。

    It is evident that the formation of the igneous megaprovince is related to mantle plume activity .

  12. 镁铁质大火成岩省是地幔柱岩浆活动的直接产物,一般与聚敛板块边界无关。

    Mafic LIPs are generally thought to have a mantle plume origin and not directly related to convergent plate boundaries .

  13. 差异剥蚀是中二叠世晚期上扬子西缘一次快速地壳抬升和穹状隆起的结果,这说明峨眉山大火成岩省的形成与地幔柱活动有关。

    It is suggested that differential erosion is caused by a rapid crustal uplift or doming related to the mantle plume activity .

  14. 论地幔柱构造与板块构造的矛盾性和相容性地幔柱构造、大火成岩省及其地质效应

    The discussion about the compatibility and incompatibility between plume theory and plate theory MANTLE PLUMES , LARGE IGNEOUS PROVINCES AND THEIR GEOLOGIC CONSEQUENCES

  15. 各种不同的大火成岩省在时空分布及组成上都具有相似性,它们具有非常大的体积、高的喷发速率,岩石类型以拉斑玄武岩为主。

    Various LIPs have important temporal , spatial and compositional similarities , characterized exclusively by huge melt volume , high eruption rates and preponderant tholeiite .

  16. 镁铁质大火成岩省可分为:大陆溢流玄武岩、火山被动陆缘、大洋高原玄武岩、大岩墙群和大层状侵入体。

    Included as mafic LIPs are continental flood basalts , passive volcanic margin and oceanic plateau basalts , giant dyke swarms and large layered intrusions .

  17. 中国东部燕山期存在惊天动地的火山_岩浆大爆发,形成了7条火山岩带,8种岩石系列和组合,构成了四大火成岩省。

    The extremely strong Yanshanian volcanic_ magmatic explosion in East China formed seven volcanic belts and eight rock series or associations which constitute four igneous provinces .

  18. 地幔柱岩浆作用形成的镁铁质大火成岩省中,出现的少量花岗岩是非造山、板内或A-型花岗岩,而不会是S-型花岗岩。

    In the mafic large igneous province formed by plume magmatism , the granites associated with continental flood basalts are non-orogenic , intra-plate and A-type granites rather than S-type .

  19. 新生代华夏岩石圈减薄与东亚边缘海盆构造演化的年代学与地球化学制约研究中国东部燕山期大规模岩浆活动与岩石圈减薄:与大火成岩省的关系

    Geochronological and geochemical constraint on the Cenozoic extension of Cathaysian lithosphere and tectonic evolution of the border sea basins in East Asia Yanshanian large-scale magmatism and lithosphere thinning in Eastern China : Relation to large igneous province

  20. 大火成岩省学说所解释的大陆增长、地壳物质返回地幔和成矿作用过程完全不同于板块构造学说。

    The academic opinions related to large igneous provinces propose a set of mechanisms to explain continental growth , recycling of crustal materials and metallogenesis , and these mechanisms are entirely different from those of the plate tectonic theory .