
  • 网络Dagang;dagang district
  1. 生态环境监理&天津市大港区的探索

    Eco-environment Supervising and Administering & Case Study of Dagang District of Tianjin

  2. 天津市大港区农村体育现状及发展研究

    Investigation in Current Rural Sports and its Development in Dagang District of Tianjin

  3. 大港区可持续发展实验区建设的现状与对策研究

    A Study of Present Situation and Countermeasures on Dagang Sustainable Development Experiment Zone Construction

  4. 大连港大港区滚装运输发展规划研究

    Research on the Planning and Developing of Ro / Ro for Dalian Port Dagang Area

  5. 浅议老港区再开发&兼谈大连港大港区再开发

    The Redevelopment of Old Port Area The Redevelopment of Dagang Stevedoring Area , Port of Dalian

  6. 在此基础上,2008年,大港区开始在农村开展社区卫生服务,农村社区卫生服务有了较大进展。

    Based on this , the rural community health services have been installed since 2008 in Dagang .

  7. 蓟县畜禽粪便土地负荷最高,环境影响较严重;大港区环境影响很小。

    Jixian district maximum load of manure land , environmental impact is more serious , and Dagang district is little effect .

  8. 对城市建筑景观造型设计的探讨&天津市大港区街景改造

    The Model Design of Urban Building Landscape , A Case Study of the Street Landscape Reformation of Dagang District in Tianjing

  9. 通过对大港区园林植物的品种及特点分析确定主要的病虫害防治对象,采取有针对性的防治措施,达到有效控制病虫害的目的。

    By analyzing the characters of garden plants in Dagang district , it discussed the main insect pests and the most appropriate methods for insect control .

  10. 方法在天津市大港区农村随机整群抽取20个行政村为调查点,抽取40岁以上人群共7829人为调查对象。

    Methods A total number of 7829 elderly aged 40 years and above in 20 villages in Dagang District of Tianjin was studied , using cluster random sampling methods .

  11. 通过对大港区水资源、供用水现状进行分析,结果表明,大港区属于水质型和资源型双重缺水地区。

    Water resource , current water supply and consumption in Dagang district is studied , It shows that the shortage of water in the district is due to deficient quantity and poor quality .

  12. 2009年11月,国务院正式批复同意天津市调整滨海新区行政区划的建议,同意撤销天津市塘沽区、汉沽区、大港区,成立天津市滨海新区。

    November 2009 , the State Council officially approved the administrative divisions of Tianjin Binhai New Area to adjust the proposal , agreed to delete the Tanggu District , Hangu District , Dagang District , Tianjin Binhai New Area was established .

  13. 天津市大港区在全国较早开展了城市社区卫生服务工作,经过10余年的建设和发展,现已形成符合区情、功能合理、方便群众的社区卫生服务网络。

    The community health services have been formed a kind of network which is in line with regional situation , possessing rational function and convenient for the masses after over ten years ' development since they have been carried out in Tianjin Dagang District .

  14. 本文基于天津市大港区实施新型农村合作医疗的实践,从社会性别视角分析了我国新型农村合作医疗制度设计和实施中涉及到的性别平等问题。

    With reference to the practice of the new rural cooperative medical service in Tianjin 's Dagang District , this essay analyses , from the gender angle , the gender equality issue involved in the designing and implementing of this new medical service in China .

  15. 首先,对天津市大港区房地产权属档案管理系统的开发背景、研究现状、待解决的主要问题、主要进行的工作和本文的组织结构进行了介绍。

    First of all , the paper introduces the development background , the research present situation , main problems to be solved , the main work in process , and the organization structure about the real estate ownership archives management system for Tianjin Dagang District .

  16. 渤海湾大港滩海区环境条件及工程技术思路

    Environmental Conditions of Dagang Tidal Areas in Bohai Gulf and Some Thoughts on the Engineering Technology

  17. 大港滩海区是渤海湾盆地主要组成部分,油气资源十分丰富,勘探开发前景广阔。

    Dagang tidal area is a main part of Bohai Gulf basin where it lies with rich oil and gas resources and has good potential for exploration .

  18. 地层倾角测井资料在大港油田中北区的新应用

    The Application of Diplog Data in the Middle-north Area in Dagang Oilfield

  19. 介绍了在大港油田浅海区进行多波地震勘探技术试验的情况。

    This paper presents results of the multicomponent seismic test in shallow water region of the Dagang oilfield .

  20. 天津大港南港开发区东面海域正在进行人工填海工程,位于滨海新区东南部(原大港区内),规划面积达到了200平方公里。

    The Tianjin big port Nangang development zone east side sea area is carrying on the artificial reclamation project , located at the Binhai newly developed area southeast ( in original big port district ), the plan area has amounted to 200 square kilometers .

  21. 本文在全面调查和监测天津市大港石化发展规划区大气SO2现状污染水平的基础上,分析和计算出该区域SO2排放控制总量。

    On the basis of investigating and monitoring present pollution level of SO 2 in Tianjin petrochemistry industrial development and planning zone , the total control quantity of SO 2 from the zone was worked out .

  22. 试验研究表明,TS-65型聚合物较适应大港油田第一作业区的污水,聚合物具有良好的水溶性及增粘性。

    The experiments show that TS-65 polymer has good solubility and high viscosity in productive water of the first factory in DaGang oil field .

  23. 大港油田港东一区8-25-2井组TS-65型聚合物污水配制的现场试验取得了良好的增油降水效果,平均含水降低9.7%,增油达4174吨。

    Through the productive water field experiment in the 8-25-2 wells of the first factory in DaGang oil field , TS-65 polymer has a good result of increasing oil production and decreasing water cut . Average water cut decreases by 9.7 % ; the incremental oil is 4174 tons .

  24. 地震资料解释技术在大港滩海极浅海区的应用

    An application of seismic interpretation techniques in Dagang beach-shallow sea area , bohai sea

  25. 大港滩海赵东区块水平井裸眼砾石充填防砂完井技术

    Horizontal Well Open Hole Gravel Packing Sand Control Completion Technique Used in Zhaodong Block , Dagang Offshore

  26. 天津市大港石化发展规划区占地约35km2,是一个已具一定规模并在迅速发展的石油化工工业区。

    Tianjin Petrochemistry Industrial Development and Planning Zone , with an area of 35 square kilometers , is developing rapidly .

  27. 该文概要介绍了大港油田港西四区聚合物驱基本失效后进行井组微生物驱油先导试验的情况。

    This paper presents a pilot test of microbial oil recovery in a group of wells , which was conducted after the failure of polymer flooding basically in block 4 of the western Dagang oilfield .