
  • 网络big axe;Large Axe;Giant Axe;Greataxe
  1. 他带了一把大斧。

    He carried a large ax .

  2. 血斧氏族之名出自它们的染血大斧图腾形象。

    The Blood Axe clan is known by the sign of the blood-drenched axe .

  3. 还记得你刚踏上诺森德的冻土时,拿着两人高宣花大斧的维京巨人对你穷追不舍吗?

    Remember the lumbering , dangerous Vrykul with their huge axes who 've been chasing you around ever since you set foot in Northrend ?

  4. 在感恩节前后将戈尔画成一只雄火鸡,预示着他的末日就要到了,恐怕要死在布什手下那些挥舞着大斧的竞选顾问的手中了。

    Showing Gore as a proud turkey cock during the week of Thanksgiving suggests that his end is near , perhaps at the hands of Bush 's ax-wielding campaign advisors .

  5. 所以,当达内尔将他在亚洲的550来个理财顾问与在美国的1.55万名理财顾问相比较时,裁员的大斧该往哪儿落似乎是显而易见的。

    So when Mr Darnell compares his 550-odd wealth advisers in Asia with the 15500 in the US , say , it seems obvious where the axe is more likely to fall .