
dà shù
  • large number;great number;googol;a major program of lasting importance;fate;abbreviation;rout
大数 [dà shù]
  • (1) [a major programme of lasting importance]∶大局;大计

  • (2) [fate]∶命运注定的寿限

  • 他的大数已尽

  • (3) [abbreviation]∶计划或策略

  • 故事的大数

大数[dà shù]
  1. 其中分解整数的PollardHellman算法、Pollardρ算法和指数演算的方法是建立在大数因式分解基础上,大数因式分解本身就是数学上的一个困难问题,因此在电路上也不容易实现。

    Among them , Pollard_Hellman algorithm used to decompose integer , Pollard p algorithm , and exponent algorithm are based on the factorization of great number , while factorization itself is a difficult problem in math . of ρ order in any radius is proved .

  2. 大数定律和中心极限定理在保险业中的重要应用

    The Important Application of the Great Number Law and the Central Limit Theorem in Insurance

  3. B值适应可积序列大数定律的充分必要条件

    Necessary and sufficient conditions for the law of large number of integrable

  4. 一种高性能大数模幂协处理器SEA

    SEA : A High-Performance Modular Long Integer Exponentiation Coprocessor

  5. B值随机元阵列的弱大数定律

    The weak law of large numbers for arrays of random elements in Banach spaces

  6. 大数模乘脉动阵列的FPGA细粒度映射实现

    FPGA Implementation of Systolic Array for Modular Multiplication Using a Fine-grained Approach

  7. 同分布NA序列的一个弱大数律

    A Weak Law of Large Numbers for Identically Distributed NA Variables

  8. 在PC上实现大数模运算

    Calculating large figure modulus on PC

  9. NA序列的大数定律及收敛速度

    Laws of large numbers and convergence rate for NA sequences

  10. NA序列的大数律

    The Law of Large Numbers for NA Sequences

  11. 在PC上实现大数模运算快速大数模乘算法及其应用

    CALCULATING LARGE FIGURE MODULUS ON PC A High Speed Algorithm for Implementation Large Number Modular Multiplication and its Applications

  12. Banach空间混合列强大数定律的收敛定理

    Theory about Strong Number Law of Mixed Sequence in Banach Space

  13. Banach空间中的Euler弱大数定律

    The Euler 's Weak Law of Large Numbers in Banach Space

  14. N(23,12)是一个异步的组合逻辑电路,能用12个大数逻辑门和77个异或门电路来实现。

    N ( 23,12 ) is an asynchronous combinational logic circuit which can be implemented with 12 majestic-logic gates and 77 exclusive-OR gates .

  15. Banach空间值鞅不等式与弱大数定律

    Inequalities and weak law of large numbers for Banach space valued Martingales

  16. 基于SD数据表示的大数除法VLSI高速实现

    High-Performance VLSI Implementation of Very Long Integer Division Based on the SD Number Representation

  17. RSA跟随式公钥大数算法提高移动通信安全稳定性能的研究

    Public-Key Cryptography Algorithm Based on RSA in Improving Security Stability of Mobile Communication

  18. 多位乘法器的多阶Booth算法的实现一种快速大数乘法器的设计方法&大数乘法的高速实现

    Multi-radix Booth Algorithm of Multi-bit Multiplier One Large Multiplication 's Fast Implementation

  19. 从大数定律随机模拟谈Excel在概率论与数理统计教学中的应用

    Talk about Excel Application in Teaching of Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics from Random Simulation of Large Numbers Law

  20. 研究了不同分布NA序列加权和最大值的弱大数定律,推广了前人的结果。

    A weak law of large numbers for the weighted sums of non-identically distributed NA random matrix sequences is studied .

  21. 以车比雪夫大数定律为基础,研究基于捷联惯导系统(SINS)的全球卫星定位系统(GPS)完善性监测方法。

    A new approach of GPS integrity based on SINS is studied by means of the Chebyshevs law of great numbers .

  22. 相互独立同指数分布的随机变量序列在Laplace变换中的大数定律

    Large Number Law of Random Variable Sequence of Inter independent Identical Index in Distribution Laplace Transform

  23. B值极限鞅差序列的Brunk型大数定律

    Brunk 's Laws of Large Numbers for Difference Sequence of B-valued Limit Martingales

  24. 在变换过程中,RSA必需经历大数的模幂乘运算。

    During the period of transforming , RSA should perform the modular exponentiation multiplication algorithm of large number .

  25. 而RSA算法正是一种基于大数因子分解的加密算法。

    The RSA algorithm is a kind of encryption algorithm based of the decomposition of large numbers factor .

  26. Montgomery算法在大数模幂运算中的改进

    An Improved Design of Montgomery Algorithm for Large Modular Power Multiplication

  27. 非平稳NA随机变量满足迭对数律及大数定律的充分条件

    Sufficient Conditions for the NA Random Variables without Stationary Distribution to Satisfy the Law of Iterated Logarithm and the Law of Large Numbers

  28. 给出了一种新的(t,n)共享验证的认证加密方案,其安全性基于大数的因式分解和离散对数问题。

    A new authenticated encryption scheme with dynamic ( t , n ) shared verification is presented , the security of which is based on the factoring and discrete logarithm problem .

  29. Planck大数A、Dirac大数D和宇观、微观世界的相互关系

    Interrelation of Planck Large Number A , Dirac Large Number D and Macrocosm , Microcosm

  30. 利用B值渐近鞅的Doob分解定理,研究了B值渐近鞅的大数定律,它们是鞅的有关结论的推广和改进。

    With Doob decomposition of B-valued asymptotic martingale , studies the law of large numbers of B-valued asymptotic martingale , some results are obtained .