
  • 网络Fecal occult blood test;fobt;Faecal occult blood test
  1. 目的比较免疫学OChemodia法抗人血红蛋白单克隆抗体大便潜血试验与化学法大便潜血试验对老年人大肠病变筛选的价值。

    Objective To compare the values of a screening methods by OC-Hemodia and chemical fecal occult blood test ( COB ) for colorectal cancer in elderly people .

  2. 出血呈间歇性、自限性,多为黑便和大便潜血试验阳性。

    The hemorrhage was intermittent and self-limited , which mostly showed black stool or positive in occult test .

  3. 常用的大便潜血试验的方法就是依靠化学色素转化来检测微量血液。

    The commonly used stool occult blood tests rely on chemical color conversions to detect microscopic amounts of blood .

  4. 免疫学法与化学法大便潜血试验对老年人大肠病变筛选的价值

    Evaluation of immunochemical and chemical methods of fecal occult blood test as a screening for colorectal diseases in elderly people

  5. 结直肠癌常用的筛查手段包括大便潜血试验、乙状结肠镜检查、全结肠镜检查和钡灌肠检查等。

    New methods for colorectal cancer screening include fecal occult-blood testing , flexible sigmoidoscopy , colonoscopy , and double-contrast barium enema .

  6. 结果:本组8例,5例由于不明原因出血(大便潜血试验为阳性)先后行胃镜检查12次,均未见出血灶;

    RESULTS : Of the 8 patients , enteroscopy was totally performed 12 times on 5 patients due to the hemorrhage of unknown reasons , but no lesions were found .

  7. 治疗组大便潜血试验转阴时间为523±248天,对照组为710±316天,两组比较有显著性差异(P<0.01)。

    The time for occult blood in stool converting negative was 523 ± 248 ( d ) in treatment group and 710 ± 316 ( d ) in control group , with a striking difference between them ( P < 0.01 ) .

  8. 安全性指标①血常规、尿常规、大便常规加潜血试验。

    Secure target ① The routine blood test , the routine urine test , the bowel movement convention add the occult blood experiment .