
  1. 很久很久以前,在一个遥远的地方有传奇中的公主……饶舌大对决!

    Once upon a time , in a far away land , there was a princess … RAP BATTLE !

  2. 外资并购大对决

    Mergers and acquisitions of foreign capital

  3. 这并非纯属巧合,而是圣灵的引领,让属天与属地的两大势力对决。

    The Holy Spirit led Him into this face-off between the powers of heaven and hell .

  4. 这也是继《杀破狼》之后,两位武术明星第2次在大银幕上对决,精彩可期。

    This is also following the " SPL ", the two martial arts stars in the2nd match on the big screen , best we can .