
  • 网络BIG IMPACT;big bang;The Drowning Pool;Pretty Cure Impact
  1. 从理论方面研究电流变液阻尼器在大冲击下的抗冲击的具体结构和性能,进行了电流变液阻尼器在结构参数方面设计,还根据功率和电压等设计要求,选择了相适应的导电滑环。

    This paper studies anti-impact concrete structure and the performance of ERF Damper under big impact in theory , which helps realize the designs of ERF Damper in the structure parameter , and designed the electric conduction link according to design request on power and voltage .

  2. 我国已经度过了WTO过渡期,在经济全球化的背景下,国内油料产业遭受更大冲击。

    China has spent the WTO transition period , in the context of economic globalization , the domestic oil industry suffered a greater impact .

  3. 大冲击功液动锤的研究及其应用

    Research on Large Impact Energy Hydro - hammer and its Application

  4. 这个发现对于传统观念是一大冲击。

    Now that finding flew in the face of conventional wisdom .

  5. 外资零售企业对我国零售业的十大冲击

    Ten Impact on Chinese Retailing Industry of Foreign Invested Retailers

  6. 在这两大冲击都有所减弱后,经济活动得到了喘息之机。

    As both shocks receded , economic activity turned up .

  7. 你意识到了这会对变种人族造成多大冲击么?

    You realize the impact this 'll have on the mutant community ?

  8. 或许明年,来自欧洲的坏消息将对中国经济造成大冲击。

    Maybe next year bad messages from EU will deliver China even bigger impact .

  9. 试论全球化对中国社会主义现代化的四大冲击

    Impacts of globalization on Chinese Socialist Modernization

  10. 用油阻尼拟合大冲击与振动双重要求的实验研究

    The Test Research on the Oil Damping to Meet the Dual Requirement of Shock and Vibration

  11. 赢家是从同样的钱给你带来更大冲击的设备。

    The winner can be the device that gives you the most bang for the buck .

  12. 特别是在重载与大冲击的工况下,保持架会发生变形,并承受循环应力作用。

    In the condition of heavy and large impact load , the cage will deform and bear pulsating stress .

  13. 大冲击能、高冲击频率、小冲击间距对于破碎脆性硬岩有较好的效果。

    High energy , high frequency and small impact space have good effect on cutting the brittle hard rock .

  14. 中国稳健的财政状况和低负债能够减轻阵痛,确保国内需求不会受到太大冲击。

    Its strong fiscal position and low debt can ease any pain , ensuring domestic demand does not suffer dramatically .

  15. 收购集团必须准备好迎接对其商业模式的更大冲击,而不仅仅是将附带权益作为收入征税。

    Buy-out groups must brace for greater shocks to their business model than the taxation of carried interest as income alone .

  16. 配电变压器防雷配变、避雷器组合的大冲击电流试验与分析

    The Lightning Protecting of Distribution Transformers & The Experiment and Analysis of the Behaviors of Transf-arrester Sets under Heavy Impulse Current

  17. 在此基础上,再具体分析美国电影对中国意识形态形成的三大冲击波;

    On this basis , making a concrete analysis of these three shock waves that the American films effect on the Chinese ideology form ;

  18. 解决了制约惯导在大冲击下应用的惯导初始对准问题。本文对组合导航系统原理及组合模式进行了论述,并设计了组合系统卡尔曼滤波器。

    In addition , the paper discusses the principle of integrated navigation system and the integrated mode , and designs kalman filter of integrated system .

  19. 两大冲击加重了财政紧缩的局面:重创其出口的亚洲金融危机和几家大型金融机构的倒闭。

    Two major shocks then aggravated that fiscal restraint : the Asian financial crisis , which pummelled exports , and the collapse of several big financial institutions .

  20. 针对异步起动过程中定子绕组产生过大冲击电流的问题,提出了逐级变频的转速开环恒压频比控制同步电动机软起动方法。

    For the problem that asynchronous motor starting generates a great current impact , this paper presents speed open-loop constant proportion of voltage to frequency control method .

  21. 鲁索说。「这并不是说消费者完全忽略这个问题;不过,就对这项商品有兴趣的消费者来说,我不认为会造成太大冲击。」

    It 's not to say they totally overlook it , but for consumers interested in this product I don 't think it 's going to have much impact .

  22. 一些银行家担心,如果真发生了一次这样的“大冲击”,上述风险转移过程或许会停止发挥良性作用,反而加剧震荡的蔓延。

    And some bankers fear that if such a " mega " shock did occur , the process of risk transfer might cease its benign role , and exacerbate contagion instead .

  23. 但是这个发展对西方的天主教与基督教就有大冲击,因为牵涉到“上帝造人”的定义。

    Such a development creates a huge impact on Catholicism and Protestantism in the West , because this is in direct conflict with the doctrine that " man is created by God " .

  24. 这份题为《大冲击:气候变迁对穷国影响之管理》的报告的发表正值11月30日巴黎召开全球气候峰会的前夕。

    The report , entitled " Shockwaves : Managing the Impacts of Climate Change on Poverty , " comes ahead of a global summit on climate change that opens November 30 in Paris .

  25. 短期而言,对亚洲燃油贸易产生更大冲击的是中国放松原油进口许可,这使中国独立的“茶壶”炼油厂得以提高开工率。

    In the short term a bigger impact on Asian fuel trade has come from the relaxed crude import licences that have allowed China 's independent " teapot " refineries to increase their operating rates .

  26. 采用该控制器有效解决了电机在起动过程中产生的大冲击电流的问题,避免了水锤现象的产生,使得水泵机组的运行安全平稳。

    Use of the controller gave an effective solution to the large shock current in starting of the motor , and avoided the occurrence of water hammer , so that the pump unit can run in a safe and reliable way .

  27. 不过令人庆幸的是,苹果拥有优良的再循环程序,乔布斯创造的每一代产品在寿命将尽之时,都不会对地球或人类造成太大冲击,希望这能成为乔布斯留给后人的最大遗产。

    Fortunately , Apple has one of the better recycling programs . Hopefully Jobss most important legacy will be that the products he created won 't have too big of an impact at the end of their lives on either people or the planet .

  28. 轧机轴承是冶金设备的重要零件之一,它不但工作环境十分恶劣,还要满足高速、重载、大冲击等轧制要求。

    The rolling mill bearings are one of the important components of the metallurgical equipment . Not only the work environment of the rolling mill bearings is very tough , but also it must meet the challenge of over loading , high speed and heavy impact load .

  29. 大剂量冲击疗法与本实验所观察的其它3种方法的疗效无显著差异(P>0.05)。

    The prevalent method of large dosage is not better than the other three methods ( P > 0 05 ) .

  30. 加入WTO以后,面对完全开放的图书情报环境,图书情报事业将面临更大的冲击和机遇。

    Once she becomes a WTO member , the cause of library and information in China in a fully opened environment will be challenged .