
  • 网络night sky
  1. 在晴朗的夜空中,月亮明亮极了。

    The moon is brilliant in the clear night sky .

  2. 烟火在夜空中喷放出五彩缤纷的火花。

    Fireworks shot into the night sky , sending out colourful sparks .

  3. 笑声和歌声交织在夜空中。

    The sounds of laughter and singing mingled in the evening air .

  4. 夜空中弥漫着玫瑰花香。

    Roses scented the night air .

  5. 月亮升起在墨似的夜空中。

    The moon was rising in the inky sky .

  6. 12点的钟声刚敲响,焰火便在夜空中绽放。

    On the stroke of 12 , fireworks suddenly exploded into the night .

  7. 圆盘似的月亮会高悬在夜空中,将柔和的月光洒向人间万物。

    The moon 's round orb would shine high in the sky , casting its velvety light on everything .

  8. 星星在黑暗的夜空中闪烁着。

    Stars are twinkling in the dark sky .

  9. 乐曲断断续续地从敞开的窗户中飘出,在夜空中回荡。

    Through the open windows snatches of melody float on the night air .

  10. 夜空中群星闪动。

    Stars twinkled in the night sky .

  11. 我从座位上能看到一角天空,白日的云彩已经散尽,夜空中充斥着繁星,清风吹过时微微摇颤。

    The triangle of sky I see from where I am sitting is stripped of its daylight clouds .

  12. 夜空中又传来了那又长又凄凉的狗叫声。

    That long , lugubrious howl rose on the night air again !

  13. 站在舰桥上,我眺望着万家灯火辉映在夜空中,聆听着城市的喧嚣。

    I saw its lights reflected in the sky and heard the rumblings of the city 's noises .

  14. 一家研究UFO的网站上记载,有目击者称,看见4艘闪着耀眼蓝光的飞行物“在夜空中互相围着圈跳舞”。

    In one sighting , recorded on a UFO research website , a witness reported seeing four craft studded with bright blue lights " dance around one another in the night sky " .

  15. 说明:地球夜空中的明亮星团和星云,常以花和昆虫来命名,NGC6302就是其中之一例。

    Explanation : The bright clusters and nebulae of planet Earth 's night sky are often named for flowers or insects , and NGC6302 is no exception .

  16. 夜空中,星星象无数的小亮点。

    Stars resemble innumerable dots of lights in the night sky .

  17. 晴朗的夜空中,有无数的星星在闪烁。

    There are countless stars shining in the clear night sky .

  18. 然后鬼魂在满布雾气的夜空中消失不见。

    Then the ghost disappeared into the mist of the dark sky .

  19. 彗星的尾巴在夜空中堪称奇观。

    The tails of comets provide viewers with spectacular sights at night .

  20. 声音1:夜空中充斥着鸟儿的叫声。

    Voice 1 : A bird 's cry fills the night air .

  21. 看看这明月,它依然挂在夜空中。

    Look at the moon , it 's always in the sky .

  22. 这时一个声音在夜空中响起

    and then one voice began to echo through the night

  23. 我看见群星,夜空中璀璨的水晶之光。

    I see stars , brilliant crystal in the night .

  24. 夜空中烟火辉映,看起来十分壮丽。

    The fireworks looked very splendid against the dark sky .

  25. 这种想法一直在夜空中回荡。

    The thought going on constantly in the night sky .

  26. 我们是夜空中的繁星。

    Like the countless stars in ~ the wide night 's sky .

  27. 知道那些你在夜空中看到的那些星团么?

    You know those clusters of stars you see in the night sky ?

  28. 星星还在夜空中闪耀。

    The stars were still shining in the dark .

  29. 烟火在伦敦的夜空中辉闪。

    The night skies of London flare with rockets .

  30. 首次出现的烟花在夜空中。

    The first fireworks popped in the night sky .