
duō pèi ǒu zhì
  • polygamy
  1. 我既不同意同性婚姻,也不赞成多配偶制,这完全是基于同样的理由:两者都妨碍婚姻实现自己的基本目标。

    I don 't agree with either gay marriage or polygamy for exactly the same reason : both prevent marriage from fulfilling its primary goal .

  2. 在加拿大的不列颠哥伦比亚省(卑斯省),一法庭对加拿大两名涉嫌推行多配偶制的嫌犯进行了审判。此二人系摩门教分裂出的一分支的领袖。

    In Canada , two men who are leaders of a breakaway Mormon sect appeared in court in British Columbia on charges relating to their practice of polygamy .

  3. 同性婚姻如同所被宣称的那样比多配偶制更像一夫一妻制的异性婚姻吗?

    Does gay marriage , as claimed , resemble monogamous heterosexual marriage more than polygamy does ?

  4. 求婚者越多的少女,择偶往往越差。同性婚姻如同所被宣称的那样比多配偶制更像一夫一妻制的异性婚姻吗?

    A maid with many wooers often chooses the worst . Does gay marriage , as claimed , resemble monogamous heterosexual marriage more than polygamy does ?

  5. 多配偶(制)同时拥有一个以上配偶的状况或做法。

    The condition or practice of having more than one spouse at one time .