
  • 网络DPP;Diastase Pancreatin and Pepsin Tablet;MULTIENZYME TABLETS
  1. 用酪氨酸吸收系数E法测定多酶片中胃蛋白酶与胰蛋白酶的含量。

    Improvement Methods for Multienzyme by Determining Absorption Coefficient E of Tyrosine Purpose The aim is to study the assay of pepsin and trypsin .

  2. 前列腺素E1与多酶片联用治疗急性水肿性胰腺炎临床研究(Ⅰ)

    Use of PGE 1 DM in the Treatment of Acute Pancreatitis (ⅰ)

  3. 降低的血清胃泌素水平升高,患者餐后胃电图幅值参数增加(与多酶片组比较P0.05或P0.01);

    Serum Gas level and post-prandial EGG amplitude were increased ( P 0.05 or P 0.01 compared with group B ) .

  4. 50例脊柱结核的CT及X线平片表现分析前列腺素E1与多酶片联用治疗急性水肿性胰腺炎临床研究(Ⅰ)

    The Manifestations of Tuberculosis of Spine on CT and Plain Radiography : An Analysis of 50 Cases Use of PGE 1 DM in the Treatment of Acute Pancreatitis (ⅰ)

  5. 多酶片组30例给予多酶片5片,po,tid×4wk;

    Thirty patients of multienzyme group were treated with multienzyme ( five tablets ) po , tid for 4 wk .

  6. 治疗后4wk胰酶胶囊组总有效率为94%、多酶片组为57%,2组间比较P<0.05。

    After 4 wk treatment the clinical effects of pancreatin capsules group and multienzyme group were separately 94 % and 57 % . The effect of capsules group was ahead of that of multienzyme group ( P < 0.05 ) .

  7. 胰酶胶囊与多酶片治疗胰腺炎伴消化不良症状的疗效比较

    Comparison of effect of pancreatin capsules and multienzyme in treating pancreatitis with dyspepsia

  8. 药物方面,多酶片有助消化作用,可适当应用。

    Medicaments respect , much more enzymatic a peptic action , can apply appropriately .

  9. 胃炎Ⅰ号方组的临床总有效率为86.7%,优于多酶片对照组的60.O%(P<0.05)。

    The total effective rate was 86.7 % in group A , higher than that in group B ( P < 0.05 ) .

  10. 两组比较差异均有非常显著性(P<0·01)。治疗4周后胰酶胶囊组总有效率为93%,多酶片组为58%,两组间比较差异有非常显著性(P<0·01)。

    The overall efficacy rate of the pancreatin and multienzyme therapy were 93 % and 58 % , respectively ( P < 0.01 ) .

  11. 店员:那我建议您服用“多酶片”,另外,您这两天应尽量吃些清淡的食品。

    Then suggest you take some'Multiple Enzyme ' . Besides , eat some insipid food in the following two days would also be a help .

  12. 图片有太多的破绽。应该把它们交给陕西省林业厅,让他们找权威的组织鉴定一下。复方康彼身片(复方多酶片,胆盐多酶片)

    There are so many flaws in these photographs . ? Someone ought to give them to the Shaanxi provincial Forestry Department and let them find some authoritative organization to authenticate them .