- 网络Doppler radar

Application of Back-Propagation Neural Network in Precipitation Estimation with Doppler Radar
Design of X Band Doppler Radar Front-End
A PD radar system was designed with solid-state microwave devices and DSP .
A new algorithm is developed to incorporate Doppler radar measurements into the Kalman filter .
This paper studies and simulates the CFAR detection in pulse Doppler radar processor .
A generalized formulation of signal on each pixel for a wind detection lidar based on Fizeau interferometer and CCD is derived .
Extended - VAP Method for Retrieving Wind Field from Single-Doppler Radar Radial Wind and Its Quality Control
Experiments of Doppler radar wind field interpretation UW method in shanghai , caac
It has further proven the retrieval capability of extended-VAP method via the retrieval example and the comparison with the result of Dual-Doppler analysis .
The simulation principle of the radar echo of pulse-Doppler fuze with side-lobe restriction in Ku - band is studied , and the basic frame of once-through simulating test equipments is set up .
The torrential rainfall process of Hongkong in the 9th of June 1998 was analyzed based on the Doppler radar data of Hongkong observatory and GMS-5 infrared satellite images etc.
Primarily Study Of Comparison Analysis Of Nanchang Doppler Radar And 713-C Radar Precipitation Echo Product
By analysis of the differences of the four methods on estimating rain intensity at S band of dual linear polarization Doppler radar , the influence of K_ DP numerical method on the estimating rainfall is also studied here .
Fifthly , we explore the use of an ensemble Kalman filter ( EnKF ) to assimilate simulated Doppler radar data in a cloud model .
Using Doppler radar data , an algorithm for precipitation nowcast is set up by applying an improved cross-correlation extrapolation method ( COTREC ) .
This thesis mainly discussed the realization of Pulse-Doppler radar signal processing system . The signal processing system of this thesis is mainly composed of Pulse Compressing ( PC ) and Moving Target Detection ( MTD ) and Automatic Angle Detecting and Constant False-Alarm Rate ( CFAR ) .
By using the Doppler radar echo about Base Reflectivity ( R ), Storm Relative Vel Map ( SRM ), Vert Integrated Liquid ( VIL ) etc , a severe hail and wind weather process which occured in the south of North China on June 20,2004 is analyzed .
The three-dimensional wind of the heavy rain were retrieved by MUSCAT ( multiple-Doppler synthesis and continuity adjustment technique ) using the dual-Doppler radar volume scan data . It showed that the convergence line and the meso-cyclone at the low level play an important role in this heavy rain event .
Based on WSR 88D radar data , the radar echo ′ s characteristics of the torrential rain in Shanghai on the night of August 5th 2001 are analyzed to find out its precipitation mechanism and characteristic .
According to the observations of AERE by both single Doppler radar and double Doppler radars , the maximum wind speed always appears in the forward right position of AERE advancing direction , which means the wind speed in the northwest quadrant is the biggest among the whole quadrants .
Typical hooked echo can be observed On the combination flection factor chart of Doppler radar , also included weak echo zone ( BWER ), the hanging echo and the outflow boundary . Typical cyclone characteristic can be observed on average speed chart in longitude direction .
Analysis of Doppler Radar Detection Feature of A Southwest-vortex Heavy Rainfall
The Method for Improving the Detection Characteristics of Pulse Doppler Radar
Compression Method of the Echo Data for Coherent Pulsed Doppler Radar
Doppler Radar Data Analysis of 4.12 Hail Event in Jiangxi Province
The asymmetric wind structure of typhoon AERE detected by Doppler radar
Research on Rotating Speed of Cannonball by Using CW Doppler Radar
Detection and analysis of heavy snow echoes with Doppler Weather Radar
Experiment of Doppler Radar Data Assimilation for Convection in Cold Vortex
Initial Analysis of Doppler Radar Echo Characteristics of Heavy Precipitation in Summer