
  • 网络Multimedia Networking;Multimedia network;IP MULTIMEDIA NETWORK
  1. 多媒体网络产品,像IP电话,视频会议,视频点播,远程教育等已经从实验室普遍应用到商业领域。

    Multimedia networking products like Internet telephony , Internet TV , video conferencing , remote education have appeared on the market from laboratorial purpose .

  2. 多媒体网络化财经类专业实践教学模式新探

    Exploration of a New Teaching Mode for Business Studies with Multimedia Networking System

  3. WEB环境下体育多媒体网络课件设计与制作

    Discussion on Designing and Making of the Multimedia Network CAI of Physical Education under the WEB Environment

  4. 《savingtheearth》一课的多媒体网络教学设计

    Multimedia Network Teaching Design of Saving the Earth

  5. 基于Web的C程序设计多媒体网络教学系统的设计研究

    The Research Of Multimedia Network Teaching System In " The C Programming Language " Based On Web

  6. 一种支持宽带无线多媒体网络QoS的动态呼叫接纳策略

    Dynamic Call Admission Policy for Broadband Wireless Multimedia Networks

  7. 智能多媒体网络CAI课件的设计开发

    The Design and Development of Intelligent Multimedia Network CAI Courseware

  8. H.323和SIP在IP多媒体网络中互通的实现

    Realization of Interworking between H.323 and SIP in IP Multimedia Networks

  9. CAI多媒体网络技术探讨

    Research Of CAI Multi-Medium Network Technology

  10. 基于GPS的配电系统多媒体网络RTU的研究与分析

    Study and Analyse of Multimedia Network RTU in Distribution System Based on GPS

  11. 基于H.323协议的实时多媒体网络系统中QoS的保证与实现

    Guarantee and implementation of QoS for real-time multimedia network based on H.323 protocol

  12. 为此,本文主要研究如何将P2P技术应用到多媒体网络教学系统中,构架一个平台,使师生之间能够方便的交流协作。

    Therefore , this paper mainly studies how to apply the P2P technology in the multimedia teaching field .

  13. 基于MPEG-4的主从式多媒体网络教学系统设计

    Design of master-slave multimedia network teaching-learning system based on MPEG-4

  14. 文章的第一章作为绪论对多媒体网络和CSCW作了简要的概述。

    Multimedia network and CSCW are described briefly in chapter one .

  15. 对于远程测试多媒体网络的需求进行了详尽的分析,提出了一种利用IP分组交换网建立虚拟专用网络的网络模型。

    After a detailed analysis of multi-media network on remote satellite tests , a virtual special multi-media network model using IP exchange nets was proposed .

  16. 在网络负载加重时,在客户可容忍的QoS范围内,通过适当丢弃B帧,不但增加了多媒体网络的并发客户数,而且也提高了网络资源的利用率。

    With this algorithm the number of concurrent clients and utilization ratio of network resource are both increased while keeping QoS of clients within a tolerable range .

  17. 而且,目前对网格QoS的研究集中于将多媒体网络QoS的相关成果融入网格体系架构中以提供对网格QoS的支持,而缺少对网格QoS的特性进行系统化的研究与归纳。

    In addition , current research about Grid QoS forces on importing related fruit on QoS from multimedia network to support Grid QoS .

  18. 本文介绍了多媒体网络CAI系统和为改善其交互特性而设计的电子举手排队系统。

    This paper introduces a kind of Multimedia Network CAI Systems and an electric systemof inquiry designed to improve their alternate characteristics .

  19. 结果初步完成了影像解剖学交互式多媒体网络课件的制作,在校园网及Internet等网络环境下运行良好,使用方便。

    Results Multimedia didactic courseware of imaging anatomy with friendly interface for network environment had been completed . Reliable , stable , and flexible operation in campus network and Internet environment was achieved .

  20. 加强多媒体网络教学环境建设逐步完善MCAI体系

    Enhance the Construction of Multimedia Network Instruction . Perfect Multimedia CAI System Step by Step

  21. 以Internet为背景的多媒体网络技术运用于教育,为有效整合教学内容、全面提高教育质量提供了先进的手段和技术支持,也为素质教育提供了环境支持。

    The application of Internet and multimedia network technology provides advanced technical support for the reform of teaching contents and the improvement of educational quality , let alone its environmental support for the promotion of quality-oriented education .

  22. 随着多媒体网络应用数据流在Internet中的增加,使Interact的尽其所能的服务难以满足新数据流的服务质量的需求,成为Internet面临的一大挑战;

    With increase of multimedia application traffic in Internet , the " best effort " service provided by Internet has been entrenched in satisfying users ' QoS requirements and become one of challenges for Internet .

  23. 随着Internet技术的飞速发展和图形图像技术特别是图像编解码技术的日益成熟,使得基于传统PC机的多媒体网络化图像监控系统已成为现实。

    With the rapid development of Internet technology and the increasing mature development of graphics and image technology especially video codec technology , the multimedia network monitor and control system based on traditional PC has already turned into reality .

  24. 未来无线多媒体网络将以分组技术为基础,支持多种业务的传输,业务的QoS保证将受到一定的挑战。

    Wireless multimedia network will be on the basis of the packet technology , support the transmission of multi-traffic , and accordingly cause the great challenge for the QoS guarantee .

  25. 为了使Internet更好地适应未来多样化业务发展的需求,必须在多媒体网络中提供服务质量保障(QoS)和稳定的网络传输能力。

    To meet the needs of Internet diversified business in the future , it must be guaranteed the standards of Multimedia Network Quality of Service ( QoS ) and the stability of the network transmission .

  26. 多媒体网络教学系统是开展多媒体网络教学的支撑环境。本文对目前的一些多媒体网络教学系统进行了分析讨论,结合校园网络教学的特点,设计开发了一套基于MPEG-4的多媒体网络教学系统。

    The thesis analyses some contemporary multimedia networks teaching system , and designs a multimedia networks teaching system based on MPEG-4 , combined with the characteristic of networks teaching on campus .

  27. 文章主要通过对实时多媒体网络系统中服务质量QoS进行研究,着重分析区分服务(Diff-Serv)模型实现实时多媒体网络系统中服务质量QoS的具体措施和方法。

    This paper discusses tools for implementation of QoS ( Quality of Service ) for real - time multimedia network . It also gives the analysis of key technologies of Differentiated Service ( Diff - Serv ) for QoS .

  28. 在今天这个多媒体网络时代,视觉文化成为主导设计潮流,DV的兴起为影像文化开拓了新的空间,网络的迅速发展,使信息传播更加便捷和丰富,它逐渐成为DV影像传播的重要阵地。

    In the times of multimedia and network ; visual culture becomes a leading design tide . The rising of DV has exploited a new space for the video culture and widened individual field of vision ;

  29. 关于在课堂多媒体网络环境下的情境创设

    The Setting-up of Studying Scene in Class in the Multimedia Network

  30. 多媒体网络下英语任务型教学的动态评价体系研究

    On Multi-Media Network English " Task-Based Approach " Dynamic Evaluation System