
  • 网络many-body problem;n-body problem;N-body
  1. 多体问题的中心构型

    On Central Configurations of N-body Problem

  2. SO(N)群在研究量子多体问题中起着重要的作用。

    The SO ( N ) group plays an important role in studying the quantum many body systems .

  3. 利用二维离散位错动力学方法,研究了边界条件对计算机模拟疲劳Cu单晶位错花样的影响,结果表明:边界条件在模拟位错花样这类多体问题时是非常重要的;

    The effect of boundary conditions on computer simulating dislocation patterns of a fatigued copper single crystals was studied by using the method of discrete dislocation dynamics in two-dimensional system .

  4. 对(p,e,p)(D ̄+,e,D ̄+)多体问题须考虑核与电子同时运动以代替玻恩-奥本海默近似。

    It is necessary that the nuclei motions are taken into account , instead of Born-Oppenheimer approximation , for multimer problems such as ( p , e , p )( D  ̄ + , e , D  ̄ + ) .

  5. 文中将Appel处理多体问题的层次式算法思想实现于直接边界元法,用以计算VLSI三维互连寄生电容。

    The idea of Appel 's hierarchical algorithm handling the many body problem is implemented in the direct boundary element method ( BEM ) for computation of 3 D VLSI parasitic capacitance .

  6. 多体问题中的关联效应

    On the correlation effect in many - body systems

  7. 相对论带电粒子经典多体问题

    Many Bodies Problem of a Relativistic Charged Particle System

  8. 多体问题的整体解法

    Complete solution of many-body problem

  9. 一维量子非线性晶格模型虽然在形式上比较简单,但它仍旧是一个量子多体问题。

    Although the 1D quantum nonlinear lattice is formally simple , it is still a many body quantum-mechanic problem with quite complicated dynamics .

  10. 液晶的分子统计理论,由于多体问题所涉及到的非线性和复杂性,至今远远没有得到完善的答案。

    Due to the nonlinearity and complexity of many-body problems , the molecular statistical theory of liquid crystals has not been perfect as yet .

  11. 最主要的原因是量子多体问题中存在着相互耦合,使得精确求解它们变得非常困难。

    The main reason is that there are mutual coupling in quantum many-body problems , which made it very difficult to exactly solve them .

  12. 对考虑核子亚结构的相对论性多体问题的某些理论方法,本文也作了简介。

    Some theoretical approaches to the relativistic nuclear many-body problem , which take into account the substructure of the nucleon , have been also briefly discussed .

  13. 关于低维经典和量子可积多体问题的研究一直是世界范围内数学和物理科学领域中集中研究的热点。

    The study of low-dimensional classic and quantum integrable many-body systems continues to be the subject of intensive , high-profile research in the mathematical and physical sciences worldwide .

  14. 用投影算符从非对称的尝试波函数中取出满足体系所需对称性的部分是处理量子多体问题的一种常用的方法。

    It is usual way in treating quantum many-body problem to get the symmetric part of the wave function from an asymmetric trial wave function by using projection operators .

  15. 介绍了能带理论,说明能带理论是一个近似理论,是把一个复杂的多体问题化成单电子问题。

    This article introduces the theory of energy bands and explains it is a approximate theory . Theory of energy bands change the problem of multi-particle system into the problem of single electron .

  16. 随着海洋运输业的不断发展,船舶与海洋工程结构物尺寸越来越大,结构越来越复杂,而且出现了很多双体以及多体问题。

    With the development of marine transportation , the dimensions of offshore structures become larger and the structures are more and more complicated . And also there have been a lot of catamaran and multi-body problem .

  17. BK模型与目前的一些悬而未决的复杂性物理问题的联系,使它不仅对地震研究,而且对更普遍的多体系统问题的研究,都有重要的影响。

    Due to its connection with several outstanding problems in the physics of complexity , the BK model has had significant impact not only on seismology but also on the physics of multi body systems .

  18. 线弹性多体接触问题建模方法的研究

    A study on the modeling of linear elastic multibody contact problems

  19. 负重轮多体接触问题有限元分析

    Finite Element Analysis of Multi-Body Contact Problems for a Road Wheel

  20. 不可压缩流场多体运动问题的两种数值解法

    Two numerical methods of multi-body movement in incompressible fluid

  21. 同时,本文专门设计了用于验证多体分离问题数值方法的激波管实验。

    In addition , an experiment is specially designed on shock tube to validate the numerical method .

  22. 在实际工程应用当中,经常会遇到带有移动边界的复杂的非稳态流动问题,例如空气弹性变形,流固耦合问题,多体分离问题等。

    There are many complex unsteady flow problems including moving boundary , such as aeroelasticity , fluid-structure coupling , multi-body separation problems .

  23. 利用共轭梯度法与快速傅立叶变换(CCGM-FFT)相结合的方法来研究近场多体散射问题。

    Application of complex conjugate gradient method ( CCGM ) and fast Fourier transform ( FFT ) to study multitudinous scattering in near-field optics .

  24. 有相对运动的多体分离问题作为一类特殊的力学问题广泛地存在于航空、航天以及武器系统中。

    Flow problem about Multi-body with relative movement is a special kind of mechanical problem and it widely exists in the field of aeronautics , astronautics and weapons .

  25. 本文根据这一需求,建立了基于非结构动网格的数值模拟技术,形成了能够应用于求解复杂外形多体分离问题的高效、准确的软件系统。

    In this dissertation , a numerical method using dynamic unstructured grid is studied and software system is established , which can efficiently and exactly simulate multi-body flow problems with complex configuration and complicated relative motion .

  26. 柔性杆应用于杆-锥式对接碰撞过程属于柔性多体动力学问题,其中还涉及到比较复杂的碰撞瞬态动力学研究,因此具有较大的研究难度。

    The application of flexible rod to space probe-cone docking impact process belongs to flexible multi-body dynamics problem . In addition , it includes study of impact transient dynamics . Therefore , it is a great difficult problem .

  27. 由于其本身的复杂性,不论是采用实验方法还是数值模拟方法都存在或多或少的困难,建立有效、准确解决有相对运动的多体分离问题的数值方法在理论及应用上都很有价值。

    Because of its complexity , it is hard to research or analysis whether using experimental or numerical simulation methods . As a result , establishing an effective and accurate numerical simulation method is important both in theory and practice .

  28. 并结合研究多体散射问题的T矩阵方法以及矢量球谐函数的加法定理,计算了结构不同、组成体系粒子数目不同碳烟粒子体系的线性极化度以及电磁散射强度特性。

    The T matrix approach together with the translation addition theorem for vector spherical waves is employed to solve the aggregate scattering problem . Numerical results for scattering intensity and the linear polarization ratio of soot particles with different fractal structures or different particle numbers are illustrated .

  29. 对于接触问题,当接触点对较多时,方程组的求解效率降低很多,而且对于某些多体接触问题,由于刚体位移的存在,柔度阵不易计算。

    This paper shows that for the contact problem with less contact pairs , the computational efficiency decreases greatly when the number of contact pairs increases . Moreover , for some multi-body contact problems , the contact flexibility matrix cannot be obtained due to the occurrence of rigid body translation .

  30. 在研究多智能体协作问题中,论文提出了反协作的SBD(StrategyBasedonDisorganization)策略思想。

    Studying collaboration of MAS , the paper brings forward SBD ( Strategy Based on Disorganization ) for disorganization .