
  • 网络vulvar cancer;vulval cancer;carcinoma of vulva;VV-SCCvulva
  1. HIV患者的浸润性外阴癌:病例报道及文献回顾

    Invasive vulvar cancer in a woman with human immunodeficiency virus : Case report and review of the literature

  2. 结论VIN的发生与HPV感染有关,尤其与HPV16/18、31/33型感染密切相关。VIN与外阴癌感染的HPV型别相同。

    Conclusions VIN is associated with the infection of HPV , particularly HPV16 / 18 and 31 / 33.VIN and vulvar cancer share the same type of HPV infection .

  3. 外阴癌细胞核DNA含量及面积的图像分析研究

    Image analysis of the DNA content and nuclear area of the vulvar carcinoma

  4. 应用图像分析技术定量测定了33例外阴鳞癌细胞核的DNA含量与面积,并结合随访结果分析了外阴癌的预后因素。

    The DNA content and nuclear area of33 cases squamous cell carcinoma of the vulva were studied quantitatively using image analysis technique .

  5. 结论:应用流式细胞术检测外阴癌DNA含量和rasP21是一项有价值的临床研究。

    Conclusions Detection of DNA content and rasP 21 of vulvar carcinoma by using flow cytometry and immunofluorescence staining technique is a valuable clinical research .

  6. 外阴癌中HPV感染与p53、MDM2表达的关系

    HPV infection and its correlation with p53 and MDM2 expression in vulvar carcinoma

  7. 老年妇女外阴癌及外阴营养不良与p53突变及人乳头瘤病毒感染的相关性

    Correlation of the p53 overexpression and human papilloma virus infection with the vulvar squamous cell carcinoma and the vulvar dystrophy in the elderly women

  8. FHIT蛋白表达与外阴癌发生发展的关系

    Relationship Between the Expression of Fragile Histidine ( FHIT ) and the Development of Vulvar Carcinoma

  9. 方法回顾性研究100例下生殖道癌(宫颈癌63例,外阴癌37例)的临床病理特征,并应用PCR技术检测每份标本的HPV状态。

    Methods Clinicopathological features of 100 cases of female lower genital tract carcinoma ( 63 cervical carcinoma and 37 vulvar carcinoma ) were studied retrospectively . Standard PCR ( HPV type 6 / 11,16,18 ) was applied to formalin fixed , paraffin embedded sections .

  10. 结论在外阴癌中MMP9的表达强度超过TIMP1时可能是外阴癌侵袭的一个早期指标,但不能单独作为预测外阴癌结局的一个标志。

    Conclusion When the expression of MMP 9 is stronger than that of TIMP 1 in vulvar carcinoma , it may be an early marker of tumor progression , but it can 't be used singly to predict disease outcome .

  11. 外阴癌51例临床治疗及预后分析

    Analysis of treatment and prognosis of vulvar cancer in 51 cases

  12. 外阴癌的治疗&附73例分析

    Treatment of cancer of the vulvar - analysis of 73 patients

  13. 外阴癌转移复发分析

    Analysis of Metastasis and Recurrence of Carcinoma of the Vulva

  14. 外阴癌淋巴结转移相关因素分析

    Relativity Analysis on lymphatic metastasis factors of the vulvar carcinoma

  15. 外阴癌功能评价的可靠性及有效性

    The functional assessment of cancer-vulvar : Reliability and validity

  16. 44例中晚期外阴癌疗效分析

    Combination Treatment Analyses of Middle and Advanced Stage Vulvar Carcinoma of 44 Cases

  17. 前哨淋巴结活检及淋巴绘图技术在外阴癌中的应用

    Clinical application of sentinel lymph node biopsy and lymphatic mapping for vulvar cancer

  18. 外阴癌分泌物对尿常规结果的影响

    The effect of secretion from vulval cancer on the result of urine routine test

  19. 阴性表浅腹股沟淋巴结切除术后Ⅰ/Ⅱ期外阴癌患者的结局

    Outcomes of Stage ⅰ / ⅱ vulvar cancer patients after negative superficial inguinal lymphadenectomy

  20. 高危组外阴癌化疗加放疗的综合治疗

    The chemoradiotherapy of high risk valvar carcinoma

  21. 同时,侵袭性外阴癌发病率增加了20%。

    During that same time , the incidence of invasive vulval cancer rose by20 % .

  22. 目的:总结影响外阴癌预后、转移复发的相关因素,探讨理想的治疗方法。

    Objective To study the independent prognostic factors affecting the metastasis and recurrence of small hepatocellular carcinoma .

  23. 目的:探讨外阴癌行广泛外阴切除术后缺损修复术式。

    Objective : To discuss the modified operation for repairing vulvae coloboma in patients with extensive vulvae resection .

  24. 手术切除是外阴癌的主要治疗手段,手术方式的选择应个体化。

    Surgical excision is the main treatment for approach , the selection of operative patterns should be individualized .

  25. 探讨尿道切除和膀胱肌瓣尿道成形术在外阴癌治疗中的应用价值。

    To study the value of urethrectomy and urethroplasty with bladder musculature flap in treatment of vulvar carcinoma .

  26. 双侧菱形筋膜皮瓣修复外阴癌切除后缺损

    Application of the Bilateral Rhomboic Fasciocutaneous Flap for the Repair of Vulvae Coloboma in Patients with Vulvae Cancer Resection

  27. 结论:外阴癌分泌物可污染尿液,引起尿路感染样的小便常规检查结果。

    Conclusion The secretion from vulval cancer can result in the change of the urine routine test as the urinary tract infection .

  28. 在患外阴癌的病人中,被诊断为淋巴水肿的病人比例(36%)高于患其他妇科癌症的病人。

    The prevalence of diagnosed lymphedema was higher among survivors of vulvar cancer ( 36 % ) than all other gynecological cancer subgroups .

  29. 结果在模板内参照阳性的87份中,宫颈癌54份,外阴癌33份。

    Results There were 54 cases of cervical carcinoma and 33 cases of vulvar carcinoma in the 87 cases of target DNA qualified samples .

  30. 本文报道了1976年至1992年间本科收治的44例中晚期外阴癌。

    From 1976 to 1992 , 44 patients with middle and advanced stage vulvar carcinoma were treated by radical vulvectomy combined with radiation therapy and chemotherapy in our hospital .