
  • 网络Expatriate
  1. 因此未来跨国公司的外派人员的主体应当是技术型的,而不是管理型的。

    So the main expatriate of the multinational corporation will be technology expatriate rather than administrative staff .

  2. 中国跨国企业外派人员培训与发展研究

    Study on Expatriate Training and Development in Chinese Multi-national Corporations

  3. 东京依然是外派人员全球生活成本第二高的城市,仅次于安哥拉首都罗安达(Luanda)。后者连续第二年蝉联生活成本最高城市。

    Tokyo retained its status as the second most expensive city in the world for expatriates after Luanda in Angola , which topped the list for the second year in a row .

  4. 中国外派人员跨文化胜任力指标体系构建研究

    Study on Cross - cultural Competence index of Chinese Expatriates

  5. 他们是一群生活条件相似的,长期居住海外的外派人员。

    They are a group of expatriates who share similar living conditions .

  6. 日美两国外派人员在华的跨文化适应研究

    A Study on Cross-Cultural Adjustment of Japanese and American Expatriates in China

  7. 外派人员是指暂时在中国生活工作的外国人。

    The expatriates are foreigners living and working in China for a time .

  8. 除了食物,语言是许多中国外派人员面临的主要障碍。

    Apart from food , language is the main obstacle for many Chinese expats .

  9. 丰富而深厚的文化可使外派人员成为“回头客”。

    And a culture that is rich and deep will keep expats coming back .

  10. 跨国公司外派人员绩效的多层次模糊综合评价

    The Performance Evaluating for Expatriates of Multinational Corporation Base on Multilevel Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluating

  11. 跟许多外派人员一样,我们也可以享受一些会计服务。

    Like many other people on expat packages , our deal includes some accountant services .

  12. 外派人员的社会资本具有周期长,交流频繁和信任度高的特征。

    The features of expatriate social capital is long term , highly interactive and trustable .

  13. 在这个过程中,一种新型的员工产生了,那就是外派人员。

    In such process , a new kind of employee appears who is called expatriates .

  14. 尽管这些外派人员中的多数有一到两年的任务分配,但仍有25%的人没有明确的工作任务。

    Although most of thesetransferees are on one-to two-year assignments , up to25 percent are onindefinite assignments .

  15. 这引起了有关外派人员怎样准备来面对这个挑战性任务的讨论。

    This challenge has aroused a heated discussion about how to prepare expatriates for such challenging assignments .

  16. 而现代化的新加坡、香港和上海则逐渐树立起欢迎和照顾外派人员的美誉。

    Modern Singapore , Hong Kong and Shanghai have built reputations on welcoming and looking after expats .

  17. 跨国公司外派人员管理

    Expatriate Management of Transnational Corporations

  18. 外派人员也经常有朋友或家人造访或探亲,这也是他们携人出游的原因之一。

    Expatriates are often visited by friends and family who then also wish to take a tour .

  19. 不过,最让中国外派人员受不了的,是吃不到地道的中餐。

    What makes Chinese expats suffer most , however , is the lack of authentic Chinese food .

  20. 另外,外派人员海外派遣的失败给跨国公司带来的间接损失有时可能会比其带来的直接损失要惨重得多。

    In addition , the indirect loss to the multinational corporation can be much heavier than the direct loss .

  21. 然而,这些研究都在范围上有很大限制,因为他们的对象往往是留学生,移民和企业外派人员。

    These researches have their limits , because their subjects are primarily international students , migrants and enterprise expatriates .

  22. 一些城市比如迪拜和多哈的人口,似乎全都由外派人员构成。

    The populations of some cities , such as Dubai and Doha , seem to consist of nothing but expatriates .

  23. 也有一些城市或许没有那么多外派人员,但它们都是由移民建设起来的。

    Other cities may not have the same populations of expats , but they have been built on an immigrant experience .

  24. 其中,直接损失包括外派人员(有时包括其家庭)高额的薪金、安置费用和培训成本。

    The direct loss includes the high salary , training and placement fees for expatriates ( and sometimes their families ) .

  25. 根据该行自己的研究,只有三分之一的外派人员从雇主那里得到了住房补贴。

    According to the bank 's own research , only one in three expats received an accommodation allowance from their employer .

  26. 很多企业认为,外派人员在接受行动提议前,由于在组织层次上的优势,会了解很多情况。

    The firm believes that expatriates are superior in organization hierarchy and knows a lot , prior taking up the offer .

  27. 国内对于跨国外派人员的文献大多处于概念性的阶段,而且缺乏实证数据支撑,略显空洞。

    The domestic research is at the conceptive stage regarding to the transnational expatriate employees , moreover is deficient in data support .

  28. 在美国,外派人员境外收入的免税额为9.92万美元,超过这个数字的部分会被征税。

    The United States also allows expatriates to exempt $ 99,200 of foreign earned income , then taxes them on the rest .

  29. 外国银行家纷纷搬家,留下很多三四个卧室的大房子。这类房源以前深受外派人员的青睐,如今却会空置好几个月。

    Foreign bankers decamped , leaving behind many three-and four-bedroom apartments , popular with expatriates , which have been vacant for months .

  30. 外派人员的管理已成为国际旅游企业人力资源管理的关键性问题。

    The management of the members who are sending abroad is the key problem in human resource management in the international tourism company .