
  • 网络External debt risk;risk of external debt;risks of foreign debt
  1. 外债风险指标体系及中国外债风险状况分析

    Foreign Debt Indicators & Foreign Debt Risks Situations in China

  2. 企业外债风险管理问题研究

    A Study of Foreign Exchange Risk Management of Foreign Debt

  3. 关于化解财政外债风险的深入思考

    Profound Think on Solving the Risks of Finance Debts

  4. 传统的外债风险指标体系不够科学、全面。

    The traditional foreign debt risk index system is not scientific and comprehensive .

  5. 外债风险指标体系分析

    Analysis of Foreign debt Risk Index for Commercial Banks

  6. 我国外债风险分析

    An Analysis of Foreign Debt Risk in China

  7. 试论我国企业外债风险管理

    Foreign Liability Risk Management of Chinese Enterprises

  8. 开放经济条件下企业外债风险管理研究

    In the Conditions of Opening Economy , Study on the Risk Management of Foreign Debts of Enterprises

  9. 由于我国企业外债风险管理研究还处在初始阶段,几乎没有系统的研究理论。

    Because the foreign debt management is just beginning in our country , nearly no systematic research is made .

  10. 外债风险预警模型及中国金融安全状况评估

    The Forecasting and Warning Model for Foreign Debt Risk and Its Application in Assessing the Financial Safe Status of China

  11. 虽然总体衡量外债风险的指标显现出短期外债风险仍然在安全限度内,但是其潜在风险不能忽视。

    Although in general the indicators measuring foreign debt risk illustrate the risks being within the secure boundary , the potential risks can 't be neglected .

  12. 目前我国大多数企业防范外债风险措施不力,给企业经营和国家外债安全带来隐患。

    Foreign Liability Risk Management in most Chinese enterprises was not conducted , which should make the enterprises operating uncertainty and country of foreign Loans unsafely .

  13. 在项目融资中,项目风险分担是项目融资的核心问题,同时项目外债风险的管理是项目融资成功的重要保证。

    To supervise the risk management of project . The risk management of project is the key to a successful project financing and the major concern is the share of project risk .

  14. 这样,人民币汇率开始市场化,从而也带来了人民币兑外币汇率的波动的增加,加大了我国外币汇率的风险,也加大了我国早已存在的外债风险。

    Then , the marketization of RMB rate increased the fluctuation of exchange rates , by which RMB exchanges to foreign currency increased the exposures to exchange rate and external debt had existed already .

  15. 然后,探析企业外债风险管理的两个重要目标选择问题,即成本控制目标与盈利目标的选择以及现金流目标与净现值目标的选择。

    Then , the problem of two important target choices is discussed : the choice of the cost control target or the profit target and the choice of cash flow or present value target .

  16. 理论在实际案例中的成功运用充分说明了利率掉期与货币掉期及其定价原理在中国企业外债风险问题上的适用性和有效性。

    The successful application of theories to practice shows the applicability and availability of the interest rate swap and currency swap along with their pricing theories in the foreign debt management in Chinese enterprises .

  17. 这些问题如不及时解决,就会使外债风险在失控状态下愈演愈烈,债务危机发生机率越来越大,严重时就会危及地区经济和社会稳定。

    If these problems are not solved in time , these can make the risk of foreign government loan out of control and increase the rate of debt crisis , and will endanger the economy and social stability .

  18. 作为对众多文献的补充,通过从外债风险指标和影响外债风险其他因素这两个方面的外债风险因素分析,可以完善外债风险评估指标体系。

    This paper analyses the foreign debt risk from two respects respectively , such as foreign debt risk index , the other factors affecting the foreign debt risk , to improve the foreign debt risk evaluation index system .

  19. 二是首次系统分析了山东省政府外债风险管理工作存在的主要问题,包括外债利用缺乏统一规划,监管体制不顺,贷款违规使用,历史积欠沉重等。

    Secondly , analyses systematically the main problems in Shandong foreign loan risk management , including no plan as a whole in using foreign loans , supervising system is imperfect , using loans illegally , heavy historical debts and so on .

  20. 本文用最新的数据分析了我国内外债风险的一系列指标,对我国内外债风险做出了一个综合评估,结论是我国的政府债务风险不容盲目乐观。

    With the help of the latest data , analyzing a series of indexes of China ′ s internal debt and external debt , the article draws a conclusion that the risk of government debt of China has reached a level we could not be blindly optimistic .

  21. 本文初次探讨研究了山东省政府外债的风险性及管理对策,对于全面认识政府外债风险,有效防范化解债务危机具有重要的理论和现实意义。

    This paper originally investigates the foreign loan risk and countermeasures of Shandong province , it 's important to realize government foreign loan risk as a whole and prevent debt crisis both in theory and in reality .

  22. 他表示,中国必须先放松其对利率的控制,并提高国内债券市场的深度,再开放资本账户,以减轻投机资本蜂拥而至、本土企业积累过多外债的风险。

    He said China had to ease its control of interest rates and deepen the domestic bond market before opening the capital account to lessen the risk of speculative capital rushing in and local companies accumulating dangerously big foreign debts .

  23. 主要从理论上界定政府外债财政风险的概念,即利用政府外债中,受各种不确定性因素的影响,使得债务人不能如约偿债而给财政带来压力的可能性。

    This part theoretically defines the concept of the fiscal risks resulting from governmental external debts , which is the possibility of the fiscal pressure resulting from expenditure growth because the debtors subject to a variety of uncertainties can not pay off the governmental external debts .

  24. 第五部分,结合国外贷款相关理论和实践,从管理机制、筹资结构、应用体系、外债管理、风险控制五个方面研究提出解决对策及政策建议;

    The fifth part , analyzes the countermeasures from five aspects as following , management mechanism , finance structure , application system , debt management , and risk control .

  25. 防范外债导致的财政风险

    Guard Against Fiscal Risk Caused by Foreign Debts

  26. 同时,政府外债的双重性决定了,山东省政府外债风险是客观存在的,并以多种形式日益显现。

    At the same time , the dual nature of government foreign loan decides the risk of government foreign loan is objectively existent and shows with various forms .

  27. 研究指出,对于发展中国家,通过确定其国家的最优外债币种构成就可以防范其国家面对的外债风险。

    Stijn Claessens ( 1988 ) shows , for developing countries , fixing their optimal currency composition of external debt can take precautions against exposure to external debt .

  28. 随着外债规模的不断扩大,我国在外债结构优化和风险防范等外债管理方面暴露出了许多问题。

    With the enlarging scale of foreign debt , many problems have emerged in the structural optimization and the risk management of foreign debt .

  29. 另外,通过建立偿债基金、将出口创汇与外债偿还相结合、提前或延迟偿还债务,也可以达到防范外债汇率风险的目的。

    Besides , we can achieve the same goal through establishing the repaying fund , combining the export with the foreign debt repayment and repaying the debt in advance or deferring dong it .

  30. 外债的合理利用能有效地弥补国内资金不足的缺口,促进中国经济发展,但在外债的利用过程中,必须防范随时可能出现的外债风险,避免陷于债务危机。

    The foreign debt used effectively can mend the gap of internal funds and promote economical development in China . But in the process of using foreign debt , the country should be alert to foreign debt risk and avoid the debt crisis .