
fù fēi
  • go around
复飞[fù fēi]
  1. 牛仍在跑道上,再复飞一圈。

    The cow is still on the runway , go around again .

  2. 下降到你的最低高度,如看不到跑道,拉起复飞。

    Descend to your minimum altitude , if the runway is not in your sight , pull up and go around .

  3. 加拿大从今天开始允许波音公司的737Max机型在该国领空复飞。

    Canada is allowing Boeing 's 737 Max to fly again in the country 's airspace starting today .

  4. 起落架故障,我们愿意复飞。

    We have undercarriage trouble , we would like to overshoot .

  5. 如降落不成功,请按复飞程序拉升。

    If unable to land , please follow the Miss approach procedure .

  6. 如没对准跑道,按复飞程序爬高至4500英尺。

    If missed approach following the missed approach procedure climbing to4500 feet .

  7. 联合航空公司表示,他们计划于6月10日复飞787国际航线。

    United says the plans to restart its 787 international flights June 10th .

  8. 复飞转弯点的快速确定

    Quick Location of Turning Point in Missed Approach

  9. 高于下滑道太多,你复飞吗?回答。

    You are well above the glide path , are you overshooting , over .

  10. 我们复飞,我们起落架处境困难。

    We 've got to overshoot , we 're having difficulties with the landing gear .

  11. 飞行人员恶性肿瘤远期疗效及复飞观察

    Observation on long term therapeutic results and return to flying duty in malignant tumour patients of aircrew

  12. 一条牛在跑道上,请做好准备,有需要就复飞。

    A cow on the runway . Please be prepare to pull up and go around when you are necessary .

  13. 船舶在任何能见度情况下的行动规则下降到你的最低高度,如不能见,复飞。

    Conduct of Vessels in Any Condition of Visibility Descend to your minimum altitude if not broken contact pull up and go around .

  14. 我们复飞,我们起落架处境困难。这个飞行员能把俯冲的飞机恢复平飞吗?

    We 've got to overshoot , we 're having difficulties with the landing gear . Can the pilot pull the plane out of its steep descent ?

  15. 此外,还从工程应用的角度出发,开发了具有复飞决策功能的自动航母着舰系统的实时可视化仿真平台。

    In view of engineering realization , the ACLS ( automatic carrier landing system ) with wave off decision real time visible simulation / development platform is set up .

  16. 事故调查显示,飞机副驾驶在失事前仅有过两次波音767副驾驶的经验,当时他全部注意力都在天气上,而没能及早警告飞行员复飞。

    The crash probe said the first officer , with only two previous flights as a767 copilot , was too focused on the weather and failed to warn the pilot early enough to abort .

  17. 美国联合航空公司复飞787客机,四个月前787客机因电池起火问题停飞,相似的问题同样出现在其他787客机上,迫使其他航空公司也停飞这一机型。

    United Airlines is flying its 787s again , four months after the planes were grounded because of smoldering batteries , similar problems on other 787s forced other airlines to ground their aircraft as well .

  18. 所得结论可以为提高飞行器近地/海运动、甲板起降、逃逸复飞等过程中的稳定性和安全性,以及地效飞行器的设计等提供一定的参考。

    The conclusion can provide some reference for improvement of stability and safety of airplane in near-ground / sea motion , deck taking off and landing , escape and missed approach and design of ground-effect vehicle .

  19. 围绕提高着舰精度和安全性,着重讨论了甲板运动补偿及预估、进场动力补偿、舰尾气流扰动抑制、着舰系统中噪声处理,以及复飞决策等着舰的相关技术。

    Techniques related to the carrier landing system , such as deck-motion compensation and prediction , approach power compensation , carrier fantail flow disturbance suppression , noise reduction , and wave-off decision are discussed in detail for improved landing accuracy and safety .

  20. 石柱复向斜北部飞三段储层模式识别

    Reservoir Pattern Recognition in T_1f_3 in the North of Shizhu Synclinorium