
shēng zhòng
  • low voice speaking
声重[shēng zhòng]
  1. 结果表明,当波动频率小于截止频率ωc时,磁声重波将在磁层中被反射。

    The result shows that the magneto-acoustic-gravity waves are reflected in the magnetosphere when the frequency of waves is smaller than the cut-off frequency ω c.

  2. 我们还讨论了磁声重波与地磁微脉动之间的关系,沿着重力场方向向下传播的磁声重波,可能直接引起赤道附近的Pc1磁脉动。

    The magneto-acoustic-gravity waves propagating downwards along the direction of gravitational field may produce directly the PC 1 magnetic pulsation near the equator .

  3. B.方法,研究时空变化风场中声重波波包的演变过程。

    B. method , we have investigated the evolution process of an AGW packet in a spatially and temporally varying wind .

  4. 由谱方程出发,考虑低边界上的声重波强迫为高斯谱型,采用差分方法,我们计算了ω-KH二维空间中的高层谱响应。

    Starting from the spectral equation , considering an AGW force with two-dimensional Gaussian spectrum at lower boundary and by using differential method , the AGW spectrum at higher level is calculated .

  5. 本文利用二维约化摄动方法推导出垂直切变风场中声重波的KdV方程。从而进一步证明中尺度TID的激发源是声重波这一尚未弄清的问题。

    Using the two-dimension reductive perturbation method in this paper , we derive the KdV equation of an acoustic gravity wave in the vertical shear wind , and prove that the AGW is the excited source of the medium scale TID .

  6. 本文从可压缩流体的原始动力学方程出发,利用二维约化摄动方法推导出垂直切变风场中考虑曳引效应的二维声重波的Burgers-KdV方程,并对其非线性性态作了一些研究。

    In this paper , we have derived the Burgers-KdV equation of an AGW in the vertical shear wind from the compressible hydrodynamic equations with towing effect by the reductive perturbation method and investigated its nonlinear properties .

  7. 这些变化是垂直切变风场对声重波谱滤波的结果。文中还将上述结论与电离层观测结果进行比较,解释了某些观测现象。

    These calculated results may explain some observed phenomena in ionosphere .

  8. 用数字测高仪漂移测量研究电离层声重波扰动

    Study of ionospheric gravity wave disturbances from drift measurements of a digisonde

  9. 武汉地区中尺度电离层声重波扰动的变化特性


  10. 磁声重波在地球磁层中的传播

    Propagation of MAGNETO-ACOUSTIC-GRAVITY waves in the earth 's magnetosphere

  11. 中层顶高度微量成分和温度场对声重波传播的响应

    Response of minor constituents and temperature to AGW propagation in the mesopause region

  12. 极光带电急流产生声重波的效率

    Efficiencies of Aurora ELECTROJETS in generating acoustic gravity waves

  13. 电离层声重波引起的高频多普勒频移

    Doppler frequency shifts of a HF radio wave caused by the ionospheric acoustic-gravity waves

  14. 日食声重波效应

    The acoustic-gravity wave effects of the solar eclipse

  15. 时空变化风场中声重波波包的演变

    Evolution of an acoustic gravity wave packet in a spatially and temporally varying wind

  16. 对虚拟声重发声像在头部转动下的稳定性进行了分析。

    The stability of virtual sound image under the rotation of head is analyzed .

  17. 极地产生的大尺度声重波可以传播到广州、香港一带,难于传到海南岛;

    The large scale gravity waves generated in polar region can propagate to Guangzhou , but seldom to Hainan island .

  18. 根据可压缩情况下的流体力学方程组,导出垂直切变风场中大气声重波的谱方程。

    By using the compressible hydrodynamic equations , a spectral equation describing propagation of AGW 's in a region of vertical wind shear is derived .

  19. 本文讨论了赤道附近地球磁层中磁声重波沿重力场方向的传播特征。

    In this paper , we discuss the characteristics for magneto-acoustic-gravity waves propagating along the direction of gravitational field in the earth 's magnetosphere near the equator .

  20. 本文研究声重波在垂直切变风场中传播时谱结构的改变。

    In this paper , the variation of spectral structure of acoustic gravity waves ( AGW 's ) propagating through a region of vertical wind shear is investigated .

  21. 这些因素助长了一种预期&中国内地股市会砰的一声重重落回到地面,就像它们在2007年经历了类似急剧上涨后所遭遇的那样。

    These factors have fuelled expectations that mainland stock markets will come back down to earth with a thud , as they did in 2007 following a similar run-up .

  22. 本文求出了声重波传播过程中,低热层臭氧含量振荡和温度场起伏间的耦合关系。

    In the course of acoustic-gravity wave ( AGW ) propagation , a coupling relation between the ozone density oscillations ( ODO ) and temperature fluctuations ( TF ) in the lower thermosphere is presented .

  23. 本文根据时空变化风场中声重波演变的基本方程,详细讨论了声重波的基本参量在垂直切变风场中的变化方式。

    By using the fundamental equations describing the evolution of an acoustic gravity wave ( AGW ) packet in an ambient wind , the variation characteristics of AGW 's essential parameters in a region of wind shear are studied .

  24. 关于声-重波色散关系及特征频率

    On the dispersion relations of acoustic gravity waves and characteristic frequencies

  25. 玛莎并不胖,但她行动迟缓而笨拙,脚步声很重。

    Martha is not fat , but she is heavy-footed and walks noisily .

  26. 他上楼的脚步声很重。

    He heard footsteps on the porch .

  27. 我指的是如果你在地中海地区,你会听到一种像马一样呼吸声很重的音质,原因是那里的人们声带有一点点折叠,影响了其振动发声。

    I mean if you look at the Mediterranean area you have horse hyper functional quality that is due to a little fold on the vocal fold that interferes with the vibration of the vocal folds .

  28. 我听到楼梯上有笨重的脚步声。金钉重五十舍客勒。楼房都贴上金子。

    I heard a clump on the stairs . and fifty shekels weight of gold was used for the nails . He had all the higher rooms plated with gold .

  29. 我的身后没听到脚步声。他上楼的脚步声很重。

    There was no thumping of feet behind me . he heard footsteps on the porch .