
  • 网络acoustic resonance;Acu-Res
  1. 负载侧输出为低频方波电流,有效克服了MH灯声共振现象。

    The output current is operated at low-frequency square to prevent the acoustic resonance for MH lamps .

  2. 在稳态阶段逆变器工作于半桥双Buck电路模式,灯电压电流为低频方波,有效地避免了声共振现象,本文阐明了其工作原理并给出了参数设计方法。

    Inverter operates in mode of Half-bridge dual Buck converter in steady state . Lamp voltage and current are low-frequency-square-wave . Lamp arc is stable without acoustic resonance . Operating principle and parameter design method are represented .

  3. 基于Saber仿真消除金卤灯声共振问题研究

    Eliminating acoustic resonance in metal halide lamps based on saber simulation

  4. 分析了解决HID气体灯声共振问题的不同方法的特点,重点对低频方波电子镇流器进行介绍;

    And a analysis of several methods solving the problem of acoustic resonance is presented , with an emphasis of the low frequency square wave method .

  5. 本文针对HID的声共振问题,主要做了如下的工作:1.对HID灯的发光机理进行了研究,在稳态下HID灯工作在弧光放电状态。

    In this paper , some research work has been made to acoustic resonance phenomenon as follows : 1 The mechanism of HID lamp is studied . HID lamp works in arc discharge status in steady state .

  6. 固体中多孔媒质球的声共振散射特性

    Resonant acoustic scattering by a porous sphere in elastic media

  7. 利用声共振测量管件长度的研究

    The research on measurement of pipe length by means of acoustic resonance

  8. 纵向磁场对小功率金属卤化物灯声共振的影响

    Effects of Axial Magnetic Field on Acoustic Resonance of Low Power Metal Halide Lamp

  9. 并分析总结了电子镇流器解决声共振问题的方法。

    The main methods are also put forward to handle acoustic resonance with electronic ballast .

  10. 本文对纵向磁场作用下小功率金属卤化物灯电弧声共振现象进行了实验研究。

    Applying axial magnetic field on low power metal halide lamps , its effects on acoustic resonance were observed experimentally .

  11. 基于严格的电磁场理论,利用有限差分法来计算任意形状的二维栅格的光声共振吸收。

    The finite differential method based on the rigorous electromagnetic theory is used to calculate the optical absorption and reflectance on corrugated surfaces with arbitrary function profiles .

  12. 声共振现象是由于气体的压力波形成驻波造成的,本文用等离子体理论分析了声共振现象形成的过程。

    Acoustic resonance is due to the formation of the gas pressure wave created by standing wave . Plasma theory is introduced to explain the formative process of acoustic resonance .

  13. 研究了高压钠灯声共振的产生机理,也通过对消除高压钠灯声共振的诸多方法的分析和比较,提出了一种消除声共振的方法:用开关电容法来实现对灯电流的频率控制。

    Some studies on the sound resonance mechanism of HPS , and one scheme is brought forward to avoiding sound resonance of higher power HPS , that is , using switch capacitance method to control the tube current .

  14. 本文简要介绍用声共振法测材料的杨氏模量,用控制裂纹法测材料的断裂韧性以及材料的极限应变能释放率的计算。

    In this study the sonic resonance technique was used to determine the Young 's elastic moduli , the controlled surface microflow technique was used to measure the fracture toughness and the critical strain energy release rate was calculated .

  15. 声激励共振法测量微机械材料的杨氏模量

    Acoustically - excited method for Young 's modulus measurement of micro - machined materials

  16. 流体动力振荡和腔的声驻波共振耦合时,腔内振荡的均方压力达到最大值。

    The RMS of pressure in the cavity may be reached to its maximum when the fluid dynamic oscil-lation is coupling with standing wave resonance of the cavity .

  17. 固体FTIR光声光谱的共振增强

    Resonance enhancement of photoacoustic FTIR spectroscopy of solid samples

  18. 本文描述了一种新的声学整流效应现象,当Helmholtz共振腔内部声源以共振频率激振时,整流以一股湍流喷流形式发生。

    This paper describes a new phenomenon of acoustic streaming , which ta-kes place when a Helmholtz resonator is excited by an inside sound source with resonant frequency , and takes the form of a turbulent jet .

  19. 气相光声激光磁共振

    Photoacoustics laser magnetic resonance in gas phase

  20. 各向同性媒质中球体声散射的共振模式缺损

    On the absence of some resonance modes in acoustic scattering by spherical scatterers in isotropic elastic media

  21. 一种篦齿封严结构声固耦合共振分析的工程方法一种反向输料的密封结构设计

    An Engineering Analysis Method of Sound-Machine Coupling Resonance in a Labyrinth Gas Seal Device The Structure Design of a Reverse-feeding Seal Device

  22. 超声振动钻削中声振系统的共振是实现超声振动钻削的关键技术问题。

    The resonance of sonic wave vibration is the key technology in the ultrasonic vibration drilling .

  23. 数值结果初步表明:(1)随着裂纹深度的增加,结构声耦合系统的共振频率将下降;(2)裂纹附近的声场所受的影响更为明显。

    Numerical examples show that the resonance frequency is lower with the depth of the crack increase , and the effect on the acoustical field by the crack is particularly pronounced in vicinity of the crack tip .

  24. 声制冷机中均匀声共振管声场的研究

    The Research of Acoustic Wave In Equal-Section Resonance Pipe of a Thermoacoustic Refrigerator

  25. 静子件在6周波处声固耦合裕度为18.1%,低于准则标准,将发生声固耦合共振;

    The sound-machine coupling resonance margin of the stator in the labyrinth gas seal device is 18.1 % at six-circle wave mode that is under the rule requirement so that sound-machine coupling resonance occurs .

  26. 利用摄动方法,讨论了声涡相互耦合的感应性,从理论上论证了声激励存在声涡共振频率。

    By perturbation method , this paper proves that there is co vibration frequency of sound and turbulent in theory .