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  1. 因为达流士会阻止我?

    Because Darius stone is gonna stop me ?

  2. 今天,许多妇女选择离婚,因为她们认为作辛迪士会比留在僵死的婚姻里生活得更好。

    Today many women choose to get divorced because they think they will have a better life as a SINDI than by staying in a stale marriage .

  3. 在与公牛的激烈搏斗中,斗牛士常常会身受重伤。

    Many times , matadors can get seriously injured while fighting with the bull .

  4. 没有正确的方法,即使有视觉的博学之士也会像瞎子一样摸索。

    Without right methods , even a seeing erudite might feel his way as blind man does .

  5. 而且,无论周五早上宣布的公投结果如何,明智之士都会共同努力,确保这一结果能产生尽可能好的经济结果。

    And whatever outcome is declared on Friday morning , sensible people will work together to ensure that outcome produces the best possible economic result .

  6. 凡是想大批购买硝酸铵和燃料油的来路不明之士,都会立即令人生疑。

    Any stranger who wanted to buy a large amount of ANFO ( ammonium nitrate and fuel oil ) would immediately arouse suspicion .

  7. 起居室,客厅,苏士比的拍卖会。

    DAMON : Living room , parlor , Sotheby 's auction .

  8. 新南威尔士州的环境部长在一份声明中说,新南威尔士州会尽一切努力为后代保护考拉。

    In a statement , the New South Wales Environment Minister said his state would do everything it could to protect koalas for future generations .